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Reuel Stewart - 01/14/2008 Bill Rowe: Even Walmart respects the fruit of Jesus Christ.As Reuel dies to self and Jesus Christ lives in him,it is that Spirit which leads Reuel in his everyday life and guides his routine at work. Reuel tells the truth, doesn't hide his mistakes, treats fellow workers with respect and love regardless of whether he considers them friend or foe. He takes time to help and encourage his fellow workers and of course witnesses to them the scripture. Reuel is the vessel of Jesus Christ as he gives all the glory to God.
Dear Bill, Christina(Reuel's wife)
ASSOCIATE SPOTLIGHT Reuel Stewart is a T3 trainer and an order filler for Weekend Meat & Produce Shipping. He consistently is one of the highest pullers in his area. His first job was working with his dad cleaning out acres and acres of land in the Puerto Rican jungle using only a machete. Reuel comes from a large family. He has ten siblings and his wife has 20 brothers and sisters. Reuel is thankful that the Lord changed his life and put a desire in him to love His Word. He believes the Lord drives him to be what he is and gives him strength. He treats others respectfully, and abides by the golden rule of do unto others what you would want done to yourself. "Reuel is dedicated and hard working". "Reuel motivates the team". Reuel's favorite Quote: Psalm 91 is scripture about how God takes care of everyone who trusts in Him.