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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Is the Well Still Headed for Disaster?


Read Autopsy of BP Gulf Oil Well, then scan down the images to see the progress of a slow-motion explosion of the reservoir that could explode violently, just as the dreams and visions on our site seem to say will come (see links below).

Then, below the images, read, Houston, We Have a Huge Problem. BK Lim is saying the same thing Matt Simmons was before Matt's mysterious death -- that the oil is still flowing. If so, it is a matter of time before the oil runs out or casing erodes away and the dome blows. Either way, this would mean a terrible ecological disaster. Even worse, it may set off quakes.

The Gulf of Mexico Is Dying - a special report on the BP Gulf oil disaster

Oil Disaster &Tennessee & New Madrid Faults - information on how the oil disaster could set off both or more of these faults or vice versa; the faults could rupture the oil reservoir

We have had many dreams fulfilled concerning the Gulf oil well damage up to this point but there are some that appear to be fulfilled in a second cataclysm which comes after everyone thinks the oil problem is over.

Death from the Gulf Oil - dream from a five-year-old about those around the Gulf region dying

Gulf Coast Tsunami - two dreams about tsunamis hitting the Gulf coast

Vision of Another Much Larger Explosion in the Gulf - by Dr. Dan Bohler

Gulf States Going into Captivity - numerous dreams detailing massive destruction coming to the Gulf coast, along with martial law to follow (the dreams say this worst part will come after everyone thinks the oil problem is over)

Gulf, Economy & Right Wing Fall - a second, worse cataclysm coming with economic crash

UBM and the Wilderness Refuge - numerous dreams and visions detailing the east TN refuge

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