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Kevin R. - circa 11/07/2010 In a dream, the scene opened with a meeting already in session. I was invited to this meeting and began to sit down in an old, school-type desk (those tiny desks for kids). I noticed that others were already seated and comfortable. I was uncomfortable in this desk because I was too big, so as I finally got into this desk, I noticed a bunch of papers on the desk; everyone else was going through the papers, studying them. When I started looking at the papers, I noticed they consisted of regulations, code and other legalese-type documents. (The immature Christians are studying the Word as though it is the law. This is the wrong relationship to be justified and receive grace freely from God to grow up. Kevin is a grown-up, so this grieves him. Seeking to be justified by our own self-efforts to keep the Word as though it was a law separates from Christ and grace. {Gal.5:4} Ye are severed from Christ, ye who would be justified by law [numeric]; ye are fallen away from grace. {5} For we through the Spirit by faith wait for the hope of righteousness. {6} For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith working through love. Faith that Christ now lives in us and our sinful life nailed on the cross brings God's grace to be obedient and mature.)
When I realized this, I immediately got up from my desk (in disgust) and walked out. Everyone was looking at me in shock (I don't know if I knew these people or not). When I got outside and started walking fast away from the school house, I started lifting off the ground and was walking above the ground, and kept going higher -- faster and faster. (This represents overcoming the earthly ties and natural laws to live in the supernatural or above-natural; to walk with Christ in heavenly places. Kevin defied the law of gravity to walk in heavenly places. To live above the curses coming upon this world, we must be justified through faith and believe we are who Jesus taught we are. We should believe that we can't be cursed because "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us". We can't be in bondage to sin because "his own self bare our sins in His body upon the tree that we having died unto sins might live unto righteousness". We can't be sick or under the plagues of this world for "by whose stripes we were healed". We can't be in bondage to Satan's demons, for God "delivered us out of the power of darkness". If you cannot see yourself in this state in your innermost being, you cannot live above the natural world while you are here and, therefore, will be subject to the curses of the tribulation. God started a hail storm through Moses throughout the land of Egypt that killed men and beasts that were out in it. Yet Moses walked right through it and wasn't touched and those people of God in Goshen weren't touched [Exodus 9:18-29]. Those who ate the Lamb of God had a Passover of the destroyer and no plague came near them; Psalm 91 promises us this.)
We are new creatures in Christ: old things have passed away; all things have become new. We are baptized into His name, meaning the nature, character and authority of Jesus. We need to see ourselves as such.