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David Mullinix - 04/17/2011 I have a friend whose name is Jim. I met Jim through a little Baptist church while stationed in Sicily back in 1981. I remember, when under great conviction, I went down to the "altar" at the front of the church and Jim prayed with me while I wept over a cigarette habit I had not given to the Lord since I had been saved six months prior, even though the Lord had indicated in my spirit on the day of salvation that I could give that to Him, too, along with my alcohol addiction; nonetheless, I only gave Him my alcohol addiction, but kept the cigarette addiction. Jim and I both wept together as I laid my habit before the Lord that day. I suffered for 10 days, but got the victory. Reeling forward in time, a lot has transpired in the past 30 years in both Jim's life and mine. Jim had a very successful career in the Navy and went on to be a successful manager working with retirees in the Memphis area. Recently retired, Jim was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I found out through his son, Anthony, with whom I have had a very close "brother in Christ" relationship via the phone these past five years. Anthony and I prayed for his dad; yet, I didn't feel led to talk to Jim about his physical malady because he didn't bring it up to me. I was waiting for him to volunteer the information to me. Amazingly, within about two weeks, Jim called me out of the blue and began to tell me his situation, that he had been diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and that he was scheduled for exploratory surgery so that they could assess exactly how bad the situation was. (Please note that Jim's son, Anthony, had at NO TIME told Jim that we had been talking, nor that Anthony had told me about Jim's ailment.) I asked Jim if he believed the Lord could heal him. He said he did. I let him talk a lot that day without me saying much. I definitely sensed the sovereignty of God at work in Jim's life. Jim broke down and wept. When that was done, I asked Jim if he would like for me to pray over him and if he would agree with me in prayer. He said he would. We prayed. While praying, I received the exact same vision I had received awhile back when delivered from gall bladder pain. I saw the Lord on the cross with the crown of thorns on His head. I exclaimed this to Jim and emphatically told him I knew he was healed, having relayed to him the info about the vision I received. We rejoiced together, as he knew he was healed, as well. Jesus said, "Be it unto you according to your faith". Hallelujah! On April 8th, I received a text from Anthony, Jim's son, that Jim was in surgery and for me to pray. That night I received a call from Jim who was laid out in the ICU at the hospital in Memphis. He wanted to tell me he knew he was healed, so we rejoiced together. A couple of days later, Jim called me to tell me what the surgeons had found when they went in. After two CT scans to confirm their findings, they found absolutely NO SCARRING. NADA. NOTHING! Jim did have some pneumonia, so I said, "Let's pray that away right now!" So we did. Hallelujah!