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Anonymous sister - 12/12/11 I had a dream a couple of nights ago. The dream was about a courtroom and a trial ongoing. The judge was God. The bench where He was sitting was raised higher, like other judges' benches, but you couldn't see the top of this one; it just kept going up. I couldn't see God, but I knew that He was there. The prosecutor/accuser was Satan. The defender was Jesus. My husband was there in the prisoners' dock, as he was the one on trial. I was there as a witness. Jesus asked me if I had forgiven my husband for everything that he had done. I answered that, yes, I had, and that I had prayed for him. It was then Satan's turn to question me. He asked me a lot of questions. He made a lot of accusations. He was trying very hard to rattle me. I answered him quite firmly, calmly and confidently. I knew this confidence was not from my natural self, but rather was emanating from Jesus, in His support of me. He started listing many wrongs that my husband had done. He also started listing thoughts that I had on these different occasions (my wrongs). I would tell Satan I forgave my husband for that. I rebuked that thought. That thought I cast down in the name of Jesus. He listed more wrongs. I told him I loved my husband and he loves me and that love covers a multitude of sins. He told me another thought that I had. I told him I repented of that thought. He gave me another and I told him I cast that one down too and put all my thoughts in subjection to Jesus Christ. He gave me another thought and I told him that thought wasn't mine; that one was yours (Satan) and I rejected it in the name of Jesus. Then he was going for his coup de gr�ce - his death blow. He said was there not a time that I had told God that I could not, in my own power, forgive my husband. I admitted that it was true, but that I then asked God to grant me His forgiveness - His ability to forgive - that I accepted it by faith and then it became mine. When I said that, my husband was judged as forgiven and we were free to go. We were very happy and praising God. As we were getting ready to leave, Jesus came and said to my husband, "You are forgiven for your previous foolishness. Go and sin no more. The time is drawing close". That is when I woke up. I want to emphasize that every wrong and every thought that Satan brought up was something that really did transpire. In some instances, things were brought up that I had forgotten about. I really got the sense that Satan was trying to get me to take up an offense against my husband in the courtroom and, if I did, that all would be lost. If he could have found a sin that I retained against my husband, my husband would be punished for it and then I would have borne the penalty of my unforgiveness. It was in the power of Christ that I didn't become offended and that I forgave all. I think the dream was pointing out how important waging these battles over our thoughts is.