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Ed from NC - 01/11/2011 Greetings, brother and sisters. I would like to give a praise report. On Thursday, 1/06/11,I contacted the UBM prayer ministry concerning this flu or virus that was attacking me. Ibegan feeling really bad on Monday and continued to get worse through the week and then on Thursday is when I called for prayer. I have been a UBM member for a few years and have heard David Eells teach on healing and being free from the curse. I have been fighting the good fight of faith these few years and when pain or some symptom would occur, I would take authority over it in the name of Jesus and it would leave. This time I had a little problem. It didn't want to go. It felt like someone had hit me in the arms and legs with a bat. My head was in a fog. At night, I would sleep in my clothes because I couldn't get warm enough. I am 60 years old and I don't remember feeling exactly this way ever before. It has been years since I have felt this bad. Anyway, I continued to go to work. I am a vending route driver and climbing in and out of a truck all day was rough. My wife suggested I go see a doctor. I told her I'd rather trust in the Lord for my healing and the next morning ,which was Thursday,is when I contacted UBM for prayer. Friday morning, when I woke up, I knew something was different because I felt much much better and my symptoms just started leaving. I knew the Lord had healed me. I thought, maybe there is a lesson for me to be learned here. I have never asked anyone to pray for me or agree with me in prayer for anything. I have told friends and family members about UBM. They listen to what I have to say but that's as far as it goes. They don't seemed to be turned on to it but in time I believe some of them will. Anyway, I praise the Lord for healing me and for the UBM prayer ministry. "Again I say that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven" Matthew 18:19
From: William Rowe Father, we know by Your Word that the cursed flu virus is subject to the Spirit and that Spirit which resides in Ed has authority over the flu virus and the flu virus is only able to work within the permissible parameters of a willing host or a cursed host. We claim Ed is neither and therefore not subject to what the cursed flu virus has to offer man. Being therefore of the Spirit, we add our faith to Ed's and take authority over this flu virus and command it to die and be expelled from Ed now in the name of Jesus Christ, our only hope. So be it.
Be Blessed