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Brad Moyers - 05/30/2010 I have an awesome praise report of how God instantly took away my kidney infection and excruciating pain. One day, two years ago, I started having an incredibly uncomfortable, pulsating groin pain that made me feel like I constantly had to both urinate and have a bowel movement. I thought something must have been wrong with my prostate. A few hours later, I developed a sharp, stabbing pain in my lower right abdominal area that radiated around my side and to the same area of my back. It had me puzzled for a few days but I figured out it was a kidney infection. (I am a former registered nurse; however, I wasn't about to go to Egypt for anything they have to offer. Shortly after getting saved around September of 2004, I learned through UBM of God's healing power and received a strong conviction and faith to never seek medical treatment or medicine.) For about a week I endured the pain. I would constantly pace. The only relief I got was when I would take a hot shower and let the water hit my side; consequently, I was taking five or six showers a day. The pain was so intense that it made me nauseous and I vomited a lot. I actually looked forward to vomiting, as awful as it is, because while I was heaving I didn't feel the stabbing pain. Finally, one day the pain just dissipated and that was it. Fast forward almost exactly two years to Thursday, May 20th and the same cycle started: Groin pain, then stabbing pain, etc. Everything was the same. I only vaguely remembered that the kidney pain ordeal from two years prior started this way. Again, I was thinking I might have a prostate problem. When I went to bed, I prayed and commanded the pain and its cause to go. I took my mind off the problem by trying to envision the indescribable bliss that Heaven is; that actually worked. I went to sleep and had no problems throughout the night. The next day, all was well until evening. I started feeling the same groin pain and a couple hours after that the stabbing abdominal and back pain started. Shortly thereafter, I felt nauseous and began vomiting -- and I welcomed it, like before. This time, God gave me the grace to handle the situation a little differently. Instead of crying out for Him to relieve me, I was praising Him for this trial and repenting for any deep-rooted bitterness or unforgiveness I may have had. I also apologized to my wife for wronging her in any way since we'd been married. I was feeling amazing spiritually but still reeling physically. The following verses came to both my wife and I: (Jas.5:14) Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: (15) and the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, it shall be forgiven him. (Mat.18:19) Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. We both felt led to have our next door neighbor come over and pray over me. A few minutes later, my neighbor and his wife were in our home. My neighbor anointed me with oil, all three laid hands on me and prayed aloud for only about a minute. It was obviously a powerful prayer with which I agreed because as soon as we said "Amen" I opened my eyes, looked around and realized that, praise God, the pain was 100% gone! I began confessing that the pain was gone. I don't know if they immediately realized that I was not just making a confession of faith but that the pain literally had disappeared. What a relief! We were all crying, hugging and praising God. It was amazing. I had witnessed instant healings on others and even on inanimate objects like our car, but never on my own body. Talk about faith-building. Just minutes later, the devil tried to steal my healing by bringing the groin pain slightly back. I confessed that he was trying to do this and rebuked him in the name of Jesus and a short time later the pain left and I have not had any since. Speaking of faith-building, God revealed to me why He gave me this trial. Just days prior, I fasted from everything but water for seven whole days -- from sunset on Tuesday the 11th to sunset on Tuesday the 18th. At the beginning of my fast, one thing I prayed for was increased faith. While praying, "increased faith" just came out of my mouth and I thought for a second, "What are you doing? You know what happens when you pray for increased faith: You get hammered with a really hard trial". But I rejected that thought, knowing Who actually spoke that prayer through me. I believe God allowed me to suffer so much two years ago to show me how easily things can be fixed when you just rest and let Him handle any situation -- and resting is not an easy thing to do when it feels like someone has stabbed you in the groin, abdomen and back and left the knives in. Praise God for His grace, love and mercy.