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Kaile Hamilton - 05/17/2007 In a dream, I was visiting my grandparents one afternoon because they were going to take me to dinner. Before I got to their house, I started feeling a little strange but just brushed it off. When I got to their house I began to notice that I felt like I was pregnant. There was absolutely no way for me to be pregnant and this reality perplexed my conscious thoughts as this dream progressed. I decided to go to dinner even though I was still feeling a little off. All throughout dinner and during the ride back to their house I kept thinking, How can they not see that I'm pregnant? The night went on and I kept feeling more and more pregnant. Although I kept feeling more and more pregnant one could not physically see that I was pregnant so I believe it was spiritual. My mom came to pick me up shortly after my grandparents and I got back to their house. When she looked at me, I could discern that somehow she knew that I was pregnant. As we left my grandparents' house my dream ended. Note from David: The grandparents represent God and the more mature church of many years past. They were taking Kaile to feed on their food/Word that truly brings forth Christ. From them Kaile brought that fruit to her mother who represents the church of today who needs to see the manifestation of the fruit of Christ in her. It is a virgin birth having nothing to do with man. In this way the grandparents are the parents of her parent, too. Her grandfather, God, is the father of her spiritual father, Jesus, who sowed the seed of the Word in her heart. Her grandmother is the mother of her more immature modern day mother. By studying the pure word you can eat with your grandparents. The food they serve is much more maturing.