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Eren Silva - Brazil My mother has sent me the emails about Al and Julie and how they are also translating the materials. This is so exciting -- that the Lord is moving other people -- so much more can get done and so much faster with more people working! I'm so excited that the Lord is moving in other people's hearts to do His good will. Brazilian brethren really need these truths. I have so many Christian friends that don't know these truths and when the storm comes they are dumbfounded and fall because they were not grounded on Truth. There are so many shallow Christians that don't have a clue to the truths revealed in this book; there are also those who just don't have access to this. I wanted you to know how much your book has transformed our minds and brought us into a deeper understanding of what the Lord is doing in our lives. As I began to read Sovereign God my life completely changed. I understood that all that I had gone through served for His purpose. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to translate the "Sovereign God For Us and Through Us" book to Portuguese. The whole thing was that we were in the midst of reforming our apartment and moving, as the Lord told us, with 3 active boys to take care of. As I already knew that this is a huge endeavor, I wanted supernatural confirmation on this. So I asked my husband Moys�s to pray about it for confirmation. As he went into the other room I prayed, "Lord, I want to be sure that this is Your will for me to translate. If it be Your will that I translate this book please give my husband one verse that clearly speaks of Your sovereignty". So my husband went to pray. The next morning he came to me and told me the verse that the Lord gave him. This is the exact verse that he opened and put his finger on: (Mat.28:18)And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. " So there is His answer to us. We must translate the "Sovereign God For Us and Through Us" book to Portuguese. For the first time in my life I heard the Lord speaking continuously and clearly in my spirit that day. He had said things before in my spirit in small phrases and words but I had never heard Him say so much at once. Among the things He said was this: "You thought that I wanted you to translate this book for other people to learn, and this is true; many people will comprehend the true gospel because they will understand WHO I AM through this book. But yet there is another reason why I want you to translate it. Do you remember when I told you that you would do a Bible school? The translation of this book is part of your assignment in the school that I have brought you to. While translating, My eternal Word will be written in your heart in a much deeper way. This is part of your preparation for what is to come. You must have the Word in you. You must know it and apply it in your life. You must live the Word. This is my training you for what is to come upon the Earth. Do not fear. I have brought you to My school. This will prepare you if you will believe My Word and apply it. Your flesh will die. Trust in me, My daughter. I have been caring for you for so long. And now you have understood My plans for you. This delights Me. All that you have gone through; I knew that you needed to go through all of it so that you might see the Truth. I know that you love the Truth. You are my elect. I will transform you. I have yet this work for you to do here". I used to think that the Lord wanted me to do a Bible school but with what He said I understood that the school He was talking about were these teachings. Our prayers are with you and your ministry. Feel free to email me any time you want.