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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Visions given to Patti Rowe in 1974 In 1974, we had just sold everything and were preparing to go the foreign field for our first missionary endeavor. We rented a small one bedroom apartment while we were saving the money to go. Though we were working to get ready to go abroad, my heart was also aching for the US. I asked the Lord to show me what was coming for this country. I had a dream of armies invading the US; I did not know who they were. I suddenly awakened in the early pre-dawn hours of that same morning to an open vision. It was as if the ceiling in the room just disappeared and I was lying in bed, looking into a vast open night sky. Each scene followed another as if watching a giant slide show and all were vividly clear:
The visions stopped and I was deeply stirred in my spirit. (I was quite young then). I got out of bed and quietly slipped into the kitchen so as not to awaken my family. I fell to my knees in awe and weeping before the Lord for those who were lost. I got up from my knees and on the table was my Bible. I just opened it and began reading where I had opened it at random. It was in the book of Daniel where the angel shows Daniel the man of sin who will rise up and deceive many "with an arm of a flood".
In another vision I had soon after the one above, I saw a great eagle; it looked strong and healthy. I turned again to see it and it was the very opposite of what I had just seen. This time it was so thin and battered. It had lost most of its feathers, looked burned in spots and broken open with wounds. It could not fly; it could not even stand on its feet. When it would try to stand, it would fall to the ground and flop around trying to get back up but could not. I then heard a sound like the snake charmers in India play. I turned to see a hideously ugly beast standing in a marketplace, playing his flute-like instrument. Turning my eyes back to the eagle, I watched as it came under the spell of this "music". It flopped around until it got back on its feet and under the power of this beast; it danced its way closer to the reach of this beast. I watched as it slithered and swayed like a charmed cobra, to the tune played by the beast. (The U.S. will come more and more under the dominion of the corporate beast from the abyss.)
From Patti's experience, she shared in an email of enemies gathering to the south of the U.S. Something else I might mention is the things we see in Central America. In Mexico, Russian soldiers can be seen eating in public places where Americans once ate. The red hammer and cycle signs are painted around in public places, especially in southern Mexico. For years we have watched the freeways being built to connect Central America to the U.S., even in areas where there were little more than donkey carts. The Belizean military are training some men in Cuba and some of Cuba's troops are training in Belize. My friend's brother-in-law is a captain in the Honduras Navy. He said they have joined ranks with Chavez, too. He wasn't able to give many specifics but he did confirm that there are a lot of fiberglass submarines being used by Al-Qaida to run drugs and weapons from Venezuela to Mexico and Central America. The fiberglass cannot be detected by radar. They cannot dive deep; they can just go enough below the surface to not be seen. (This is making Americans pay with their own addictions for their own overthrow.) When we were in Belize last January, our friends were wearing U.S. Air Force camouflage jackets. I asked where they got them. The answer was, "This is what the Belizean military has issued for the BDF (Belize Defense Force) to wear". I thought that was quite strange when they are training with Cubans and have put the British troops out. I asked, "So, if we are invaded by men wearing our uniforms, how will we know who is who?"