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Garrett Crawford - 04/21/2007 I had a dream I was at a wedding reception. There was a young bride that I knew and she was getting married to an older man that I did not know. I walked up to her and said, "Where is your first husband? What happened, did you get divorced?" She said, "Yes, I left him; I never loved him anyway". That broke my heart because I had known her first husband and he was a nice guy. He loved her dearly and I thought they were really happy together. I guess she had lost her love for him and decided to leave him. She acted as if it was no big deal and just continued on dancing and singing with her new husband. The whole time I was watching this I was just so bewildered because I could not understand how she could have left her first husband without giving it a second thought to marry another. I knew that she had really loved her first husband at one time; she often said so, but now it was so troubling for me to see her just throw away all those memories and love and marry this 'old' man. I think this represents the falling away of many in the church by leaving her first love or Christ and going after the OLD man. Update 12/09/2007 The girl in this dream is a real person, she and I grew up together, as well as went to the same church. When I had this dream, I knew it was symbolic, but I never would have imagined how prophetic it would be. I had this dream a long time ago, but here recently she called me out of nowhere and confessed something to me, something that she said she had never told anyone. She confessed she has been having an affair on her husband with an older man. I prayed with her and tried to counsel her, but I don't think she made the right decision to confess this to her husband. I cannot deny the fact the Lord impressed it upon her to call me and tell me this. She lives in another state and it seems almost illogical for her to have called me with this, but the Lord is sovereign. I think the Lord has shown me another installment of this ongoing, unfolding picture. About three months ago, I was back in contact with this girl, whose name is Sarah. She told me that she is now pregnant. This normally would not be out of the ordinary, but she has some kind of medical condition that kept her from having any more children. She told me that for years she and her husband tried to conceive, even in the face of the doctors' bad report, but they never were able to. She said they gave up and stopped trying, so it was such a surprise this summer when she got pregnant. This, she said, was supposed to be impossible. She is now set to have a baby boy some time in late spring. I feel that I would not be jumping to great conclusions by saying what I am about to say. The Lord has already confirmed she represents the church and I feel that even in her lukewarm state God will bring her back to holiness and truth. The child which she is now pregnant with could represent the man-child that is birthed from the woman in Revelation 12:5. I am not saying the tribulation will start when her child is born or that we will receive the latter rain at that time, but I do feel it will not be much longer after the child is born. Just food for thought.