UBM Radio
Unleavened Bread Bible Study
Outreach Teleconference
Hidden Manna For the End Times
UBM Ministries: Other Resources:
Teresa - 03/24/2004 Your teaching on the end times has been a very deep experience for me. I was unable to attend the conference meetings but have been riveted by the teaching tapes of that session. I am not sure what prompted me to tune into the radio broadcast the week you were interviewed as I normally do not listen to the radio, but I sensed I was hearing rare wisdom. I had a very unusual experience last week after I had re-listened to one of the teaching tapes. I turned the lights off and felt an anointing fall and was moved into the Spirit. I was given a number of keys of wisdom for personal guidance as well as applications of the teaching to individuals I have been involved with. I have not had an experience quite like this before, as the ministry was clearly in your voice. I am very familiar with the voice of the Lord but for some reason, He chose to use you to impart the understanding of His will in several areas. I believe He is connecting believers in unusual ways in these last days as the Church is being prepared for the Last Chapter. This was one of those experiences I would call "deep unto deep". While I was in the Spirit, the question was raised, if faith is the substance of things hoped for, how do we apply the principle of faith to this teaching. If we encounter someone who is part of the corporate entity of the false prophet, are they beyond redemption? If faith says the opposite of circumstance - are we vainly manipulating with prophetic events in a fruitless effort to bring deliverance, i.e., someone believing for bombs to be supernaturally detonated. For our faith to be effective and not misspent, what are your instructions to intercessors in these times of peril to make sure we hinder the antichrist as the Church is called to, but not to try to stand in the way of the inevitable? To capture the insights and depth of understanding in this rich, condensed teaching, I am finding it necessary to listen to each tape several times. This message is one I pray the Lord of the Harvest will send to those that need to be awakened, to a harvest field of those lost in religion.