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[ audio ] David Eells - 12/30/2015 Here is an email exchange with John Feagin. The subject sent was: Potentially HISTORIC Flooding Coming Your Direction. He was speaking of the storm system they are calling "Goliath". On 12/28/15 3:02 PM, "John Feagin" wrote: Hey, Robin! I was SORT of joking about Goliath going to pay y'all a visit and David getting his rock chunker ready... His last message included a reminder of those dams y'all're concerned about in your area. (Author's note: This is Boones Dam which is failing due to a fault line and washing out below the dam. They are now saying they plan a fix of drilling 500 pillars on the lake side of the dam and pump grout through them. Then another 700 pillars for the sum of 200 - 300 million dollars lasting for seven years. Fat chance! God is going to re-wild the area below the dam.) This report says that HISTORIC FLOODING is expected with this system and its runoff. Forewarned is forearmed. Suggest y'all take authority and make your preps before it gets bad.
God bless y'all always! Potentially Historic River Flooding - Meteorologist Ari Sarsalari has the latest on what could be a possible historic river flooding event along the Mississippi. (Author's note: It was definitely historic flooding, which is still happening, and tornado damage.) Author's Note: Early on the morning of 12/28/15, before John's warning in the afternoon, we saw Goliath coming on radar... On 12/29/15 8:28 AM, "David" wrote: Hi, John. Yesterday morning we saw it on radar and commanded it to split in two and go around us and that is just what it did by the grace of our God! All we got was a gentle sprinkle. This has been common to us. This is how the Lord has been giving us good weather.
Blessings, At Least 23 Dead After Texas Tornadoes and Midwest Flooding Tornadoes and Flooding Rain Hit the South, Midwest Christmas Week 2015 On the 30th, a second wave came at us and we commanded it away and it went just southeast of us. Many witnesses here will confirm that for years now, when we notice a storm coming on radar of snow, ice, rain, or tornadoes we have been commanding them to split and go around us with great success, thanks to our God. We watch them split on radar. If we need rain, we thank God for just the right amount and let the excess go around. During the great drought of a couple of years ago our gardens put forth successfully because God had us prepare with chips on our gardens. Then we commanded the rain to return and it did. All by the grace of our wonderful God and Father. We know that you cannot completely deliver an area of the curse due to sinners living there who must reap what they sow or they will not learn a lesson. But we also know that God is sending them another judgment -- earthquakes -- to take up the slack and drive some who are under the curse out of the area. This is the way an area can be best defended when the people are not under the curse. Joshua 7 is a perfect example of this where Achan brought a curse on Israel who couldn't stand before their enemies due to him hoarding devoted things: a wedge of gold (representing causing division for the sake of gain) and 200 shekels of silver (like Judas the traitor and his silver) and a Babylonian mantle (representing having an anointing to do the works of the Beast). We have been cleansed of just such people and we are seeing signs and wonders. But the greater works are coming now so the whole true Church can be delivered. The mountain that we live on has been famous around here for lightning strikes. The rocks in the mountain are full of iron and rust can be seen in them, which makes it a perfect lightning rod, especially with the tall trees on top. Strips of bark are missing down the sides on many trees that have died and fallen over the years from lightning strikes. Lightning would hit a tree and run down into the ground and travel long distances through the rocks. We have seen it jump out of the rocks as a ball of light right next to the house. Once it traveled through the ground and ran up a ground wire and took a radio out. Once it ran up a ground to the house wiring and took out an oven which we replaced with a better one for $35 that the Lord led us to. So we had a "duh" moment and decided to forbid, according to Matthew 18:18-20, lightning to hit the top of this mountain. And so we haven't had a lightning strike here since. {Mat.18:18} Verily I say unto you, what things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. {19} Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. {20} For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Notice that if we are His disciple, and we agree and forbid something, Jesus is there to do the work. We also decided to heal the trees that were standing but had been hit by lightning and have seen progress in that area, too. I had plenty of practice with this kind of stuff with the hurricanes that came in off the Gulf. I commanded one hurricane that was pointed right at my house. Some asked me what I was going to do. I said "Nothing. My big angel is in the front yard and the hurricane is not coming here". Many got on the interstate to leave town and some got caught on the interstate by the storm. To make a long story short, the hurricane stopped when the outer wall hit the beach and made a half circle around us and turned back north, completely missing us. I kid you not. It did destroy Pensacola Beach with seven feet of sand washing in the front of businesses and out the back and tremendous wind but the Pensacola mainland was spared. God is so faithful to His Word. There were times we forbade them to damage our house and let them go through and God honored this. {Joh.15:7} If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Hurricane Ivan was like that. Everyone's roofs in the area were damaged, many lost homes, but our roof was 35 years old and needed to be changed but we didn't lose one shingle. Huge live oaks were all through the area and many took out homes or parts of homes. We always commanded ours to stand and they did. There was a big pine out on the right of way that I had asked the city to take down because it was cracking my driveway and grass doesn't grow well under them. The city was sometimes willing to take one down if it was over their power lines, which it was. But they refused to take it down, so the Lord did during Ivan. He killed two birds with one stone, so to speak. We had an awning in front of the house which I wanted for some time to add to or replace because it wouldn't cover all of our cars. But there was an oak on the edge of it that I wanted a new awning to circle around so I wouldn't have to remove it. The pine tree took the old awning down completely and my car was under it; you couldn't even see it, but it wasn't even scratched. Then a friend offered to put us up a new one like I wanted, going around the oak, and he did it very affordably. Another brother fixed the driveway. I was very happy with the results. God is so good to us. While all of this lightning thing was going on here, we were getting another powerful lesson from the Lord. Tornadoes formed inside our area and came at our mountain. Every time we heard them coming and they began pelting the windows of the house with stuff, we rebuked them and they left without damage. Once we had one in the early morning and one in the same evening. Another came and took down a tree and the power line coming up the mountain which was replaced quickly and freely. And we ended up with free firewood. We considered these occurrences highly unlikely and came to believe it was a combination of our enemies' witchcraft and 'the powers that be' considering they have gotten very good at making and directing tornadoes. This was clearly proven when people began to predict tornadoes for the next day by what was clearly unnatural manmade radar signatures and their predictions came true, consistently killing many people. Well, we lost nothing and prospered through the whole thing through faith in our awesome God. Then we had that "duh" moment again and decided to forbid the tornadoes to come to this mountain and they never have come again. Don't forget to pray and exercise your authority over all kinds of weather, for we are told, {Jas.4:2} ... ye have not, because ye ask not. It could save your life or those around you.