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Donna Lane - 11/20/2008 I wanted to give a praise report on how God healed me from terrible headaches. I started having these headaches about four years ago. They would happen a few times each month and I would be sick for about 48 hours each time. I seemed to have every symptom for every known headache. Even my doctor couldn't give me an exact diagnosis. My head would hurt so bad it was painful to lie on a soft pillow. At this time I started listening to David Eells' teaching on healing and being delivered from the curse. I prayed and believed Jesus had already healed me from these headaches. I had already stopped going to the doctor about this because she wasn't able to help me anyway. The Lord started dealing with me concerning the over-the-counter pills I would take at the onset of symptoms. I stepped out in faith and quit taking any kind of medicine to help with the pain. I would like to say I had an immediate manifestation of healing, but this was a gradual process. I did suffer for quite a few months with the pain. But gradually I noticed the pain wasn't quite as severe. Then the frequency of the headaches lessened, as well. Now for several months I haven't had a severe headache. There are days when I feel the familiar symptoms start but I rebuke them, saying, "These symptoms are a lie from the pit of hell and I don't accept them. I believe God that I have been healed and redeemed from the curse". The Lord is faithful to His promises and the symptoms go away. Praise God! At the Lord's leading I have quit running to the world (doctors) for my deliverance and instead run to Him. Three years ago I also was led to cancel my health insurance and the Lord has been faithful to protect me and heal me. Thank you, Jesus.