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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Judy Bauman - 01/11/2008 So many of My children do not feel they fit into the church. They have tried and some have been accused of being rebellious, but this is not it at all. They are new cloths trying to be fitted onto an old garment. I will take the new cloths and sew them together, making a new garment - a coat of many colors. Some have called this "The Joseph Company" and this is that same group's garment. This is not about your age, Children, this is about the movement of your heart. You have always struggled to fit in and this is why. Rejoice that you are a new cloth and that I am sewing and knitting you together. The older ones, who have fought with this their entire lives, will come out to teach the younger ones and the younger ones will not be made to sit. They will not be made to be trophies of men. They will be sown into the world and taught to go make disciples of Jesus, the Christ. The Joseph Company will be bold and fierce and Satan will tremble at their coming. Not since the days of Pentecost has anything been seen like this company of foot soldiers. They will heal the sick, they will cast out demons, they will raise the dead. They will not be taught disbelief but they will believe the Word of the Lord; and they will not falter. Strong evidence that these are sent by God Himself is that they will have an uncompromised walk of purity and holiness. They will walk in My image. They will not toy with sin, nor will they be persuaded to look at evil. They will not make excuses but will quickly repent. All sin will be renounced and they will walk with such power that even their mentors will tremble at the sight of their coming. They will bring a tangible "Fear of The Lord". God will be with The Joseph Company, and just as the world at the time of Joseph was saved from famine, nations will be saved from spiritual famine. They will bring spiritual milk, meat, bread, wine and gold wherever they go. Stand and behold the awesomeness of their God and King - to Whom they will give all glory. Genesis 37:3; Genesis 41; Joel 2; Matthew 9:16; 28:18-20; John 3:16; Romans 13:14; Ephesians 4:14-16; 1 Peter 5:5-7; Revelation 18:4.