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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Urinary Tract & Kidney Healed

Lori Tucker - 02/03/2011

Tuesday night, I asked the elders to pray for me for healing of a urinary tract infection. I had suffered from it for five days and thought it might be turning into a kidney infection because I started having pain in my back on the left, a little under my ribs. Brother Frank prayed for me and said I was healed from the crown of my head to my feet, which Brother Kevin confirmed he saw in the Spirit later. Brother Frank cursed the infection and commanded it to leave my body.

After Brother Frank prayed, he said he saw in the Spirit it was on one side under my ribs, just a little ways down and he then said, that pain is gone, which it was! When I went to use the bathroom later, then enemy tried to get me to believe his lies that nothing had changed but I rebuked him and stood on the Word.

By the next morning, no pain, no infection, no nothing! The Lord had healed me! Woohoo! He is SO GOOD to us!

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