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Miraculous Testimonies

We encourage your testimonies which encourage the brethren. Please email them to testimonies@ubm1.org and be sure to at least include your first name or initials. Please do your best to edit and format them like the ones already posted. We will review your testimony and be in contact with you, should we have any further questions. We reserve the right to correct spelling and grammar, as well as add notes for clarification and edification.

Healings Provision Deliverances
Changed Lives Other Signs
Confirmations of UBM

Acute Appendicitis - Tom & Donna Aitken

Alcoholism; Blood Pressure; Soul - Greg Dawson

Allergies and Arthritis - Kendall Remmick

Aneurysm - Mervin Troyer

Angina - Brian Nijman

Arm and Wrist - Kaile Hamilton

Arthritis - Robin C.

Arthritis and Morphine Dependence

Athlete's Foot - Bart Stickney

Back Pain - Chris Stewart

Back Pain - Kate

Back Pain - Keith McIlroy

Back Pain - Michael Silber

Barren Womb - Deanna Blakeman

Birth Defects - Betty Baxter

Bladder Birth Defect - John

Bladder Infection - Linda Moore

Bleeding Bowels and Hemorrhoids - Tony Masinelli

Brain Tumor; Staph Infection; Cracked Hip Bones - Vicky

Breast Cancer - Bernice's Friend

Breast Cancer - Keri

Broken Arm - Chris Boswell

Broken Back - Sean Lynch

Broken Arm - Daniel Blakeman

Broken Fingers - Anthony Laudermilk

Broken Hip and Dementia - Les Brown

Broken Tailbone - Thalia Dowling

Bump on Baby's Head - Michael & Michele Weber

Burned Fingers - Katherine DeVengencie

Cancer - Dean Winchell

Cancer - Debbie Horton

Cancer - Hal Smith

Cancer - Nancy Majors' Sister

Cancer - Robert

Cancerous Mole - Mark Meier

Cancerous Tumor - David Lazarus

Cat and Dog - Amber Bristol

Cats - Lori Tucker

Chest Pains and Panic Attacks - Suani Guzman

Collapsed Veins - Stephen Bellino's Dad

Colon and Glaucoma - Cornelius Bosch

Contact Dermatitis - Kaile Hamilton

Crohn's Disease - Lisette Renaud

Cyst - Darrell Strong

Diabetic's Foot Saved from Amputation - Bob Aicardi

Dislocated Shoulder - Leisa Miller

Doctor's Mistakes - Suani Guzman

Dog Bitten By Rattlesnake - Doris & Kaile Hamilton

Dog with Bloody Urine - Lori Tucker

Dog's Back and Teeth - Trevor Haining

Eczema - Michele Pivano

Elderly Parents Under Our Care - Linda Gray

Endometriosis - Holly Pascoe Eye Pain - Jack Sims

Eyes - Bethany Thrift

Eyes - Chris Garber

Eyes - David Whyte

Eyes - Kaile Hamilton

Eyes - Pamela Orr

Eyes - Scott Davis

Eyes - Sheryl Richardson

Faith Stops Bleeding - Michele Pivano

Family Dog Healed from Poison - Ken

Fetal Abnormalities - April Fields

Fever - Brad & Heather Bradley

From Death to Life

Gall Bladder Pain- David Mullinix

Growth, Jobs and Salmonella - Lesley Helfrich

Gums - Sara Carr

Hashimoto's Disease; Kidney Sickness; Boil; Toe - Belinda Anderson

Hayfever - Wendy Xia

Headaches - Donna Lane

Hearing Restored - Amos Scaggs

Heart - Bill Wagner

Heart Attack - Adele Frederick

Heart Attack - Paul & Lorrie Deeter

Heart Problems - Jennifer Bates

Heart Problems - Trevor Ridge

Healing From Severe Hemorrhaging After Childbirth - Debbie and Denny Fenske

Hemorrhoids - Chris Bland

Hernia - Doris Hamilton

Hip Pain - Jan Albayalde

Horse - Elizabeth Baty

Hypochondriac - Brandon Corsi

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - David Mullinix

Infected Tick Bite - Marlin & Gaynold Mozer

Inguinal Hernia - Jack Sims

Jesus Heals the Mute

Kidney Infection - Brad Moyers

Leg Cramps - Mooey Stewart

Liver; Gallbladder; Kidneys; Pancreas; Lymph Nodes - Linda Mast

Lost Brains, Crushed Spine, Epilepsy & Tourette's - Mike Doty

Lump Disappeared - Jason Burton

Lung Cancer - Linda Lombardi

Many Things - Tony Donaldson

Migraines - Brad Bradley

Migraines - Rebecca Vogel

Migraines - Suani Guzman

Miracle Baby Girl - Bob Aicardi

Multiple Healings - Bob Aicardi

Multiple Healings - Bryan Maneafaiga

Multiple Healings - Carol Harshman

Multiple Healings - Diana McIlroy

Multiple Healings - Eve Brast

Multiple Healings - Jenni Bishop

Multiple Healings (Jimmy) - Garrett Crawford

Multiple Healings - Marlin & Gaynold Mozer

Multiple Healings - Michael Rumbaugh

Multiple Healings - Ronald Staker

Multiple Healings - Susan Wilson

Multiple Sclerosis - Gertrude Ticer

Multiple Sclerosis - Polly

Multiple Sclerosis - Sue Schoney

Nasal Infection - Brent Gearhart

Nerve Damage - Jane & Paul

Our Fat Cat - Michael & Michele Weber

Our Baby Girl Brought Back To Life

Overactive Bladder - Missy Pollock

Pain - Winnie Wood

Paralysis - Winnie Wood

Pet Fish - John Farmer

Pink Eye - Gideon

Poison - Cornelius Bosch

Poison Ivy - Pat McKnight

Poor Blood Circulation - Aaron Tweedy

Poor Memory and Concentration - Charlie Barfield

Rash, Cough, Arm Pain - Michael Robertson

Restless Legs and Fibromyalgia - Michael & Rachele Rumbaugh

Saved from Abortion - Daniel Blakeman

Sciatic Nerve Damage - Paul Langan

Seizures (Dog) - Barry & Marilyn Klinke

Shoulder - Belinda Anderson

Sick Cat - Michael & Michele Weber

Sinus and Ear Problems - Cherri

Snake Bite - Patti Rowe

Son Hit By Car - Tony Masinelli

Spanked But Kept - Dave Keller

Spiritual Eyes, Diverticulitis and Abscess - Chris G.

Stomach Ache and Three Infections - Suani Guzman

Strep Throats and Childbirth - Jenn Reams

Stroke - Bob Aicardi

Stroke - Julie Teig

Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation - Linda, Stan, Claudia & Phillip

Swollen Glands - Jason Burton

Throat and Ear Pain - Tiffany Brown

Tooth - Brent Gearhart

Toothaches and Colds - Ray Capps

Tooth Enamel - Eve Brast

Urinary Tract & Kidney - Lori Tucker

Urinary Tract Infection - Phillip Patton

Virus - Ed from NC

Wart and Dog - Geneva Payne

Warts - Jack & Jane Sims

[ Back to Top ]

Allergies - Marlene

Alzheimer's & Dementia - Mal & Angela Westerlund

Bitterness & More - Shelly Lynch

Chronic Fatigue and the Occult - Christine

Coffee Addiction - Garrett Crawford

Condemnation - Brent Gearhart

Condemnation - Peter

Constant Pursuit of "The Truth" - Brad Moyers

Credit Card Debt - Tim and LaDona

Debt and the Law - Chris & Dawn Sodini

Deliverance is Better Than Arguing - Winnie Osegueda

Deliverance From Rejection - Matthew Stewart

Demons - Michael Duncan

Demons - William Fries

Drug Addiction - Garrett Crawford

Elderly Father Delivered of Demons - Pat L. DeRenzo

Epilepsy - Guatemala Girl

Escaped Tornado By Grace - John R. Taylor

Evil Contact Objects - Paul Nowlen

False Revival Spirits and Religion - Richard Chandler

Familiar Spirit - Christopher Cox

Fear - John R. Taylor

Following Another Jesus - Garrett Crawford

Gossip and Slander by Confession - Charlie Janzen

Kundalini Spirit - Sheryl Richardson

Mental Disorder - Terry

Mice Infestation - Donna Lane

My Cross For His Glory - Hannahniah Marie

New World Order Addiction - Keith Boyd

Occult - Stanley Davis

Possessed and Healed - Christine

Rejection - Lorena Wagner

Repentance Delivers from Pride - Riaan and Claire Pienaar

Researching Evil - A Sister in Christ

Scoliosis - David Mullinix

Smoking - Denise Wiley

Tobacco and Smoking - Rachele Rumbaugh

[ Back to Top ]

Changed Lives
23 Minutes in Hell - Bill Wiese

40-Day Trial - Malcolm Westerlund

A Jew's Journey - Anonymous

A Mom's Trials of Faith - Christina Stewart

Ask God About Your Baby - Adriana Palmerone

A Word About Human Dignity - Robin Schenck

Abused, Depressed & Addicted - Tom Livermore mp3
   (Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

Appreciating the Savior - Jenn Reams

Authority Over Demonic Hindrance - Lori Tucker

Back on the Narrow Path - Michael Caldwell

Back to God - Micah Bryant

Boy's Salvation Begins Revival

Buddhist Priest Resurrected, Preaching Jesus - Paul

Amber Guyger’s murder Trial

Coming Judgment on the Lukewarm - Sandy

Computer System Raised from Dead - Don & Annie Cassity

Confession and Faith for Trials - Suani Guzman

Confusion and Frustration Beaten - Jenn Reams

Convinced of Miracles - Terry Stanard

Dealing With Children and Profanity - Jenn Reams

Deep Unto Deep - Teresa

Deliverance from Bug & Self-Will - Kaile Hamilton

Deliverance from Unforgiveness - Andrea Litt

Dream Converts Muslim to Jesus

Encourage Spiritual Victory - Michael

Escaping False Religious Spirits - Belinda Anderson

Exciting Life of Faith - Almeida family

Faith - Andrea Litt

Faith-Building Tool - Michael

Father Is Changing Hearts - Warren Edwards

Father's Truth - Debra

Filled with the Spirit - Chris Bland

Finding Truth & True Marriage - Sue Kennedy

Food, Controlled of the Spirit

Freedom from Unforgiveness - Taleeba Thomas

Freedom of Forgiveness - Anonymous

Getting Married & Blessed - Brent Gearhart

God Can Get Your Attention - Michael Duncan

God Doesn't Need Our Help - Terri McGinley

God Forgives from the Heart - Brett

God Led Me Out of Babylon and Into Wilderness - Michele Pivano

He Is Our Passover - Debra

Hold Him Under - Leisa Miller

Home Schooling

I Am Changed and I Want to Help - Eren Silva

I Am on My Cross - Alissa

I Died and Came Back to a New Life - Thalia Dowling

I See the Truth - Tammy

I Want to Be Baptized - Merrily

In Hell for Unforgiveness - Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu

In This Place Called Time - Lois

Infirmities Conquered By the Word

Katy’s Wonderful Testimony with the Lord

Jesus' Angels Released Kidnapped Marco!

Jesus Is Our Physician - Dori

Jesus Saved Me - Rod McCarthy

Katie Vogel-Husband Delivered from Addiction

Koran Reveals Jesus and the Bible

Listen, Obey, Trust - The Testimony of Trinity Pond - April Fields

Long Road Home - Arthur Vernon

Many Salvations Using Sovereign God Books - James Cardin

Marriage Lost and Found - William & Jamie Leek

Ministry of Reconciliation - Eric DeJesus

More Than Dreams: Miraculous Muslim Conversions

Muslim Hezbollah Soldier Meets Jesus

Muslim Man Rose from the Dead - Victor Khalil

Muslim Woman Saw Jesus

My Healer and Provider - Bryan Maneafaiga

My Salvation and Deliverance from Satanic Music - James Austin

My School System Testimony - Cheri

My Sojourn Through Babylon - Marc Stinebaugh

My Testimony to God & UBM - Pamela Orr

Now Jesus Lives in Me - Justin Jordan

Pastor and Church Departing Babylon - Eric Bogan

Peace Restored By Grace - Annie Cassity

Persecution Testimony of Vanya, a Russian Soldier

Pray for Your Children - Lori Tucker

Provision After Crucifixion, Confession and Sacrifice - Chris Bland

Rabbi’s Meet the Messiah

Rejection Conquered

Resisting Not Evil - Valerie Gleaton

Returning to God - Nathan Finney

Revelation Changes Life and Fellowship - Darren

Saved from Satanism - Christopher T.

Saved from Undiscerned Unforgiveness - Malcolm

Self-Inflicted Spanking - Jason Maxfield

Self-Righteousness - Neil Daws

Share Your Faith - Bryan Hinton

She Died of Endocarditis and God Showed Her the Fate of 2023

Sin Fell Off Me - Michael Gracy

Son of Sam Reads Sovereign God - David Berkowitz

Stepping Out in Faith - Richard Chandler

Such a Thirst - Paul

Suicidal Muslim Woman Challenges Jesus

Surpass All Understanding - Don

Testimony and Marriage Restoration - Don & Debbie Wolterstorff


The Fear of The Lord - Anonymous

The Word, Women and Authority - Cheri

The Word Saves and Delivers a Friend

Three Doses of Faith - Anonymous

Thrilled with Truth - Jake

Thurman Scrivner mp3 (The Living Savior Ministries)
   (Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

Trial of Her Faith - Darlene Harnly

UBM Family Growing in South Africa - Hendrik Bezuidenhout

Understanding the End Times - Madaline

Walmart Respects Jesus' Work Ethics - Reuel Stewart

Warning! I Saw the Judgment - Forgive

We Aren't the Only Ones - Dan Meoak

[ Back to Top ]

A New Phone & a Stolen Car Returned - Becky Hayes

Answer to Enduring Prayers of Faith - Deborah Horton

Ants Gone in Jesus' Name - Henry & Christelle Jansen

Batteries Recharged - Debra Litt

Battery Restored - Phillip Patton

Can't Afford NOT to Give - A Sister in Christ

Car - David Mullinix

Cassette Converter Restored - Steven & Elaine Logan

Cell Phone Restored - David & Rachel Mullinix

Cell Phone Restored - Fred Waskosky

Child Support from God - Donna Lane

Circuit Breaker Healed - Jack & Jane Sims

Clothes Dryer Testimony - Chris Stewart

Deliverance from Debt - Stan Patton

Delivered from Debt - Riann

Don't Worry ... the Lord Will Supply - David Nelson

Faith Provides Wonderfully - Barry Foster

Faith Without Works Is Dead - Jon Higareda

Faith Works in Economic Hardship - Cornelius Bosch

Father Gave Us Heat for Winter - Gloria Benson

Father Kept the Ice Cream Cold - Jenn Reams

Father Stretched the Ink - Rachel Johnson

Fear Accomplishes Nothing - Jared Smith

For Miracles, Confess God Before Men - Deb Horton

Gasoline Miracle - Lucy Parker

Gasoline Miracles Are Here - Leisa Miller

Get Filled with the Holy Spirit

Give and It Will Be Given - Gideon Smith

God Fixed My Modem - Clas Kock

God Fixes Air Conditioners - David Eells

God Fixes Things and Children - Scott & Rachel Touzet

God Healed My Van - Gideon Smith

God Is Sovereign Over Tornadoes - Mary & Matt Dooley

God is Sovereign to Meet Our Needs

God Multiplied My Gas - Aaron Lim

God Multiplied Our Gasoline - Kristen Maxfield

God Multiplies My Diesel - Sheila Skaggs

God Paid Off Our House - Jennifer Bates

God Provided on Time - Garrett Crawford

God Provides Washing Machines - Marlene Kier

God Restored Our Water & Tank - Kaile & Doris Hamilton

God Supplied and Fixed Everything - Doris Zambrano

God Turned Our Baby - Jason Burton

God Understood My Needs - Michael Doty

God's Mercy Delivers from Debt - Sherie McClendon

God's Sovereign Protection - Suani Guzman

Here I Am; Use Me - Anonymous

Icemaker Repaired - Jenn Reams

"I'm Ready to Die As a Christian" - Boko Haram Survivor

Job Provided - Gideon Smith

Leaky Roof and Alternator - Tom Aitken

Led to the Spirit of Truth - Cherie Sheridan

Lord, Send an Angel - Lori Tucker

Lost? Father Knows Where It Is - Michael Palija

Lovely Love Seat for Free - Melanie Francis

Milk Restored - Michael & Michele Weber

Miraculous Ham - Pastor Bean

Multiplied Propane Fuel - Sean Lynch

My Refuge from the Storm - Lisette Renaud

Our Manna from Heaven - Wayne Wilson

Our Tire Angels - Kaile & Doris Hamilton

Overcoming the Logos / Rhema Error to Receive - Darrell Strong

Persecution and Provision - Werner Janzen

Prayer and Patience Produce Provision

Prayer Worked in Me to Will and Work - Gloria Benson

Praying to See Results - Clas & Marina Kock

Prayer to Clothe Me with His Garments

Protection -Chris Chandler

Power and Answer to Prayer When in Need

Radiator Miracle - Eve Brast

Removing Chemtrails - Neil Daws

Repaired Car Heater - Don and Merlene Laughlin

Restored Marriage - Richard Chandler

Resurrected Iron - David Mullinix

Roof Restoration and Protection from Hail - Kaile Hamilton

Saved Against His Will - Suani Guzman

Saved By the Voice of God - Gideon Smith

"Start, in the Name of Jesus" - Mark Bevan

Snow for a Child - Mary Keller

Stubborn Faith Will Put Gas in Your Tank - Matt Weller

Supernatural Rain - Deborah Horton

Thanking God and Being Blessed - Keith McIlroy

Thanks for the Gas, Lord! - Patricia Corrales

The Lord Made the Rain Stop for Me - Gideon

The Lord, My Protector - Belinda Anderson

The Lord Our Provider - Greg & Anne Kohls

The Lord Provided Years Ahead - Jenni Bishop

The Lord Sent Our Dog Home - Sara Carr

The Lord Sold Our Car - Michele Weber

Trusting God for Finances - Anna Higareda

Unwavering Faith Fixes Printers - Dr. Mary Dooley

Vacuum Cleaner Fixed by the Lord - Michael Verde

Washing in the Jordan Seven Times - Lorena Wagner

Water Leak Fixed By the Lord - Michael Hare

Wilderness Blanket - Suani Guzman

Your debt has been paid!

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Other Signs
18-Month Pregnancy Trial - Leisa Miller

40 Miles on a Blown Transmission - Mark Meier

7-Year-Old's Faith for Fish and Headaches - Rebecca Vogel

A Powerful River - Michael

Ask of The Lord and You Will Receive - Greg Maranto

Baby Grace - Michael & Michele Weber

Birth Trial & Revelation - Claire & Riaan Pienaar

Blender Repaired - Michael

Blessing the Water - Michele Pivano

Bob Aicardi's Going Home

Bumping into a Sign - Peter K.

Car Accident - Nathan

Car Overheating Fixed - Brad & Amy Moyers

Angels Pushed the Darkness Out - Charlie Smith

Christians in Village Saved from Tsunami - Bill Hekman

Cornelius Bosch, UBM Elder in South Africa, Is Now Home

Divine Appointments - Kaile Hamilton

Earwig Plague - Michael & Michele Weber

Faith for Babies to Sleep - Ryan Clement

Faith for Custody Problems - Pamela Orr

Fasting Testimony - Gordon Borneman

Father Spared Our House from Fire

Father Confirms Spiritually and Physically Job Status - Isaac Payne

Garbage Disposal Repaired - Gabe Watson

God Fixes Equipment - Timothy Mahurin

God Fixes Equipment - Timothy Mahurin

God Knows Your Number

Growing in Child Birth Experience - Selah & Philip Sapp

Hard Drive Resurrected - Lori Tucker

Healed Hard Drive - Bob Aicardi

Help with the Yard Work - Don Kasper

Home Protected from Wildfire - Michele Porzio

House Saved By the Spoken Word - Clas Kock

I Don't Accept Roaches - Pati Berch

iPhone Restored - Lisa Dyal

Jesus Bore the Pain of Child Birth - Jenni Bishop

Jesus Resurrected Jimmy - Garrett Crawford

Kept Close to Home - Lori Sapp

Living a Parable - Sean Starr

Love Never Fails - Marty Kaeding

Miracle of Preservation - Michael

Man went to Hell; came back. - Michael

Mom Saw Jesus and Asked a Favor - Amy Methvin

Mother Delivers Child Naturally After Two C-Sections - The Austins

My Present from God - Deanna Blakeman

Natural Child Birth - Darren Gallant

New Washing Machine Repaired - Carol Harshman

No Bug Spray in the Wilderness - Michele Pivano

On-Time Baby - Jason & Kristi Burton

Orphans Saved - Sanders

Our Best Customers Ever - Marilyn Callaly

Our God Changes Weather - David Eells

Our Heart's Desires - Doris Zambrano

Our Washing Machine Testimony - Nara family

Resurrection - David

Revival Signs - Joe Boes

Rice Cooker Repaired - Kendall Remmick

Shielded from Bee Stings - Charlie Smith

Shielded from Gnats - Vicky

Sovereign God Helps Edit Sovereign God Book - Brad Moyers

Specific Prayer for the Snowbound - Doris

Spiders into Rocks! - Doris Zambrano

"Storm, You Be Still" - Doris Hamilton

Super-Natural Car Mishap - Sandy Shaw

Steadfastness: Will You be My Lighthouse? - Eve Brast

Supernatural Preservation & Multiplication of UBM Materials Samuel & Tianna 

Supernatural Protection - Ted Groce

Supernatural Warnings to Prepare for the Bride

The Lord Calms the Storms - Rebecca Vogel

The Lord Is Careful for Small Things - Jacob Koester

The Lord Is My Electrician - Michael Hare

The Lord's Work at My Work - Daniel Blakeman

Time Is in His Hands - Rosemary Gonzalez

Trusting God for Tires - Ken Faivor

UBM Books and DVD Sets Multiplied - Sandy Shaw

Under the Shelter of His Wings - Doris & Kaile Hamilton

Water-Logged iPod - Suani Guzman

Webcam Restored - Lori Tucker

What to Do About Ebola

When God Rewound Time - Chris Reddersen

Work in the Name of Jesus - Lakeisha Davis

Supernatural Preservation & Multiplication of UBM Materials-Samuel and Tiannah 

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