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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Joanie Miller - 09/30/2011 On 9/17/11, I had the following night vision that I would like to share: I saw what appeared to be a canyon full of people; there were walls on both sides and it was lighted. (Note from David: There was just such a canyon that led up to the Red Sea.) (At the time, I was reminded of the Israelites as they passed through the waters coming from Egypt.) The people could not go to the left or right or even backwards -- only forward -- and all I could see were their heads. They were squeezed together tightly and a great deal of pressure was being applied to them as they went forward. (When meditating on this, I was reminded that when a woman gives birth that there is some fear and trepidation but no turning back. In fact, she just wants to get it over with! And yes, there is pain and pressure!) I sensed a spirit of fear come over some of them and all of a sudden I popped up (because of the pressure) above them and shouted out, "Do not fear!" I then found myself in my house and it was dark outside but inside there was a soft glow like candlelight. My husband was resting on the floor and there were two men sitting at the table; one man had a guitar and was strumming it soothingly. Two other people were in the front room, sitting near my husband. All of a sudden, the man with the guitar made a swirling motion up the neck of the guitar and I was in awe at the beauty of the music. It was heavenly! There was a sense that we were waiting for something to happen. (This part of the vision reminded me of the Passover back before the Red Sea, when waiting in their homes while it was dark and the Destroyer was passing over.) Our hope is in Him and He will be glorified! I'm waiting expectantly with you, dear brethren.