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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Garrett Crawford - 04/19/2011 I would like to share a dream I had this week that should confirm that we should not fear Satan or evil. Evil is not as powerful as our minds sometimes imagine and Satan is no different. I was with an unknown person in this dream. I could tell he knew a lot more of what was going on than I did. I accompanied him everywhere he went. I was like an observer. Toward the end of the dream, we entered an elevator. This elevator took us deep inside the earth. I was told we were going to Hell to see Satan. The ride took a long time and the whole time my mind was wondering about how Satan would really appear. I was thinking, would he be intimidating? Would he be scary? How would I react to seeing him? Once we entered the very bottom, the door opened. I looked around and we were inside a very large, dark cave. Hell was just like I imagined -- big, dark and cavernous. I looked out of the area we were in and looked out to the larger opening. I saw armies and very sophisticated weapons. There was violence taking place and fire was everywhere; it almost like a war itself. One of the machines spotted us as we came out of the elevator and fired a missile at us, but it missed and exploded against the wall. My companion was never frightened; it was like he knew nothing could hurt him. As he walked, I followed; he knew right where he was walking. He came to a door off in a dark corner in the cave. I realized this was Satan's office. Behind the door was the evil one himself. My heart was racing, not from fear but from the suspense. The man I was with opened the door and there sat Satan in a chair behind a desk. But to my amazement, Satan was not a seven-foot giant with goats horns. He was a clown. Yes, a clown. And a cartoon clown at that. I was shocked and a little disappointed. I was expecting something more terrifying. Clearly the Lord is saying that Satan and his are not to be feared. {Luk.10:17} And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject unto us in thy name. {18} And he said unto them, I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from heaven. {19} Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. I should also inform you that my companion revealed to me that Satan is planning something big for earth. During our trip back up in the elevator, I saw all these green vines shooting up through the elevator shaft from Hell and they were headed straight to Earth. There were a lot of them, like something from Jack and the Beanstalk. But instead of reaching from Earth to the heavens, they were going from Hell to the earth above. (He will demonstrate the curse so that men may fear the Lord and depart from evil.)