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Jenn Reams - 12/10/2010 Our icemaker had not worked for over a month. In that month, it produced maybe three batches of ice -- and they were shells, not solid pieces. Then it ceased making ice altogether. I prayed in the first two weeks that God would fix it. We got bagged ice in the meantime. Then, Wednesday PM, this confidence came over me. I called Trinity to come and agree with me for it to be healed and there was no doubt God was going to do it. AND He wanted to show Trinity and Josh, too. So we commanded it to be completely restored in the name of Jesus, agreed in faith and I knew it would be done. Finally, yesterday afternoon, I went for an ice cube to cool Trinity's soup and found two fresh batches of ice lying on top of the bought ice! I immediately called Trinity and Josh to come see. Trinity and I both witnessed to Josh about our prayer and he was impressed! Because he knew it had been weeks since that thing made ice. We praised God! This morning, the ice tray is full of 'made' ice! And the crescent-shaped ice is completely solid! No more shells! Hallelujah! Ask and you will receive. Confidence = Faith = Authority!