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Bob Aicardi - 03/27/2008 Several years after my last stroke, David Eells and myself had just gone out for a bite to eat for dinner. We were saying our good-nights in the front yard as I usually walk part way to the car and say goodbye to any guest. We were discussing matters when my speech began to slur to where we both noticed something was wrong. We prayed and trusted God that whatever this was about He (The Lord) would heal and deliver me from this attack. I left and went in the house and sat down and later went to bed. The next day I was no better and I could not sit at the computer and counsel as an elder for UBM, work in sales for my employer, nor make any business cell calls to my customers. I could not speak without slurring or drive my car as before. The Lord had struck me a second time with a STROKE. I immediately examined myself and questioned why The Lord would allow this to come on me. 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But I trusted God that this was for my better and He would soon deliver me and explain His intentions to me... Genesis 28:15 And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. I sat in my recliner, waiting on The Lord to heal me. I was calling out to The Lord, waiting 2 1/2 days, when my daughter, who was called b my neighbor with whom I fish, told her of my health condition. My daughter and her sheriff's deputy husband came over and said I could go down to the emergency room with them by car or they would call an ambulance. About that time David had dropped in to check on me. Realizing this was a family affair, he kept his silence. I wasn't about to be carried away at the expense of an ambulance to the hospital, so I agreed to go to the emergency room with them, rather than be taken by an ambulance. Later, after talking with Bill Rowe, a prior paramedic, I found out I have rights to be in my favor that without my consent, they are unable to take me unless I were unconscious, incoherent or unable to say who I was or give my social security number. Well, the hospital was a difficult step for me. They insisted if I went in they would run some tests and I could check back out 24 hours later. Wrong. I was not there to get the bad report nor go looking for one. Proverbs 6:27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? The doctor, the following day, said that after $15,000 in tests they knew nothing to show up as abnormal. The report was just as we had all agreed for and prayed for -- healthy with nothing wrong. They saw on my brain scan how two years earlier I had had a stroke and was healed but now with no cause they wanted me to stay longer. I told them I would be there for one day only and the day was about up, and I was still planning to leave on schedule. I was believing in the healing power of The Lord. They called a doctor and he said I was to stay. I answered with just "let me sign myself out", for I knew the only one that was in charge of making me well was my Father. Home at last again, waiting for The Lord in my chair, I had contacted my work and told them of the situation and they said to take off as long as necessary. The phone rang and it was my son in Melbourne who is married to a beautiful wife who is an Occupational Therapist. They wanted me to fly to Melbourne so I could get some free therapy from both of them for my stroke. I so much wanted a vacation then that I said yes. When I later considered that this healing would be confusing my works with those of the hand of The Lord's, I called my faithful sister and said I was considering going to Adam's house and do physical therapy but I was reluctant due to the fact that I did not want to go back to Babylon. That is when my sister offered to come over and stay for a while and that is when I said yes (praise God! ). Then I called Adam back and cancelled the trip. I called back asking my son to pardon me for not accepting his offer. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. David and I talked and I felt the best thing would be to remain around believers who think as we do and believe in salvation at the cross. I was going to have my sister Rosemary come from Tallahassee who has been following UBM for many years. She came and tended to me for a mere four days when she was called back as The Lord began His work in restoring me. I returned to work three weeks later and The Lord progressively returned all speech and the use of my hands, along with my prayer language which was restored after one morning of asking The Lord to faithfully give back my speaking in tongues completely. Praise God! The doctors at the hospital had prescribed four different pills following the stroke; mind you, four pills for having found nothing. How many in the event they had found something? I threw them in the garbage right away soon after I got home. The rest of the story is straight forward. I received the healing that is promised in God's Word. Completely restored. Jude 24-25 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. I asked The Lord His purpose in making me to walk through this trial. He said, "As an elder shepherd, you must not just talk the talk to my sheep, you must walk the walk before My sheep".