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Anthony Laudermilk - 04/06/2015 I want to share a blessing. Last week, our two-year-old daughter was at the store and accidently fell on the hard floor. My older daughter tried to catch her but couldn't catch her in time. She came up screaming and holding her hand and could not move her arm. We took her to urgent care and when we arrived we could see her thumb and index finger were bent and her entire hand was swollen. I was concerned for her, especially knowing how the hospital questions you so much when children are hurt, let alone it appeared she had broken fingers and a joint pulled on her arm. I took the rest of the kids back home because it was apparent she would be in the hospital for some time. My wife texted me and said they were taking Amber in for X-rays of her hand and entire arm. When I heard she was going in for X-rays, I called my dad and asked him to pray. We had a short talk about another person who needed prayer and he prayed then and there on the phone for Amber. During his prayer, he started praying for me and a few issues I've had. Well, that struck me and caused me to cry out to the Lord. After we hung up, it was about two to four minutes later that I received a text from my wife that they were coming home. When she arrived back home, Amber was smiling and joyful, ready to run around and play. She had complete use of her arm and there were no signs of any trauma. She told me what happened: They came back to the emergency room doctor after the X-rays and, to the amazement of the doctor, not only were the X-rays negative but Amber showed no signs of injury. In fact, the doctor guessed she was acting it all out; that was the only explanation he could offer. But we know better. We have no doubt about what happened: The King of Kings and Lord of Lords answered a prayer in a miraculous way. It was the healing He was giving Amber in a marvelous way that was the real story here. I called my dad immediately to give God the praise and tell him what happened. The faith that was expressed toward God was really the story here. As we proclaimed the news to others of what had happened, we watched as the doors of faith were pressed open and the Lord was brought forth for people to consider the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised. Amen!