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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

America’s Nuke War with Russia  


David Eells 10/23/24  

Pastor Phillip Barnett - Azovmena 1 Prophecy  


Recorded 4/27/2022 in Tulsa, OK at Lewis Ave Church of God of Prophecy  

Transcription: Pastor Phillip Barnett begins saying, I would always keep a pad of paper and pen on my nightstand so I could write down any thought, or Word from the Lord. On this particular night I had this dream and it was amazing with a lot of scenes and it was very long. I knew it was from God, but I laid back down and fell asleep without writing it down and when I woke up I could not remember anything. I fasted and prayed for 2 weeks what the dream was about and I left it with the Lord. Then on January 18, 2007, I went to bed and I dreamed the dream all over. In the dream I knew what the next scene would be because I had seen it in the dream before. I realized while dreaming that God was giving me the dream again that I had 10 years ago that I had forgotten!  

In this dream I saw 8 large rocket-shaped mountains and the tops had a nuclear warhead. They were in crescent shape and they were frozen. (Saved for a later time.) Over the next few days, God revealed to me what these rockets were and that there would be a war between the United States and a reformed Soviet Union, including Russia, Belarus, and eastern Ukraine. (Where the Russians are at the time of this attack.) Those rockets would be American nuclear missiles that would destroy eastern Ukraine; the first one would hit Kiev and then it would circle around to Sumy, Harkoff, and all the cities to the bottom of Odessa. All of eastern Ukraine would be destroyed (Warheads peeling off a multiple warhead ICBM missile. Did the (DS) Deep State steal the launch codes for these missiles?)

I was in central Ukraine and a few days later, I’m thinking about how there’s no mountain like what I saw in central Ukraine. I’m on a bus and so I asked somebody on the bus, “What is the name of this mountain?” A woman said what sounded like an Italian word, like ‘Azolemna’ or something which sounded like it had a lot of vowels. I tried to repeat what I thought I heard and she said again, “Azov Mena”.  

Later as I was on the floor praying to the Lord about the name of this mountain, God said write it down. So I wrote down the letters of the name: A, Z, O, V, and then, M, E, N, A. I connected AZOV to the Azov Sea and then I connected “Mena” to the interpretation of the handwriting on the wall in Dan 5:26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end;

I then heard the Holy Spirit say, “From the Azov Sea to the Belarus border, from the Dnieper River over to the Russian border (Kiev is on this river), all of eastern Ukraine will be destroyed by these 8 American nuclear missiles.”  (All the evidence of human trafficking and labs creating biological weapons the DS wants destroyed and of course depopulation.)

God revealed in the dream that Russia would invade Ukraine, there would be a holocaust against the Jews(Two signs before the nukes go off; Russia did invade Ukraine and the nations are attacking Israel now.) and He urged people to flee, especially from the heavily populated Donbass area with approximately 11 million people. God spoke to me for five hours during the night and gave me four visions. The day after I had the dream, which was exactly the same as the first one 10 years prior except I was much closer to the 8 nuclear missiles that were going to be launched…  

That night I was praying and the Lord spoke something to my heart and I went to write it down and I had a vision. I saw that all eastern Ukraine from the Azov Sea up to the Belarus border, and from the Dnieper River to Russia was black; it had been burned black by nuclear bombs that had fallen in that area.  

The Lord gave me 4 visions this same night and after each vision, I asked the meaning of the vision and the Lord would give me the meaning. This went on for four hours. Then the Lord told me to go into the kitchen and when I went into the kitchen, I looked out the window and see several clouds in the sky, each in the shape of cars, buses, and trucks, and they were moving in two distinct lines from downtown Kiev towards southwestern Ukraine. I saw one huge cloud in the shape of a large bus over downtown Kiev. The wind had blown these clouds to the southwest.  

God then spoke to me, saying, “There will be two evacuations from Kiev. The first one will take place when the Russian army is about to occupy Kiev and the second one will come when the nuclear war between the reformed Soviet Union and the United States takes place.” About 3 ½ - 4 weeks after this war started. There were hundreds of thousands of cars in deadlock trying to get out of Kiev. I saw this on TV and realized the next part of the prophecy would come next.  (The third sign comes to pass.)

This paragraph is a summary (Pastor Barnett recounts going all over preaching his prophecy about Russia invading Ukraine and the reactions it received. He had preached this prophecy at various churches in Ukraine where he was invited. He received many death threats on social media. Many people thought he was crazy and did not believe him and thought it all was impossible. He continued to preach his prophecy. The end of 2013 comes around and a revolution begins in Kiev and then early war begins. The then-President Yanukovych of Ukraine made a public plea on Russian television for Russian troops to invade Ukraine. Yanukovych's request came before the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which had already resulted in thousands of deaths. He shares how the governor of the Donbas region in Ukraine had made a plea on Russian national television for President Putin to intervene and "destroy the fascists," who are ruining this country and killing children.)  

My family and I left Ukraine after God had given me 17 dreams urging us to return home in the United States. The fighting began in Donbass after President Yanukovych had requested the Russians to come in and take Ukraine. Donbass is where all the mineral resources in the industry and the metal industry’s at in Ukraine. This is what the Azovmena Prophesy in 2007 said would happen. These things began in 2014, 7 years later.  

A man contacted me from Ohio who had watched the Azovmena Prophecy in 2007 and he was living in Kiev at the time, and the Holy Spirit spoke to him that this is true; this war is going to happen. Russia is going to invade Ukraine. He told me he moved to Levi in western Ukraine and then thought that wasn’t far enough away, and he needed to move to America. So they’re now in Ohio because he believed the prophecy. Another family who heard the prophecy and believed it, moved their family to California and they escaped the invasion of Russia. Many thousands of people who heard this prophecy including many Jews were saved because they moved before Russia invaded.  

Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, except he reveal his secret unto his servants the prophets.  

God told me that I could not leave anything out of this prophecy and I can’t add anything to it. He said, “If you preach it just the way I gave it to you, I will give you more.” He told me that I need to share these prophecies, not just in Ukraine but to many other countries.  

So next I’m going to share now about the nuclear war that is coming to America. What states and cities that will be destroyed and what states and cities that will not be destroyed. (He doesn’t share “cities not destroyed” in this video.)  

In Azovmena 1 Prophecy, God put me on a building in Mobile, Alabama. As I’m on this building, I see (in vision) Russian ICBM missiles coming across Canada to America. I could see from the Rocky Mountains all the way to the East Coast. From where I was standing, I couldn’t see Florida and I couldn’t see anything on the west side of the Rocky Mountains.  

The first ICBM to hit America destroyed Chicago. The next one hit Milwaukee WI, but it was way up in the air; it didn’t come down lower in the air, but was way up in the atmosphere, where it blew up over Milwaukee.  (This would destroy Milwaukee and EMP a large portion of the country.)

The next one I see hits Cleveland OH, then St. Louise, MOMemphis, TNNashville, TN and New Orleans, LA, then Little Rock, ARDenver, CO, and Albuquerque, NM.  10 warheads

Later on God gave me a dream and in it, I saw two sets of flights of Russian bombers and they weren’t the big giant bombers, they were medium range bombers that would have to fly off of an aircraft carrier and be refueled in the air. One flight had four planes, and the other flight had two planes. They all had nuclear cruise missiles, and they dropped the missiles(I believe the Lord told me in His mercy this part would not happen.) 

Here's what I understood of what I saw in the dream. Three nuclear bombs will hit New York City and two will hit Washington D.C. One will hit Baltimore, MD and one will hit Boston, MA (He misspoke “Maryland” in the video, but correction is made to Boston is on screen.) Now that’s seven nuclear missiles, but six planes that I saw. So evidently, one of the bombs to hit NYC, will be an ICBM because I only saw six of these planes with nuclear cruise missiles to hit cities in the northeast. Cincinnati… (He gets off track here and doesn’t come back to these missiles in this video. Possibly because the Lord said these bombers will not fly in His mercy.)  

(He shares how he faced opposition and death threats for sharing this prophecy, particularly from people in Russia. Then he goes on to preach the tribulation begins … He states how the Bible is no longer U.S.’s foundation and the Obama administration has made law that men can marry men and a women can marry women. He states that 62 million babies have been murdered…and America will pay the cost in blood. (As it did to Sodom and Gomorrah and it is beginning with the DS’s weather warfare. Abraham bargained with God and an angel took Lot and family out of Sodom before the cities were destroyed. [Come out of the big sin cities.] So I asked God would He delete this judgment and only got that He would lessen it because of His mercy. Since I have seen extreme mercy from God on the world lately, I jumped right to the end of the bargaining and asked if one missile from U.S. and one missile from Russia would be enough and He said “Yes”. I was surprised but God said He wanted to show His mercy again. Keep in mind that the U.S. ICBM’s have 5 warheads and the Russian ICBM’s have 10 warheads. But God will be in control as His Word says.) …  

Russian Nuclear Exchange with U.S.  

Garrett Crawford- 4/29/22  (David’s notes in red)

I dreamed that everyone was stocking up on food at a grocery store late at night. (Insiders are warning to have at least 3 to 6 months of food stored up. As far as believers go, we know that God shall supply our every need according to His riches in Glory.) I saw many people rushing at the last minute to get prepared. There was a general sense of uncertainty in the air. Many who had been expecting an event to happen were already prepared. (And it may be that these will have to help those around them and miracles will happen.)  

For some reason Sylvester Stallone was in the dream and he was getting prepared too, but he had lost heart and his courage had left him. He was not mentally or spiritually prepared. (Sylvester plays the part of a strong warrior, so to speak, but it appears even they will lose heart through the things coming.)  

I told him he could stay with me as I had been preparing for this for some time. (The most important way to prepare is spiritually, for the Word says, “Righteousness delivereth from death.”)  

As we were leaving the store, I noticed many people's cars had been stolen from the parking lot while they were buying supplies. People came out to find their cars were gone, they were in disbelief. Sylvester and I thought that my car had been stolen too but we eventually found it. (Having their cars stolen out of the parking lot represents that rest and peace will be taken from the vessels of many. Also in the natural the DS would do this to put people at their mercy which is nil.)  

We were somewhere talking and he could not understand why I was happy and not scared. He felt he had so much more to live for on this Earth and he was upset that it was all being taken from him. (Many lives will be turned upside down in order to get their attention and cause them to seek the Lord once He has destroyed all their worldly idols.)  

I, on the other hand, had no love for the world and the things in it, I could literally feel nothing because this Earth had no hold on me. I felt freer than any man alive. (John 12:25 He that loveth his life loseth it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.)  

Around this time, I had a flashback to the beginning of the day. It was light outside and the sun was out. I was walking through the parking lot of the grocery store and the Word of Lord came to me saying, “At this time the wise will shine brighter than the sun and will instruct many.” (The wise will be anointed with the wisdom of Jesus and will instruct many in the way of righteousness.)  

The next thing I knew, the scene changed and I was at my dad's house in Bethel. (Representing the Father’s “House of Bread”. Those feeding on the Bread from Heaven, Jesus Christ, the Word of the Lord, will be in the rest.)  

I was all alone with my dogs and cat. (The elect among all the factious dogs and the rebellious cats to God and His Word will return to the Father’s house.)  

I remember watching the war in Ukraine taking place over my dad's house, like an open vision, but it was something tangible that I was actually experiencing. (Like the death angel that passed over the houses of the Israelites, this “war” and its fall-out will pass over the elect of God.)  

I saw that America had been assisting Ukraine. I even saw America launching attacks to aid Ukraine, but there was a grave mistake made and an American missile had been launched accidentally and it hit a Russian target(Notice, “one missile” as I was told although I did not remember this dream. Will this be accidental or on purpose? The DS has been provoking the nuclear option and would love to escalate this conflict to continue to deflect away from the declass of all their evil crimes that are coming to light and to depopulate and to try to derail the elections so that they can hold on to power. Also it was admitted that the U.S. helped the Ukrainians sink the Russian flagship Moskva and it was an American missile. No one would admit this unless they wanted the Russians to retaliate against the U.S. as the DS does. Moskva led the naval assault during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukrainefrom February 2022 until her sinking on 14 April 2022.)  

This so called, ‘accidental' Missile strike caused the whole world to stop. Everyone wondered what Russia would do, but no one expected that Russia would retaliate against America. (Putin has come out publicly and warned that any attack on Russia by NATO or U.S. and Western forces during this Ukraine conflict would be reciprocated, presumably against the DS, since he knows they are the real enemy.)  

Then I watched what appeared to be a large missile silo open and a projectile came out and was fired at America. (Notice one missile) The missile hit America inside her borders and everyone was in a state of shock. No one actually believed Russia would retaliate but they did and with fierce wrath. (Putin and Russia have been fighting the DS and they would know this missile is coming from them. They would pick their targets accordingly. Get out of blue cities and states.)  

The weapon they used made 7 waves of fire blast throughout America like fiery shockwaves. The sound of the weapon was like a siren. Every blast was accompanied by the most ominous siren sound; seven blasts and seven sirens. (This is a multiple warhead missile. Also, could seven blasts announce the approach of the seven trumpet judgments of the Tribulation as in the first dream?)  

After the last blast I looked outside and America was on fire. It was just 1 missile launch from each side and after Russia struck with their missile they did not continue. (A measured response to stop the war.) It was like an eye for an eye. I felt in the dream that America was playing a dangerous game with Russia that backfired. (Even though the military has moved interceptor missiles to the coast in the night, they evidently didn't intercept this. The Russian ICBM missiles have 10 warheads that spread out to different cities and are considered by many to be unstoppable due to its evasive maneuvers. The U.S. ICBM’s have 5 warheads so it’s not an equal response but God who “works all things after the counsel of His own will” can easily change this unbalance.)  

Everyone in America was in complete disbelief. I heard a man say, “I can't believe they did it, I can't believe they actually attacked us!”. After the blasts I surveyed the damage and my dad's house was still standing. Both my dogs were in the house with me and survived. I opened the front door (Jesus) and my cat was there. (Many of the rebellious who are God’s elect will return to the Father’s House of Bread.) He had survived the carnage even though he had been outside of the house. Then I woke up.  

Let's pray and ask mercy of the Lord on this.  

Here is the war that begins the seven year tribulation, which two of these dreams speak of. Rev 6:3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come. 4 And another horse came forth, a red horse: and to him that sat thereon it was given to take peace from the earth, and that they should slay one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.  

An Angry Bear Awakens  

Excerpt from Dumitru Duduman’s Prophecies  

April 1997  

I knelt by my bed to pray, as I do every night before going to sleep. After finishing my prayer, I opened my eyes, but I was no longer in my room. Instead, I found myself in a forest. I looked around, and to my right I saw a man dressed in white who pointed his finger and said, “See and remember”. It took me a while to find what he was pointing at. It was a small bear who seemed half dead lying on the ground.  

As I continued to watch this bear, it began to breathe deeper. With every passing minute it seemed to revive itself, and, as I watched, it also became angrier. It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than the forest floor, and as it grew larger, it continued to become angrier. It then began to paw the ground, so that when its paw would hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear continued to devastate all that stood in its path until it came upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. (Don’t pay any attention to the lies, the Russians have won this war in Ukraine but the DS needs a bigger war that hurts the US and Russia, their two worst enemies. The Russians have taken down the Nazi’s, the bio-labs, the tunnels and dungeons with the captive children, and the evidence of DS crimes, etc.) By this time the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued its rampage.  

I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?” “At first they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. (If you listen to MSM’s silliness.) As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly, it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. (They have made tremendous advances in weaponry.) God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ's blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared, and it will be just as you saw”.  

The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they, too, will be caught up and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find safety”.  

Suddenly, I was once again by myself in my room, on my knees, with sweat covering my face.  

Five Major U.S. Cities Nuked  

Richard Swanson  

Author of the book Spare Your People  

In 1971, I saw, in a dream, limited nuclear war in America. (Or one missile with multiple warheads) I beheld two or three short successive orange-colored flashes of light off in the distance towards the north. These flashes, which produced a strobe-light effect, literally lit up the nighttime sky.  

As they occurred I could briefly see the outline of some mountains from beyond which the flashes came.

The next morning - in the dream - as I was walking through a field of swamp grass, I heard a news report over a transistor radio which was attached to a corner pole of a lean-to. The news report said: “Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Denver and San Francisco have been struck by thermonuclear warheads”. (Five DS strongholds the Russians would target. In 1971 the Russians likely had mostly 5 warheads per ICBM. They have been updating these to 10 warheads. But they could use a five warhead missile which would even the odds and bring peace.)  

By the time the broadcast said “Denver” I was in the Spirit. I was standing beside Jesus. I then realized it was Jesus Who was giving the news report, and what I was hearing over the transistor radio was the Word of God. As He spoke, His words could be heard throughout eternity.  

As Jesus said “Denver,” He pointed there, and as He did, the Holy Spirit showed me, though it was not quite dawn, exactly where Denver was. It was still night in San Francisco, yet the Holy Spirit showed me where that city was too. I then looked back toward the East Coast. The sun had already risen there and through some cirrocumulus clouds, I could see the Florida area. I suddenly realized I was up in the heavens looking down.  

I also knew that during this limited nuclear attack I would be in Florida, very close to the Alabama border. (Phillip Barnett was in AL too) Several years later I discovered that this part of Florida is indeed swampland, just as in the dream.  

Bride Protected as the Wicked are Nuked  

Bill Steenland - 4/23/22 (David’s notes in red)  

I dreamed I was in my kitchen preparing dinner. (Representing the preparation of the spiritual food to feed God’s elect.) I was suddenly translated to a place in the mountains. (This represents the choosing of the Bride by bringing Her to Mt. Zion which is a place of safety from the Beast?) Although I was incredibly surprised about the miracle, I knew why the Lord had done it. I had a horrible feeling and immediately started searching the skies. I said to myself, “Oh my God! This is it and it must have started!”  

There was a light orange flash way, way off in the distance. (The people to be judged will be spiritually far from Zion and the presence of God.) I saw the top of a mushroom cloud. The Lord was letting me know nuclear weapons were going off in a distance that I couldn’t physically see. (Back when this dream was given: I asked if we should pray this down by faith and got a “NO.” When I forwarded this dream to Eve, she cast lots asking the Lord if we can pray this down? And she received 3 Tails for “NO”. ... Has God planned to chasten the U.S. in spite of their silly thousand years of peace on a wicked nation?)  

Back when this dream was given: I asked, “Is this the DS cities being destroyed?” And got “Yes”.) As in a nuclear attack there will be desolation, waste, and astonishment as the Lord said in Eze 35:2 Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir and prophesy against it, (The leadership of the Edomites who are Esau's seed who persecuted and betrayed their own brother, Israel.),  

3 and say unto it, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O mount Seir, and I will stretch out my hand against thee, and I will make thee a desolation and an astonishment. 4 I will lay thy cities [or congregations] waste, and thou shalt be desolate; and thou shalt know that I am Jehovah.)  

Little mushroom clouds appeared in the background and stuck in the sky as if it was some computer program that pinned the location of the blasts in the distance. As I moved around the symbols would stay in their places. There were many, many of these nukes going off.  

I continued to walk up this hill to an abandoned house with no windows or doors. It was made of concrete and looked like the place the Lord was sending me to hide. (Representing the refuge that God has prepared for His people to be hidden in the Rock. Their freedom to come and go is unhindered by doors.)  

The house had a bunch of silver everywhere. (The Lord will supply for the financial and physical needs of His people in the times ahead. Some say ultimately silver will be more valuable than gold.) I thought I could barter using them, so I started to break them apart and put them in a backpack. It struck me odd that whoever was there previously didn’t see the value in the silver. (Because escaping is overwhelmingly more important. And silver will only later skyrocket.)  

Then I looked out of the little concrete building and there was a massive food processing plant nearby. I remember almost laughing because the Lord had put me right next to a food processing plant. I thought, “Oh wow! That’s that! Thank you God!” (Food and money will be plentiful among the Bride as the Lord spoke. Isa 61:5-8 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and foreigners shall be your plowmen and your vine-dressers. 6 But ye shall be named the priests of Jehovah; men shall call you the ministers of our God: ye shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.  

7 Instead of your shame ye shall have double; and instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be unto them. 8 For I, Jehovah, love justice, I hate robbery [the factions in Church and state have stolen from their brethren] with iniquity; and I will give them their recompense in truth (God will re-pay), and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.) 

Back when this dream was given: I asked, “Will this devastation come after the redistribution of wealth planned in the GCR ?” And received a “Yes.” Eve asked for a confirming word for this and received, Psa.81:5 (in context 5-7) He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony, When he went out over the land of Egypt, Where I heard a language that I knew not. 6 I removed his shoulder from the burden: His hands were freed from the basket. 7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder; I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah  

As the dream changed I was still in the house but was talking to a woman dressed in camouflage. (The Bride is hidden in the “secret place of the Most High.”) She was explaining to me where we were in the mountains. She told me the state, the mountain range, and the roadway. I can’t remember what it was but I knew it was somewhat iconic, well known and popular for mountain travel. There was a Native American word she told me and I remember thinking, “I need to look that up and find the meaning.” but I cannot remember the name. I knew more people were coming; some of them good and some of them bad. (Many will come and be saved in the revival.) Then I woke up.  

Eve asked for a word by faith at random for Bill’s dream and received: Eze.21:28-32 And thou, son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah concerning the children of Ammon (A faction who turned against the people of God like the DS has.), and concerning their reproach; and say thou, A sword, a sword is drawn, for the slaughter it is furbished, to cause it to devour, that it may be as lightning(I asked is this representing a swift taking down of those who factioned against their own countryman? And got “Yes.” This could be so-called Americans against Americans the Alliance against the DS as is happening now.)  

29 while they see for thee false visions, while they divine lies unto thee, to lay thee upon the necks of the wicked that are deadly wounded, whose day is come in the time of the iniquity of the end. 30 Cause it to return into its sheath. In the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy birth, will I judge thee. 31 And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee; I will blow upon thee with the fire of my wrath; and I will deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, skillful to destroy. 32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I, Jehovah, have spoken it.  

(I believe the fake nuclear war will turn into a real nuclear war by the DS hands. The world knows that President Trump’s base are Christians and they do not differentiate Christians from New Agers, who have lied to them about “peace and safety” because they do not believe in the book of Revelation. This will set the stage for the “sudden destruction”. And in the second 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation, the world Beast will make war against the Christians in Rev 13.)  

From The Edge Hyssop Chronicles  

Larry W. Taylor - Sept. 21, 2002  

I saw an Eagle standing proud and tall and the Eagle was turning to fight some enemy that was before it. (The DS) The proud Eagle, all dressed for battle, turned and faced the enemy before it and just as the Eagle started forward toward the enemy; I saw a knife being thrust into the back of the proud and surprised Eagle. (The DS Judas’ start a limited nuclear war with Russia?) As the Eagle staggered from the knife wound to its back, I saw (nuclear) arrows come from the enemy it had been facing and hit the Eagle. (The DS caused the retaliation against the U.S.) The vision faded at this point , so I did not see the result of the attack on the Eagle.  


Sept. 7, 2002

Thought I would relate a dream to you I had in the early 1980s. I had been in prayer for about a week and on the last day of my prayer fast, I became very sleepy. So sleepy, that I couldn't keep my head up. I struggled against sleep as I was trying to hear the Lord. I lay back on the bed for a minute, but as soon as my head hit the bed I was asleep. I immediately had a dream.  

In the dream I saw a long line of missile silos. I had the knowledge in the dream that these were missiles no one ever thought would be fired! I could not tell who the missiles belonged to. As the dream progressed, I saw the missiles begin to fire and lift out of their silos. I noted that not all the missiles were fired, but only a certain number were fired. I saw the missiles fired, go up into the sky and reach a peak; then start to arch and fall back towards the earth, towards its target. I did not see who or what the target was but as the missiles began to fall towards their targets, I heard in my dream what sounded like a loud audible voice, "THESE ARE THE MISSILES OF OCTOBER!"  

This voice woke me up fully awake and I sat up with a start! I still remember in vivid detail the dream of the Missiles and the voice that declared they were of October. (No year was given)  (If the DS was going to fire at the Russians to make a war, wouldn’t they do it before the election to stop it? Since they are too far behind to get away with cheating this time?)

1 THESSALONIANS 5:3 For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  

2 CHRONICLES 20:20  Believe in the LORD, your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets so shall ye prosper.  

AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto his servants, the prophets.  

(Note: I shared this with President Trump and General Smith.)

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