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UBM Radio
UBM Radio is the Internet radio station for Unleavened Bread Ministries.
To listen to the two most recent Unleavened Bread Bible Studies by
telephone any time or to our 24/7 stream, dial 712-770-9464. For more on-demand programs, visit our Audio & Video Archives page.
NOTE: All music played on UBM Radio has been freely donated to us by the respective artists; they have given us
explicit permission to use their music, regardless of any copyright, in both live productions as well as archived
works (mp3 downloads, Podcasts, videos, etc.). For further inquiries, please contact webmaster@ubm1.org.
In order to use the desired player, it must be
associated with the proper
extension: Windows Media Player = .asx; Winamp = .pls; Real Player =
.ram; QuickTime = .qtl
Attention Radio & TV Broadcasters: Freely rebroadcast our audios by downloading our
one-hour studies. Freely rebroadcast our videos
by contacting our TV coordinator for
programs at discs@ubm1.org.
Our goal is to cover all of North and Central America through Free-to-Air satellite radio and
Our goal is to cover all of Europe, the Middle East, western Asia, northern Africa and more
Free-to-Air satellite radio and television.