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Hidden Manna For the End Times
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Revelations given to Amos Scaggs 3-11-06 I was sent to serve a one-day jail sentence. When I went to the gate at the guard desk to be released, I was told that I had two more days to serve. I said, no, I only had one day to serve. The guard, whom I knew, said the sentence had been changed during the night to a three day term. While going back to the quarters there were two more people that were coming in to serve a jail term. One was a preacher and the other one was a young street lady. I had two large rolls of money as big as my fist. I was trying to hide the money but there was no place to put them that they would not be seen or look suspicious. I considered the guard for safe keeping since I knew him, but decided against it because I knew I really couldn't trust him with the money. I knew I would never get it back. I also couldn't trust the preacher or the street lady. There was no place to put the money without people knowing you had it. I thought the preacher could be trusted at first but he was too friendly with the lady. No one could be trusted, I had no place to hide and I was locked in. I feel that the Lord was telling me that money would be available for the first year of the tribulations, then after that it would be of no value to you even if you had some. It would be confiscated, stolen and become worthless to the true believer of G-d. You can't trust the church leaders becausethey are in love with the Harlot. In the first year the system will sucker you into their way of thinking. The transition is so smooth that you don't know you are init, until you start to leave at the beginning of the second year. Then you discover you can't get out. You are in for three years with no means of escape. I believe this represents the first three years of the tribulations that the believer will go through. We are locked into it with no way out. 3-13-06 I was in a horse drawn wagon leaving town. There were no cars. People were doing business as usual. I looked back and saw two people way back down the street that stood out from the rest of the people. They were just different and their apparel was different from the others in the crowded street. They were trying to catch up with us. It seemed we had ample time, so we circled back around the town to picked them up. There seemed to be provisions in the wagon and we were the only ones that knew that we should leave town. We picked up the two people that seemed to be legging behind, although we all got the message to leave town at the same time. I believe G-d will give us plenty of warning time to prepare to leave our towns and help people along the way. G-d has the provisions for us and to not be in a rush or panic. The First Fruits will start their preparations first and we will help the two witnesses on our journey. 3-19-06 I saw safe havens in locations along the southern states, but I also new there were more all over the US. The locations that I saw were south of the Tenn. parallel. They were in the Western part of the Carolinas, South Central Tenn., North Western parts of Ga., Ala.,Miss,North Eastern La., and East Central Arkansas.