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Prophecies, Dreams & Visions: For today? Date setting and delays? How to judge the false.

This article reveals why some revelations on this page were delayed.

God Corrects Those Who Say, "Every Vision Faileth"

America Gulf Oil Disaster Nuclear
Church Heavenlies Terrorism
Economy Man-child / Bride / Witnesses Updated Tribulation and Day of the Lord
Famines & Plagues Natural Disasters Wars & Rumors of War

Check out our Site Updates for the latest additions and/or signup for our Newsletter which is sent out weekly with all the updates.

3 Comets The Beginning of Pain Virginia Boldea

A Telling Dream

America and Russia Shake?

America Is Being Conquered By Communism

America, a Nation of Refugees

America Numbered and Divided

American’s Want a Wall

Assorted Dreams, Visions and Prophecies of the End

Beast Coup

Catastrophic Events

Dragon Battles the Western Leadership

Dumitru Duduman's Dreams & Visions

Civil War In The US

Economic and Political Fall of the U.S. to the Beast

Escaping Judgment By Abiding in Christ

Escaping Martial Law and God's Tsunamis - 08/17/16

Everything that Can Be Shaken

Flee America or Not?

George Washington's Vision of America

Hidden Bombs; Avian Flu; Translations

Impending Judgment on America

Lessons from the Titanic

Trump Empowered by the Remnant

Michael Boldea's Dreams & Visions

Mount St. Helens; North Korea; & the Chip

Mourning the Fall of Babylon?

Pray: Invaders Are Burning America - 11/27/16

Prayer, Fasting, Repentance Will Bring Real Change - ↑ 11/23/16

Repent! The Executioner Is Coming!

Right Wing Defeated by the Beast

Statue of Liberty Falls to Its Knees

Statue of Liberty's Nakedness Exposed

Terrorism, Spiritual Invasion and Apostasy

The Bad and Good News for America

The Coming Coup d'etat

The Eagle and the Serpents

The Killing of the Bull

Tremble, Ye Women That Are at Ease

Vision to Evangelist A.A. Allen in the 1950s

Visions of Coming Calamities

War and Invasion in America

Warning Prophecy for U.S. & Canada

[ Back To Top ]

30-, 60- & 100-Fold Paths - ↑ 07/27/16

Abide In The Word Leave Not The Path

A Change in "Christian" Academia - 11/30/16

A week of fasting

A Falling Away Is Prophesied

A Fake Christianity

A New War Is Coming

A Sure Foundation

Advance or Lose Ground

Antichrist School System

Apostate Jerusalem Escapes into the Wilderness - 09/11/16

Apostate Leaders Fleecing the Sheep

Apostates Neglect Their Spiritual Man

Apostates Resurrected from Death

Apostates Will Bear Fruit

Appease the World, Deny the Lord

Are You a Yielded Vessel?

Babylon's Mega Church Destroyed

Barabbas Rebellion in the Harlot Restrained

Bearing Our Cross Will Save Souls

Be an Image of Jesus

Beast Conquers Lukewarm Christians

Beast Empowers Harlot to Persecute Saints

Believe You Received and Rest

Billions Swallowed By Death

"Bind Them in Bundles to Burn Them" - 10/12/16

Birthing a Multitude Out of Egypt

Breaking Story

Bridal Wedding Garment

Bride Rewarded; Factious and Apostates Judged

Building the "Resting" Church

Bundle of Serpents Attacks

Burn the Wood, Hay and Stubble

Catastrophe Delayed Momentarily

Change Through Politics or the Gospel?

Chasing the Real Jesus

Christ Coming in You

Christian Maturity

"Christian" Snipers

Church Built on Sand

Church Graveyard DreamV

Church Oblivious to Judgment at Hand

Cleansing Invaders from the House

Confess Your Sins One to Another

Could You Be Led Astray?

Curse on Unforgiveness - 07/19/17

Cut Off the Mind of the Flesh

Cutting Off the Flesh

Dark Preachers Teach Lies

David Wilkerson's Vision of Satan's Slander War - ↑ 10/19/16

Death Separates the Fleshly From the Spiritual

Deceived By a False Jesus

Deceived By Sin or False Spirits

Defending Yourself with the Word

Delivering the Devoured Sheep

Demons Living Through Apostates

Don’t Miss the Call

Denominations Dream

Devastation of Charismatic Christianity

Dirty Bomb Attack on UBM - 04/03/16

Discerning Shepherds and Apostles

Discernment Delivers from False Prophets

Discipline of the Unruly

Distributing the Unleavened Bread

DNA: Good and Evil Seed

Do You Want to Be in the Bride?

Do Not Be Late to Pray for the Church's Escape

Don't Buy the Cheap Fake

Dwelling on the Earth or in the Heavens?

Earth Vomiting Blood

Eat with the Mature and Bear Fruit

Enough Is Enough

Entertainment of the Apostate

Escaping False Religious Spirits

Escaping the Harlot and the Beast

Factious Swamp Creatures From Below

Faith Conquers the Curses of the Old Man

Faith Escapes a Sinking Ship

Faith in Prayer Creates Our Future

Faith That Resurrects

Faithful Builders and the Falling Away

Falling Away and Deception

Falling Away from UBM

False Grace Won't Save from the Curse

False Prophet & Son of Perdition

False Prophets Promote the Beast

False Prophets Revealed

False Signs, Wonders, Miracles & Christians

Father Has the Dogs on a Leash

Feed on the Word, Christ in You

Fighting the Old Man to a Draw?

Fiery Trials Bring Great Revival

Fleecing the Sheep

Follow the Narrow Path to Safety

Forgiveness Sets the Captives Free

Four-Year-Old's Dreams of the Last War

Fruit Inspection

Gates of Hell to Open Soon

Gifts and Anointings Given to the Repentant - 02/19/17

Glory of a Child

Guarding the House From Our Enemies

God's Army Is Dressed for Success

God's Bug Detector

God's New Creation

God Will Cut Off the Playpen Crowd - 03/07/16

God’s Will is Done

Going Straight in a Muddy World - 06/05/16

Goshen, the Separated in Egypt

Gospel Beats the Old Man

Grace for Ignorance, Not Willful Disobedience - 01/15/17

Grants To Overcomers - 06/04/19

Greedy Leaders Never Have Enough

Guilty of the Blood of the Saints

Harvest Awaits While Laborers Play

Harvest, Tribulation, and Failure

Harvest of Baby Christians

Hidden Manna: Urgent Call to the Apostate Church

Hidden Tares are Being Revealed - 06/25/17

How To Build Our House

House of Idle = Idol

I Met Satan :o)

In Every Way ... Christ Is Proclaimed

Inflation and the War on the Saints

In Weakness We Win

Immunity From “All Our Diseases”

Jerusalem & Temple Destroyed & Born Again

Jesus Appeared to My Four-Year-Old

Jesus Defends Us From Accusers

Jesus is About to Inspect Us - 07/30/17

Jesus Is Calling His Sheep Out Again

Jesus Is Coming in Flesh Again

Jesus Is For Us, and In Us

Jesus IS in the Mirror

Learn to Listen, Save Your Life

The "Old Serpent” Drags Apostates to Hell

Jesus Rebukes Worldly, Patriotic Idolatry

Jezebel Churches

Jezebel Invasion from the East

Jezebel Will Die by the Curse

Jezebel's Divorce

John / Elijah Comes to Restore

John the Baptist Ministries

Judgment Has Come

Judgment of the Church

Judgment on Apostate Ministries

Rewards and Judgments

Justified By Faith

Kill the Old Man or Be Killed

Latter Rain Delivers Many from the Harlot

Liquidate Luxuries

Love and Protection in the Truth

Love the Seed of God or Lose It

Many Dying in Shallow Water Christianity

Many Have Left Their First Love

Mark W. Dream

Mark's Dreams

Meats or Empty Sweets?

Mega-Churches & Strong Delusion

My Coming New Life with God

Man Child President Coming

Narrow Road of Discipleship

Nature of the World Beast

Not My Father's House

Old Denominations Fall Away

Old Man Vs. the New Spiritual Man

One Large Covering

One Underground Church

Original Word Restores Original Church

Our Brother's Keeper

Out of Babylon and into Refuge

Our Limitless Authority in Christ - 02/01/17

Overcoming the Seducing Harlot

Patriotic News Junkie Spirit Kills

Persecution from the False Prophet

Persecution of the True Church

Persecuted to Sanctified

Planned War on God's People - ↑ 08/23/17

Plowing and Planting Faith

Plundering Egypt

Prepare for the Marriage Feast and Judgment

Preserved from the Beast

Promise of Return to New Leadership

Prophecies to Denominations

Purim Cleansing

Quakes Bring Revival

Quarantined Sin - 6/01/16

Rebellion in Church and State Will Fail

Rejection Lied; Father Loves Me

Repent to Be Heard and Escape - 12/21/16

Reprobation of Esaus / Tribulation Covenant

Return of the Elect Apostates

Rescuing the Sheep

Resistance to the Spirit of Truth

Restoring the Apostate Church - 10/23/16

Restoring the Spiritually Sick and Broken - 05/21/17

Revival After 2000 and the Towers' Fall

Revival Comes for All Who Repent - 02/04/16

Rivers of Living Waters - ↑ 12/25/16

Running the Race with Patience

Satan Plunders the World, We Plunder Him

Satanism, Sacrificing Children, Perversion and Parallel

Salvation is Not by Self Works

Seeing Others Through Faith

Self-Defense or God-Defense? - 02/08/17

Selling the New World Religion to Christians

Salvation of the Chosen

Send the Warrior Angels

Set Free By the Real Jesus

Shaking Out the Sinners

Sign of Authority

Simple Lives & Ministries Bear the Best Fruit

Solemn Prophetic Warning

So, You Wanna Go to Bible College?

Son-ship or Persecutor?

Starving Under the Modern Pharisees?

Suffer Not Jezebel

Taking the King's City Back

Tell My People I Love Them

The Battle to Take the Land

The Beast’s Great Deception

The Chosen Leave the Universal Church

They Curse Themselves

The Dragon Rules the Harlot Church

The Enemy Is Coming Like a Flood

The Faith Path In Action

The Five Angels of the Continents

The Foundation Is Death of the Old Man

The Great House Restored

The Greatest Revival

The Harlot's Final Moments

The Heavenly Narrow Road to Freedom

The Harlot's Fire Is Coming

The Only Safe Place

The Overcoming Path

Overcoming Through the Fiery Trials

The Righteous Remain in the Land

The Shaking, Water & Revival

The Warnings Have Ended

The Way of Deliverance - 08/27/17

The Whole Counsel of God or Death

They Speak Against Signs

Too Late for the Marriage Feast

Torment to Those Who Fight Back

Trapped By the Beast

Trials of Faith Prepare Us For Battle

Tribulations: Tests of Obedience

True and False Leadership Seen

Tsunami Coming to Flood the Land

Two Churches, Two Choices

Unity Coming to the True Body

U.S. Protection Removed / Revival

Victory Assured for God's Army

Vision of Two Rivers

Vision: Religions Serve Religious Spirits

Wait for the Director

Walk in Heavenly Places

Walk in Heavenly Places by Faith

Walk in the Infamous Place of Holiness

War to Put Off the Old Man and Beast

Warning the Sons of Eli Today

We Need To Check Ourselves

We Reap What We Sow, Unless…

What's Hidden in the Barn of Our Life?

When the World Hates You

Why BUY Strong Delusion?

Why Die Walking After the Flesh?

Why We Should Suffer Joyfully - 06/19/16

Wilderness Path and the Falling Away

Will the Next Judgment on the U.S. Be Delayed?

Will You Enter the Narrow Gate?

You Can Witness: Jesus Lives in You

Your Faith Must Be Proven

Your House Is Left ... Desolate

Your Jesus Is Not Our Jesus - 02/23/17

[ Back To Top ]

Banking Crash

Bartering Returns

Believe God for Provision

Bernanke / Paulson Crash Unavoidable

Chinese Leave and Economy Collapses

Crash Coming -- Get Some Small Bills

Crash of Internet, Economy or Worse

Crude Economic Tsunami

Cyber-Attack Brings Down Internet and Grid?

David Wilkerson's Economic Vision

Devaluation of the Dollar

Devaluation of the Dollar and Hyperinflation

Economic and Political Fall of the U.S. to the Beast

Economic Collapse

Economic Crash with Famine Coming

Economic Depression a Trial

EU to US Economic Collapse

Faith to Endure Economic Collapse - 06/12/16

Financial Crash, Anarchy, Martial Law

God Will Take the Economy

God’s Redistribution of Wealth For the Kingdom

Gold and Silver Woes?

Hurricanes, Bombs and the Economy

Inflation and the War on the Saints

Judgment Begins at God's House

Largest Crash in U.S. History

Martial Law; No Economy, Health Care or Schools

New Madrid and Financial Quakes

Our Economic Ceiling Is Crumbling

Resurge and Crash Again

Revelation of Theft Sinks World Economy

Shortage of Food in Stores

Shortages of Gas and Food

Should You Invest Now?

Spring Revival, Economic Collapse, Earthquakes

Stock Drop Catastrophe?

The Boat Is Sinking Fast

The Bull's Final Crash

The Crash of the U.S. Stock Market

The Killing of the Bull

The Two Tsunamis

Thieves Everywhere? Come Out

Trust the Word, Not Company Stocks

[ Back To Top ]

Famines & Plagues
Avoid the V@X Plague

Beware of the Biological Black Ops

Bird Flu Scare Manipulation

Cataclysmic Event Brings Healthcare Change

Christians Feed the Coming Needy

Danger of Coming Forced Vaccinations

Desperation for Food Judgement on the U.S.

Ebola Virus Spreading in U.S.

Fish Dying Everywhere

Forced Vaccination Danger?

God Warns Against Immunization?

God Warns of Coming Pestilence

God Warns of Worse Pestilence

The Vote and Plague

The Dragon's Venom Will Control His Own

[ Back To Top ]

10 Days of Darkness / Trump's Return

America Abandoning Israel

Could HiIIary Be President When the U.S. Falls?

Covert Attack on Christians and Jews

Darkness Destroyed as the Glory Comes

Dragon Devouring the Whole Earth

Enemies Will Fall - 07/17/16

Impeachers Will Be Impeached - 11/20/19

Great Storm Results in a New Government? - 12/14/16

God Factions the Faction - 12/07/16

Government and Church Faction Update

Haman, Sennacherib, Pharaoh, Governments Fall - 07/21/16

Hiding from the Bracelet Mark

Intelligence, Planets and Earthquakes - 02/15/17

Jesus Says, "Make My Day, Illuminati!"

Judgment and Then Revival - 10/16/16

Left, Then Right, Fall

Left Wing Brings Death of Liberty

Many Things Prophesied Will Begin to Come

Liberty and Leadership Lost, Take Refuge

Martial Law, Repentance, Overcoming, Tribulation - 09/04/16

Sanctification, Mark of God VS. the Beast

The Vote and Plague

Mass Faction and Anarchy Threatened - 08/13/17

Our Time Under Trouble Is Conditional - 07/25/17

O.W.O. Assassination Attempts

Pray Against the Banksters' Economic Crash - 01/29/17

Pray for Our Red Sea - 09/13/17

Prayer, Fasting, Repentance Will Bring Real Change

Red Angels Coming to Fight - 11/06/16

Red Sea Is Taking Down Pharaoh's Army - 01/22/17

Removing the Wolves from Their Place - 09/14/16

Repentance and Spiritual Warfare Needed - 09/07/16

Right / Left Political Dreams

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Double?

The Light Is True Liberty

There Is No Power But of God - 11/02/16

Trump's Angel - 12/04/16

Trump to the Right, UN Vote to the Earthquakes - 01/18/17

Vision of the Presidents

World Nazism Separating Sheep from Goats - 12/04/16

[ Back To Top ]

Gulf Oil Disaster
Black, Oily Judgment

Gulf, Economy & Right Wing Fall

Gulf States Going into Captivity

Ocean Currents Disrupted

Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf

Oil Disaster Poisoning Land and Food?

Revelations & Teachings

[ Back To Top ]

188/189-Day Quake Intervals

Arrival of Planet X / Nibiru ?

Destroyer CME & EMP Damages

Earth / Asteroid Collision Coming?

Falling Away and Deception

Fireballs Target the Rebellious

Where is the Enemy Solar System

Here Is the X System

Intelligence, Planets and Earthquakes

Media Reports Brown Dwarf Cometh

Multiplied Force of Planet X

New Age and Alien Deceptions

'Nibiru' Disclosure Forthcoming?

Planet X / Earth Changes

Planet X Flyby Scenarios

Planet X Seen in the Sky

Planet X Shows in Tribulation?

Planet X, Pole Shift, Earthquake, Martial Law

Planet X's Moon / Comet Hits Earth?

Seeing Dwarf Star with Home Telescopes?

Tenth Planet on Currency

The Destroyer Is Coming

The Dragon Destroyer - ↑ 10/25/17

Three Asteroids / Meteors Begin Troubles

X Appears, Obama Fired / Saved, Year 2 Trib

X Brings Quakes and Tribulation

What's Coming from Space? - 12/21/16

[ Back To Top ]

Man-child / Bride / Witnesses
Who is the man-child, who is the bride (and here) and who are the two witnesses?
3 Gorges Dam Birth of the Man-child

12 Man-children Going Forth from UBM - ↑ 04/21/16

Addictions and Distractions Kill The Whole Man

Ancient Man-child and Bride Seen Again

Ask for the Old Paths

Attack, Training, Separation, Victory for the Bride - 10/29/17

A Week of Fasting For Holiness

Authority in Dark, Medieval-like Days

Authority Taken from the Harlot & Given to the Bride

A Vision of the Bride

Bad Fruit Removed From Government and Church

Battle to Bring Forth the Man-child - ↑ 11/08/16

Becoming as a Child

Behold a White Horse

Beasts to Bring in the Harvest

Benefits of the Bride

Beware of the False Man-child Ministers

Birthed from Dark Religion

Birthing the Man-child and Under Attack

Bless the Seed Planters

Bluffing Demons & Spiritual Authority

Breach Restored - 03/15/17

Bride and Man-child Showing Soon

Bride, Chosen and Revealed

Bride Cleansed of the Church's Ways

Bride Filled with Light and Power

Bride Leads Apostates From Captivity

Bride on the Offense, Pushing Toward the Goal

Bride Rewarded; Wicked Judged

Bride Overcomes Dragon, Earthquakes, Tribulation - 06/05/16

Bride Overcomes Flesh and Apostate Leaders - 01/01/17

Bride Prepared to Save the Apostates - 10/02/16

Bride Prepares for Man-child

Bride Sanctified and Chosen As Tribulation Starts - 08/03/16

Bride Shares Light in Darkness

Bride to Be Separated

Bride to Feed the Tribulation Church

Bride Overcomes Beast Witchcraft

The Bride Passes the Test - 05/24/17

Bride: Tested, Sanctified, Approved - 04/22/18

Bride's Throne Authority

Bride Unites, Judgment to False Shepherds

Casting Down Satan’s Kingdom

Cast Down Satan and His Body - For Now

Change in the Bride, Economy and Continent

Change of Fortunes for the Man-child and Bride

Character Assassination of Man-child & Trump - 07/09/17

Chosen to Show God's Glory

Cleansing for the Marriage Feast

Cleansing the Bride for the Feast

Climb Quickly Now, There Is a Deadline - ↑ 08/24/16

Coming Anointing and Hidden Manna Revealed

Coming David Ministries

Coming Giants of the Faith

Crucified Life Brings Purity

Coming Attack and Man-child Provision

Confirmations of Unleavened Bread Ministries - ↑ 11/13/16

Corporate David Raises Apostles Soon

Crucified Davids Anointed - 05/15/16

Crucified Davids Anointed

Crucifixion, Then to the Throne to Judge

Cutting Off the Apostates

Davids Crucified by the Rebels - 04/27/16

David Reformers Reveal True House of God

David's Death by the Factious

Davids Must Die for Man-children to Come

Davids Protect the Children

Davids Ready for the Bride

Davids Send Disciples from Zion

Davids Will Preach Word from Heaven

Death and Resurrection to the Throne

Death of the Davids

Death and Resurrection of the David’s

Delivered from Captivity

Death to Resurrection

Denying Ourselves to Run the Race

Dominion of the Bride

Do Not Be Late to Pray for the Church's Escape

Door into First-Fruits Closing

Door into the Bride IS Closing

Door to Revelations About to Open

Dragon Fails to Devour the Man-child

Dragon Fails To Devour Man Child Trump Parallel

Eagles Carry Saints to the Throne

Economic and Political Passover

Economy, Man-child, Election, Tribulation, War

End-time Harvest Coming

Enter Ye in By the Narrow Gate

Escape from Christendom

Escape the Harlot; Cast Down the Dragon - 07/03/16

Escaping the Nukes, on the Moon

Escaping Factious Death - 06/11/17

Exhortation to the Bride-to-Be

Factions Join to Attack the Bride, But God ... - 02/22/16

Eve's Killer

Faction Cannot Prevail

Falling Away From the Bride

False Man-child Coming Now

False Wedding Rehearsal

Favor with the King Brings Revival

Few Chosen For Man-child Ministry

Final Exam for the Bride, Too Late for Some - 03/14/16

First-Fruits & Ingathering Harvests

First-Fruits Rise as World Falls

Fruit of Christ Revealed in Us

First-Fruits Train and Send the Witnesses

Following the Rock

Gathering of End-Time Entities

Get Ready! He’s Coming Soon

Giraffe: Judgment and Restoration Ministry - 04/10/16

God Reveals the Apostate Leadership

God Said, "Go! Gather the People!"

God's Son Factory

Great Holy Spirit Revival & Escape - 05/08/16

Hagar Must Be Cast Out

He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom

Hidden and Taught in Christ

Hidden in the Secret Place

His Children Are For Signs and Wonders

How to Be in the Man-child and Bride - 12/12/16

How is the Man-child Coming?

Hurry to Mount Zion!

Hurry Repent, Bride Escapes Coming Fire

Identifying Judas

Invincibility in Jesus

It's Zion or Bondage in Babylon

Jesus Is Again Coming in Humility

Jesus Will Come into Us Through Faith

John the Baptist Ministry About to Begin

Judases Devour Many For the Beast

Judgment, Man-child, Marriage Feast - 08/02/17

Judgments on America and Its Ministries

Just a Closer Walk with Thee

Keeping Satan Under Your Feet

Keys to the Kingdom

Kingdom Authority of the Davids - 03/08/17

Last House Cleaning

Last Supper Before the Feast - 111

Latter Rain Coming Soon

Latter Rain World Revival

Latter 'Reign' Anointing

Leaves for Healing of the Nations

Light From the Hands

Man-child / Bride Feed Apostate Baby Believers

Man-child and Bride Rewarded - 10/18/17

Man-child and Bride Save Apostates

Man-child and Chaos Birthed

Man-child and Corporate Body Witnesses

Man-child and Woman in Wilderness Soon

Man-child and Tribulation Approach

Man-child Anointed at 11:30

Man-child, Beasts, Mark & Escape

Man-child Born of the Philadelphia Bride

Man-child Reformers Coming

Man-child: Birthing to Anointing

Man-child: Born of Philadelphia Church

Man-child, Bride & Witnesses in Tennessee

Man-child, Bride, Two Witnesses: Hidden in Christ

Man-child and Bride Endure the Dark Night

Man-child Coming in Spiritual Spring?

Man-child Formed By the Word

Man-child Given Throne Dominion to Minister

Man-child Judges and Preserves

Man-child Manifests Jesus; the Unclean Return

Man-child Ministry Imparted to the Bride

Man-child Moving and Removing Enemies - 01/08/17

Man-child Not By Man's Works

Man-child Prepares Bride for Tribulation Job

Man-child Reformers Deliver the Chosen

Man-child Resurrects Fruit in the Wilderness

Man-child Sealed & the Cutting Off

Man-child Separates False Brethren

Man-child Vs. Apostate Christianity

Man-child's Coming Clash with Apostate Christianity

Man-child's Word in Bride & Witnesses

Man-child & UBM Resurrected

Marriage Supper

Maturity and the White Horse Rider

Ministering Angels Through UBM

Near Anointing of the Man-child/Bride Ministry

New Leadership Coming

New Leadership for the Sleeping Church

New Leadership Given to the Church

No Grace to Escape or Be in the Bride

No Plague Passover for the "I Can Not's"

No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper

Only the Righteous Enter the Bride

Only Zion Will Escape Captivity

Overcoming to be in the Bride

Overcomers Put on Bridal Garments

Overthrowing the Throne of Kingdoms Now - 09/03/2017

Peace and Prosperity Is For the Bride

Plundering the Little Hitlers - 04/18/16

Pray for the Man-child Anointing

Prepare I Come Quickly

Promised Land or Beast Land?

Promised Seed Brings in Multitudes

Protection And Provision For Man-Child And Bride

Provision to Preserve & Build the Kingdom

Provision for David’s House

Purifying the Seed of the Word

Purity Delivers from the Storms

Refuge and Provision for the Tribulation

Refuge and Provision for Man-child and Bride

Refuge Presence of God

Resting in Jesus to Do the Work

Restoring the Kingdom of God

Resurrection Earthquakes Divide the Country

Revelation for David, the Bride and UBM

Revival Coming Soon

Sacrificing Our Flesh Is a Tower of Safety - 02/12/17

Saul's Death Brings David and Revival

Seek God’s Grace and Mercy

Send the Warning Message

Separation and Maturing is Finishing - 01/31/18

Separating the Sheep in the Wilderness

Separation to Harvest

Shakings Are Bringing The Kingdom 09/10/17

Sign Of The Fallen Of Tree

Sign of Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Man-child - ↑ 03/28/16

Sign of the John / Man-child / Witness Reformation

Sign to the Nations

Sign of the Man-child Birth and Anointing

Snakes, Cockroaches and Dogs, Oh My!

Spearheading the Man-child Ministry

Spiritual Bomb Coming

Spiritual Geomagnetic Pole Shift

Stone Which the Builders Reject

Tares Leave - Righteous Shine

Tell My People, "I Am Coming"

Temple of Crucified Saints

Tests Prove Who is the Bride

The Man-child, Bride, and Revival

The Coming Man-Child

The Anointing of the First-Fruits

The Ark Leads to the Safety of Holiness

"The Armies of God March Soon"

The Beast Targets the Bride - ↑ 08/10/16

The Bride, Ark & 12 Spiritual Tribes

The Bride: From Walking to Racing

The Bride Is Almost Complete - 05/01/16

The Bride Is Love and Immune to Faction - ↑ 03/02/16

The Bride Is Submitted to the Word

The Bride’s Submission is Beautiful

The Bride's Supernatural Provision

The Bride Will Overcome

The Children of the Righteous Are Coming

The Cross Revives the Church - 10/26/16

The David Ministry Is Born

The Exalted Humbled, the Humbled Exalted

The First-Fruits and Evangelism

The Glorious Bride's Fruit

The Hollow of His Hand

The Holy People Will Conquer

The Holy Spirit Will Choose the Bride

The Immature and the White Horse Warrior

The Josephs Are Coming

The King Comes to Clean House - 05/02/16

The Lord Is Coming in His First-Fruits

The Lord Shows His New Models

The Lone Ranger Rides Again

The Man-child, Bride, and Revival

The Man-child Vehicle Was Born

The Master's Plan Is Given

The Prisoner Becomes Judge

The Prize of the High Calling of God - 02/11/16

The Restoration of the Body

Things That Hinder the Bride's Maturity

The Righteous Offend the Beast and Harlot

The Treasure Inspires Christian - 05/03/17

The Young Man-child's Defenders

Things Will Change - 05/22/16

Time Is Running Out to Be in the First-Fruits and to Escape

Time Is Running Out to Be Salt

The Soon-Coming King

The Sting of Death

Tower of Rest and Safety in God's House

Transformed to Bear Fruit in Others - 06/26/16

Tribulation Revival & Falling Away

Tribulation Translations to Safety

True and False Man-child

Trump & Man-child’s New Economy

Tsunami of Judgment

Turning to the Home Church

Two Witnesses Power Revival

UBM Born Again

UBM Raising Up Witnesses

Unbiased Witnesses of the Man-child

Upper Room Prayers Bring Outpouring - 06/22/16

Walking on Water

Walking in the Man-child’s Steps

Warning Against Spiritual Adultery & Witchcraft - 08/16/17

We Meet the Beast and Win; How? - 08/28/16

White Horse Rider / Man-child

'Who IS That Guy?'

Who Is Worthy to Wield the Sword?

Wilderness Sanctuary

Will You Eat with Chickens or Fly with Eagles?

Witnesses Sent Out

Wolves and the Tribulation Man-child

Words in Balance

Work of the Man-child Reformers

World Covenant and End-Time Ministries

Worldly Devotion Delays First-Fruits & Tribulation

Worldwide Holy Spirit Outpouring

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Natural Disasters
America's Coasts Will Change

American Earthquake Brings Revival

Asteroids Will Spoil the Party Soon - ↑ 09/28/16

California Falls into the Sea

California Mega Quake

Caribbean, East & Gulf Coast Tsunami?

Cascadia Warning Dream for West Coast

Change in the Bride, Economy and Continent

Coming Asteroid, Tsunamis, Earthquake, Chaos - 06/30/16

Coming East Coast Tsunami

Destruction of West Coast of North America

Destruction Coming to U.S. and the World

Dollar Falls, New Madrid Quake, Riots

DS FEMA Prepares the New Madrid Quake

Earthquake Precursors? - 01/25/17

Earthquakes Bring the Cross

Earthquakes Divide the U.S.

Earthquakes; My People Will Be Delivered

East Coast Flood and Marriage Feast - 07/11/16

East Coast Goes Under the Atlantic

East Coast Mega Hurricanes

East Coast Tsunami?

Flee Miami

Florida Sinking

Florida to Be Hit By Mega Hurricane?

God's Judgment on Singapore

Great Lake Destroys Mississippi Valley

Great Shakings Bring Man-child Revival

Great Quake & Tsunami

Great West Coast Tsunami

Gulf Coast Tsunami

Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans / Gulf Coast

Hurricanes, Bombs and the Economy

Hurricanes / Tornados Bringing Death

Iceland Warning

Judgment Begins at God's House

Major Earthquake

Massive Earthquake in Omaha

Meteorites and Tidal Waves

Midwest Earthquake of Epic Proportions

Mississippi River Splits the Continent

N-S-E-W Winds Destroy Florida

New Madrid and Financial Quakes

Possible Unknown Earthquake Zone

Prepare for the Marriage Feast and Judgment

Prophetic Visions of Judgment

Quake Divides U.S. / Refuge

Quakes, Visitation, Revival

Rare Catastrophic Eastern North Pacific Hurricane?

Resurrection Earthquakes Divide the Country

Saved from Flood, Electrical Loss & Chaos

Series of Quakes Hit U.S. - ↑ 01/27/16

Seven Earthquakes / New Madrid / Man-child

Terror Coming to U.S. and Apostate Christianity

The Earth Will Crack Up

The New Madrid Great Rift

The Ring of Fire Is Awakening

The Word Is an Ark of Safety

Time Is Running Out

U.S. Rent in Half By Quake

West Coast Quake and Tsunami

Will Black Holes Ravage the World?

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California Nuked into the Sea

Dreams of Missile Attacks on U.S.

Nuclear Exchange with Russia?

Five Major Cities Nuked

Iran Nukes U.S. Army and Is Destroyed?

Las Vegas and the Lion

Man-child Coming with [Nuclear?] War

Nuclear Attack on America and The Lord's Army

Nuclear Attack on Phoenix (1)

Nuclear Attack on Phoenix (2)

Nuke Attack and Revival

Nuke Found in Arizona

Nuke Strike on America & Deliverance of God's Own

Nuke Visions of U.S. Cities

The Sword Is Coming To Atlanta

Vision By A.C. Valdez

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Chaos and Woe

Islam Wars Against the U.S. Christians

Multiple Terror Attacks & the Harvest

Planned Decapitation and Martial Law Captivity

Our Red Sea Experience - 07/13/17

Terrorist Attack Leads To Retaliation and Revival

Terrorist Attack on Seattle Vision

Terrorist Attack on Toledo & Nuclear Power Plant

Terrorist Weapons in U.S.

Terrorists Are Not the Real Enemies

Terrorists Nuke New York and Economy

U.S. Navy Carrier Task Force Destroyed

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Tribulation and Day of The Lord
Abide in the Word, Safe from the Destroyer

Angels Ask To Serve Us in the Harvest

Anointed Ministries Lead in Tribulation

Apostasy Baptized Unto Death - 03/31/16

Attack / Depression / Communism / Anointed

Back from the Dead

Beast & Harlot Covenant

Beauty and the Beast

Beware the Flood of the Serpent

Blood or Revival for America? - 03/09/16

Breaking the Dam

Bride Dresses As Pigs Go to Slaughter

Call the Party Off! The Storm is Here!

Captivity, Cleansing, Resurrection - 05/12/16

CERN's Evil Intent

Church and World's Blood on Babylon

Coming Baptism of Death Unto Life

Conspiracy Against Christianity

Conquering the Carnal Man

Crucifying the Church in Tribulation

Darkness Is Closing Opportunities

Destruction Comes for Apostate Leadership

Dragon Devouring the Whole Earth

Earth to Go Through Living Hell

Earthquake, Slaughter and Economic Destruction

Escaping Judgment by Clean Works

Escaping the Inquisition in America

Escaping the Tribulation Falling Away

Escaping the Tribulation Mark

Escaping Tribulation Authorities

Fall Of Babylon

False Knowledge and the Great Falling Away

Flee the Beast to the Safety of Zion

Fleeing Babylon to Our Safe House

Flight of the Right with the Light

Flood of Judgment

Food, Shelter and Guidance in Tribulation

Forced Microchipping

Forcing Covenant with Israel Brings Earthquakes

Four Horsemen to Ride Soon

Gathered Out of His Kingdom

God Thwarts EMP Attacks

God's Promise of Protection and Provision

God's Royal Army Conquers the Beast

God's Warehouse in the Wilderness

God Will Lead and Empower the Weak

Hearken and Escape

Hiding in Plain Sight from the Beast

Holiness Protects from the Curse

How to Be Hidden by Faith

I AM ... Here to Protect You

Intercede for Those in Bondage

Invisibility from Our Enemies

Is the Tribulation for You?

Tribulation Covenant Near

It's Confirmed: It Is the End Times

It's Time to Gather into the Ark

Judases Persecute the Innocent

Judgment of Religious, Naked Tares

Keep Thy Soul Diligently

Last Outpouring & Gathering

Latter Rain and Tribulation

Latter Rain Protection

Led By God to the Refuge

Left Behind?

Lose Life To Gain Life

Losing Our Head for His Spirit

Losing Rights Under the Beast

Martial Law on the Horizon

Martyrdom or Mark?

Mercy and Grace Will Come - 05/18/16

Mid-Trib, Death & Escape

Natural Ability Useless in Tribulation

New Age Generic God Sweeps World

New Employment in Tribulation

New Leadership to Raise Up Saints

Offering Up Our Flesh

Outpouring and Judgment Coming - 04/15/17

Peace and Patience

Persecution Coming to Crucify the Old Man

Persecution from Brethren

Planet X / Asteroid and Effects

Promised Land or Beast Land?

Prophecies of Troubles to Come - ↑ 1/25/16

Protection in the Coming Storms 1/08/25

Provision and Protection in Tribulation

Rapture?  Or Sanctification in Tribulation?

Refuge from Judgment

Refuge Protection and Provision

Removing Stumbling Blocks to the Kingdom

Resting in the Midst of Chaos

Resurrection of UBM

Resurrection of Jesus and His Church

Saints Accused of Being Traitors

Saints Dawning Light in Fall

Saints Dying During the Tribulation

Saints Enter Wilderness; U.N. Swallows World

Satan's Latter Rain

Saved from Tribulation, in Jesus' Name

Secular and Religious World Covenant Soon

Some Will Escape

Spiritual Earthquake for the Church

Spiritual Food for the Tribulation

Spiritual Warfare with the Beast

Strike on U.S. and Iran Brings Tribulation

Strong Delusions Lead To Destruction

Storms of Judgment Are on the Way

Suffering from the Beast

Taking Refuge in the Heavenlies

Tares Separated; Harvest Begins

"The Beast Is Here"

The Card Before the Mark

The Failed Church

The Fiery Trial Race Sanctifies

The Generational Tree of the Righteous

The Last Day

The Mark, Persecution and Refuge

The Mark, Wilderness & Faith For Children

The Promised Land

The Time of Shaking

The Underground Church

The Urgency For Effectual Prayer 10/11/2017

"The Wicked Doth Compass About the Righteous" - 04/14/16

The Woman Escapes to the Wilderness

"They That Were Bidden Were Not Worthy"

"Time Is Almost Up"

Treasures in Heaven for Tribulation

Tribulation Begins As Man-child Anointed

Tribulation Dreams

Tribulation, Government, the Mark & Evangelism

Tribulation, Money, Provision & Refuge

Tribulation Surprise

Tribulation War on the Saints

UBM and the Wilderness Refuge - ↑ 06/05/16

Vision of the End of the World

Walking in the Light Brings Power

War / Yellowstone / Tribulation

War Against UBM Fails

White Horse Vision

Wilderness Gathering and Revival

Wilderness Just Ahead

Wilderness Latter Rain Coming

Worldwide Mobilization

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Wars & Rumors of War
Anarchy, Civil War and Destruction Coming

Are Attacks Coming at Thanksgiving?

America's Christians Lose Their Freedom

America’s Nuke War with Russia

Beware: The Bear Is Coming Alive

Card, Mark & Civil War

Casting Down the Dragon

Chechnya and World War

Civil War Is Coming

Civil War in America

Coming War in the U.S. and Protection

George Washington Saw America Invaded

I Saw the Russians Attack the United States I Saw the Coming American Revolution

I Have Given You Authority

Iran: Crippled and Revived

Invasion and Bearing Fruit

Invasion from the North

North Korea / US / Faction - 07/16/17

Plague Invasion Revival Refuge

Russian Overtakers

Secret Attack By Russia and China

Spiritual and Physical War

The Civil and Un-Civil War

The Coming Destruction of the United States of America

The War That Brings Back the Kingdom

The Faction Election War Won

Things to Pray and Do Warfare Over

Things to Come? Pray

The D.S. Storm is Almost Here

Wars and Rumors of Wars

War, False Prophet, Harlot, Mark, War

War Is Coming to Your Land

War Leads to Revival in Islam

Words for Some Nations

Worse 9/11 and the Dragon

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