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Tony Masinelli - 03/10/2010 On Monday of this week, March 8, 2010, I was getting ready to go to work and getting my younger son dressed to go to his daycare. My older son, Jordan who is nine years old, had already left for school, as this day he was walking to school because it was supposed to rain and it was easier to walk in the rain with an umbrella than to ride his bike. It was about 7:50 am when my wife received a call on her cell phone. It was a fireman and as soon as she heard it was a fireman, she asked, "Is he hit?" Speaking of my older son, Jordan, being hit by a car. She ran out the door, yelling to me that Jordan had been hit by a car. I was in my back room with my younger son, who is four, getting him dressed when I heard my wife saying these things. I ran outside to see if it was in front of the house, but when my wife kept on running, I walked back in the house and got on my knees with my younger son and we prayed the prayer of faith that Jordan would be fine and that the Lord would heal him, as the Word says. The Lord has given many healings to our family over the last two years, since coming to an understanding of the Word, and I had a perfect peace (from the Lord) that He would do the same thing this time. I had no knowledge, at that time, of the condition of Jordan -- only that he had been struck by a car while walking to school. My wife called me and I could not understand what she was saying, as she was very excited about the situation. She handed the phone to the fireman and he told me that Jordan had been hit by a car and was knocked out. I told him that Jordan would be fine and thanked him for letting me know. They called for care flight (helicopter) to come pick him up and take him to Children's Medical Center in Dallas. My wife called me later to confirm that was where they were taking him. Once I heard that was where they were taking him, I got my son ready and logged into my work to let everyone know that I would not be in. I sent an email to my boss and told her that Jordan had been hit by a car and that I would be out today. I then left to take my younger son to his daycare. The following scripture was coming to me at that time: (Isa.28:16) therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone of sure foundation: he that believeth shall not be in haste. The Lord has been working on my heart for some time to be patient in all situations, as that is not my normal response in situations and my old nature was to be very impulsive. I drove the speed limit, as the Lord has also convicted me in that area too, to my younger son's daycare, and then proceeded to drive to my office. When I arrived at my office, my co-workers came in once they noticed I was in my office and asked, "Tony, what are you doing here?" These are people with whom I would share words of faith and how the Lord had worked His Word into my heart, and some of the testimonies I had I shared with these same people. They could not understand why it was that I was in the office when my son had just been hit by a car. I told them that the Lord Jesus had already healed him and I was going to go to the hospital to support my wife and be with my son, but I needed to wrap up a couple of things in the office first. One person after another would come by my office and I could see a couple of them were getting upset with me, as I was sharing the above verse in Isaiah 28 with them. I mentioned to them that I had prayed in agreement with Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22 and I knew that the Lord would heal my son and had already healed my son. The Lord had given me an amazing peace that was free from any fear or anxiety! I then logged into my email and my boss had already sent an email to the branch telling them what had happened. She then came by my department and my co-workers told her I was in my office. She asked, "What are you doing here?" I began to tell her of my prayer and she cut me off, as I knew that she was not interested in hearing what I was going to share, so I told her that I was leaving for the hospital in a few minutes. As I was looking at some emails, I saw the CEO of the company had emailed everyone in the company, telling them that my son had been hit by a car and that he was praying God would steady the hand of the doctors, etc. I took this as an opportunity to share a few words of faith, from the scriptures, with my entire company. In the past, the company has been very politically correct about not allowing anything "religious" sent to the company employees without their consent. Praise the Lord that He allowed this opportunity. I found out later that I did not get a single response to that email, as I had expected to get a few tongue lashings about why I sent "religious" emails, etc. By this time, my wife was texting my cell phone asking where I was. I left for the hospital. By the time I got to the hospital, my wife, mom and two of my wife's friends were already there. I talked with my mom for a few minutes about why this had happened and that it was to glorify the Lord and that nothing happens by accident. I told my son, when I got to his bedside, that the Lord was already using this event to be a witness to many people at my office. He was then moved to another room in the hospital. I had emailed the local UBM brethren to tell them what had happened. My phone rang, about an hour or so later, and it was brother David from Florida calling. He asked how everything was going with my son and I told him that he was healed. David said he was in agreement with that and prayed for the healing of my son. The Lord had really solidified it in my mind that Jordan was healed and I had never doubted my original prayer on my knees that morning! Over the next day or so, he remained in the hospital and had three CT scans. Each were to determine if the bleeding in his skull had stopped. They also saw that he had two skull fractures, but nothing was done to him during his stay, with the exception of these tests. The medical staff gave all the "what ifs" but I would not hear them. I just cast them down, as the Word teaches. They tried to give him some medicine for his nausea but he would just throw that up. They asked him if his head hurt and he would tell them yes, but he would refuse the Tylenol. The Lord (as mentioned above) has healed my son of many ailments. I did not coerce him to not take the medicine. He eventually took the Tylenol but then vomited that back up, as well. Seems the Lord did not want to share His glory with the medicine! Praise the Lord! Also, Jordan was not holding down any food, so I laid my hands on him in the sight of my wife and mom and commanded the cheerios he was going to eat to stay down in the name of Jesus and he did not throw it up. Jordan held down a full meal of pizza, etc, and was released on the morning of the third day of his hospital stay. As I was walking his things down to the car, it began to rain here in Dallas. As I was talking to my wife about the fact that he was being raised up on the morning of the third day, she mentioned that it was about to rain and I remembered the scriptures that say in Hosea 6:2-3, that the Lord would come unto us on the morning of the third day, as the latter rain! Praise the Lord that He was fulfilling a parable in my son's life of the latter rain anointing, as well!