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Christine M. As a young adult at the age of 21 I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr (chronic fatigue). For almost two years I would have to sleep at least 12 hours a day to barely function. I visited every specialist and was given no hope - just to deal with it and get rest. As a young child I was taught about the Lord and even experienced a vision of heaven at the age of seven (and was healed during that vision of a toothache), but when my dad left our family when I was 10 our family fell apart and our family faith slowly faded away. By the time I was 21 the Bible was in my closet and wasn't read in years. One night I cried out to the Lord while remembering a story told to me as a child of the woman in the Bible who was healed of her blood flow of 12 years. As I was begging the Lord to let me touch his garment just like that woman, I felt such a hot flow of heat through my body and I knew I was healed. The Lord let me feel that heat to help my faith. Within 24 hours I felt completely better! I told everyone. People said it was just psychological or I healed myself but I knew better. I started reading my Bible as a babe in Christ. Almost two years later I did join a church and was reading the Bible regularly but I started practicing Yoga. I even became a Yoga instructor, certified only in Sport Yoga. I knew Yoga had eastern philosophies but I thought if I just did the exercise part I would be ok. I even asked my pastor and to my surprise I had his support as long as it was just for exercise. Another elder even encouraged Tai Chi - another eastern philosophy of exercise. Well after two years of practicing Yoga and getting involved with Reiki (bringing energy from the universe into your body for healing), (Yoga was the pathway to all of the other eastern philosophies - Tai Chi, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, etc.) a bold woman of Christ named Jane whom I met for the first time at a Laser center informed me of my "backsliding" and insisted that I pray and get right with God; and speak to her husband (he had knowledge in the occults - he used to be in one before he met Christ). The word "backsliding" kept ringing in my ear from this woman. I thought exercising was ok. The Lord showed me that night that I had left the Lord for the harlot after looking up the word backsliding in the concordance which directed me to Jeremiah 3-6. I felt the Lord's anger with me for what I was doing. Well after the Lord opened my eyes that night, I discarded everything that had to do with Yoga (music, clothes, DVDs, my teaching certification, books, equipment, yoga mat, candles, etc.). I quit teaching the next day. I visited Jane and her husband who further explained how Yoga is an occult practice. They prayed over me and anointed me with oil. We claimed that I was forgiven and all effects of this practice had left me. Praise God for his forgiveness, mercy and love. Now I have given my life to the Lord and have been walking with him ever since! An undeserved blessing He gave me was a daughter. I was not able to have a child. For 14 months I was not ovulating - according to the specialists. Well within two weeks of giving up Yoga I was pregnant. My daughter is four years old. I have been walking with the Lord four years and nine months! I am so grateful for God's love and forgiveness.