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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Testings Prepare for the Wilderness  


David Eells 8/25/24 

UBM and the Wilderness Refuge 

Eve Brast 6/7/2011 

(David’s notes in red) 

This dream shows spiritual pictures using UBM's broader Internet/TV/radio church getting ready to go into the wilderness. In these pictures the relationship of the Man-child, Bride and the rest of the remnant church is explained along with each respective work. 

I had a dream that I was in a small building that was a church. It had white walls and a white ceiling(Representing a church clothed in righteousness.) The front door was in the back of the church. It was a small single white door. This door led from the side of a shopping mall hallway to the white church. (Christ is the Door which leads away from the shopping mall, representing Babylon's merchandising of buying and selling, and the white church. In John 10 Jesus called His sheep out of the sheepfold of Babylonish religion into a white church, meaning "called out ones") and there was a flight of red metal stairs leading down into the sanctuary. (It takes humbling steps washed in the blood to enter a white church). 

The front wall of the church was actually the back and was open; there was no wall. (This church is contrary to Babylon; what is behind them is ahead for them for they have decided to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once [for all] delivered to the saints (Jude 3)). We have placed no religious wall between us and what was given behind us, in the beginning. (Isa.30:19) For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem; thou shalt weep no more; he will surely be gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear, he will answer thee.  

(20) And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be hidden anymore, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers; (21) and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it; when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.) It just opened out into an empty parking lot(Our church is not attended physically in the flesh, but spiritually by radio, Internet and TV. This last part was and will be. Videos. Etc.) 

There were about 100 people in chairs facing the back of the church, which was actually the front. (100 represents fullness -- 100%. We are all returning where we came from, and the rest will fall away.) We were all singing praise to God without a "music leader". (Personal, heart-led worship in Spirit and truth as Jesus commanded.) There was a gigantic screen on the wall to the right of us. (Many join us by Internet computer screen or TV screen and watch our videos.) As my children and I were worshipping with our hands raised, Cindy, a friend of mine and a member of our local bible study, came through the white door and down the flight of stairs and found me along the aisle. ("Cindy" means light. The true children of light will come out of Babylon and through the Door of Jesus into the true church.)  

She said, "I know I'm late". (Those who are waiting until now are late for the wilderness is upon us.) “I had quite a time with my kids, so I just left them at home, but I just don't care anymore. I just had to come. I know I'll find grace for this". (Those who were considered spiritual fruit in Babylon will have to be left behind if they resist. Those who come out from among them will find grace.) On the screen were colors that reacted to our praise by moving around. David Eells would come on the screen and teach us through the screen normally. (We will teach through Internet, radio and on TV again.)  

But this time he surprised us all by showing up in person. (A personal invitation to come follow the David man-child reformers into the wilderness as it was with Jesus and His disciples.) He came out on the stage and stood at a podium. I (Eve) was all of a sudden standing behind him on his right(This is the spiritual place of the Bride, which Eve represents.) All fell quiet. He spoke two words and then turned around and walked out behind or underneath the staircase. As I (Eve) was left standing on the stage facing the people, they all began turning to one another, murmuring amongst themselves, and consulting with one another and began to slowly leave out the front (back) of the church. (As we have seen, the factious murmurers are separated from the Body before the wilderness refuge.)  

They dispersed out into the parking lot which was empty of vehicles. (Gen.3:20) And the man called his wife's name Eve [Hebrew: Havvah; Living or Life]; because she was the mother of all living. God has chosen the Bride company for the last Adam, Jesus Christ, who lives in the Man-child company represented here by the David ministry. This will happen very soon. The Bride is chosen before the last seven days/years which are the marriage feast. After this time the whole party is escorted by the virgins to the Groom's home in Heaven. The people murmur because they are not happy to not be included in the Bride company, but to be included in the true remnant church is still quite an honor. This parable is seen in Song of Solomon and the book of Esther. The remnant church leaves after the revelation of the new Eve to go to the wilderness tribulation.) 

The two words David spoke were foreign. I didn't know if all the people understood what he said. I didn't understand the words themselves, but I knew they had the opposite meaning of the words "Terra Delphi". (These words were given to me many years ago in a revelation of the corporate body of the false prophet in the pulpits today and how they pass on their own nature to God's unsuspecting people. The opposite of this is the corporate body of the true prophet, which is Christ in His first-fruits who will pass on the nature of Jesus to His saints in the wilderness. (I will share that revelation below.) 

After I watched everyone leave, I turned and followed David through the door under the stairway into his office. (The Bride will have access to the counsel of the Groom through the Man-child.) Cindy had left back up the stairs out the small door and into the mall. (Children of the light will bring the light to Babylon in a great revival.) There was a window that had been behind the stage in the church that looked like a store window on the other side in this shopping mall. 

Our small Bible study group was standing around in front of this window. (What many have seen in the window into our meetings through Internet, videos and audios, they will turn and bring to the Babylonish church.) David's office was next to the window with a small door that was open. (A door will open for the Man-child ministry to bring the true Gospel to the Babylonish church.) There were about ten chairs in his office -- no books, or book shelves and no desk. It was a temporary step-up with cubical-like walls. (His books are no longer necessary for the Word of God's law has been written on the heart of the Man-child reformers to instruct the Bride and Church. "10" represents law like the Ten Commandments.) Our group was standing around in the main hall of this shopping mall. We were all talking about what we planned to do with the information that David had given us (those 2 words)(They will bring the Gospel they receive to Babylon in the coming wilderness tribulation, just as Jesus did the bride in a repetition of history.) 

I said something to my husband about renting a U-Haul van and he said, "Oh, I've already got that covered. A guy I know sold me one. I got it for a real good price". I told him that was good. In my mind I could see this U-Haul and it was very small and I thought to myself, "I hope that is going to be big enough". But my husband seemed satisfied with its size. (Little will be needed in the wilderness for our husband will provide all.) The Spirit seemed to be telling me in the dream or showing me that He would be going alone, without his wife and children. (Joseph, Moses and Jesus entered the seven years without their families who came later because of their faith and obedience and it will be the same with many of our families.)  

I looked at his face as he told me about this U-Haul and he was happy and excited. We were all excited. (Who wouldn't be excited if they knew that God is coming in His people in the great latter rain revival!) Whatever these two words meant to us, it was like we were all moving somewhere soon, but we all had to go home and figure out what to take and how to get there ourselves. Everyone was peaceful and calm and just talking with us and among themselves. They were excited about the two words more than they were concerned about what to take. (God is going to restore the leadership, anointing and truth that will cause the saints to walk fully in the steps of Jesus into the wilderness tribulation. PTL!) 

I was not sure whether to pack anything or not(I.e., What the Bride will need in the wilderness.) I felt a little lost. I walked back into David's office and through the other door into the church onto the stage. As I was looking out onto the empty chairs and parking lot; it was dark. It was dark outside during this entire dream(Greater darkness will be upon the world when the Bride goes to the wilderness tribulation.) David came up behind me. He told me he had just received a revelation from the Lord that we needed to leave as soon as possible and get away from there(We must be in the safe place of abiding in Jesus Christ before judgment takes many away.)  

He told me that he didn't know exactly where we were to go yet, but that he would let us know the next day. He told me that it was very important to "only go with the clothes on our backs". He said this twice and patted my right shoulder with urgency. (The Bride's provision and protection in the wilderness are the brilliant clothes that she wears, which Rev.19:8 says are "the righteous acts of the saints". This is being dressed up with Jesus as in (Rom.13:12) The night is far spent, and the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. (13) Let us walk becomingly, as in the day; not in revelling and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. (14) But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to [fulfill] the lusts [thereof].)  

He then went back through the door under the stairway. As I looked back out from the stage, Cindy (Children of Light) had returned and came back down the stairs and said, "Well, I tried to go home and think about what to pack, but I only packed a few things because it's just so overwhelming and I know I'll receive grace for this". (If we go without man's provision, grace will be our provision as it was with Jesus' disciples when He sent them out.) 

I turned back toward the parking lot and I saw the 100 people sitting in the parking lot with sleeping bags, tents, coolers and blankets. (The complete number, 100%, chosen by God to go into the wilderness.) They had gone home to pack whatever they could manage to carry and were waiting for David to give the word. (The Davids as Moses represent the Man-child to guide God's people in the wilderness.) 

I then looked off to the right of the stage and building and was transported to Renee's mobile home(Renee means "reborn" and she is in a mobile home, which means God's people will be pilgrims and sojourners.) She is a long-time friend from high school. She and her husband were telling me how they had packed up their entire belongings into a large U-Haul and how hard it was to pack everything(It is hard work to bring our own provision. I was reminded that when we moved to Florida we gave our house and appliances away. Some will have to leave many things behind. But God had provided us a home freely.)  

They also told me Renee's mom was giving them a very hard time about moving. I was then transported into the back of a minivan. Renee's mom was driving her around and really spewing all kinds of lies and deception out of her mouth to discourage Renee from going with us. (The mother is the Babylonish religious harlot that we must leave behind) But Renee was staying strong and not allowing her mother to dissuade her. They couldn't see me sitting behind them in this minivan. (The world will call God's people deceived fanatics.) Then I was back on stage in the church. 

I thought about my husband and his U-Haul and Renee and her U-Haul. (The small one that was easy on the sojourner and the large one that was hard.) Cindy had even packed a few things along with all the people in the parking lot. (Those who walk in various stages of the light.) There was both dread and excitement in the air. We were all about to leave for the actual wilderness. I felt a little panicked and worried. (There is anticipation for the trials and yet excitement to see God's miraculous provision in the wilderness tribulation.) I hadn't even gone home yet. I remembered what David had said to me as he had patted my shoulder. "Don't leave with anything but the clothes on your back, the clothes on your back!" After that I woke up. (We need only godliness as our provision from God.) 

The Revelation of the Terre Delphi  

David Eells 

False prophets pass on their nature to those who listen to them. (Lev.17:11) For the life (Hebrew: soul) of the flesh is in the blood ...for it is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the life. Men pass on their life (soul) of the sin nature to their children through their blood. Christ passes on His life (soul) and sinless nature through His blood. So how do we get the nature of His blood in us? In John 6:53 Jesus said that we have to drink His blood or we will not have life in us. How do we drink it? Let me explain by using one of Jesus' signs. (Joh.2:11) This beginning of his signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee. The word "sign" indicates a deeper meaning here.  

In John 2:1-11 Jesus commanded the servants to fill the six (the number of man) water pots of stone (hardened clay vessels symbolizing man) with water (symbolizing the Word in Eph 5:26); then He turned it into wine (symbolizing the blood in Mat 26:27-29). The moral of the story is that if we are consuming and being filled by the Word of God, the Lord will turn it into the blood or nature of Christ. A clear confirmation of this is stated by John. (1Jn.1:7) If we walk in the light (of the Word), as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (Joh.6:63)...The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life.  

So the Word creates the blood, which is the life or nature. Then our words are spirit and they have the power, if received, to manifest our life in others. (Joh.7:38) He that believeth on me, as the said scripture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water (spirit words). The key then is receiving words "as the scripture hath said" so that we may pass on God's words which recreate His blood or nature. Another word creates another blood or nature. Have you not seen cult leaders pass on their nature by their words? Have you not seen apostate Christian leaders pass on a "different spirit", preaching "another Jesus", with a "different gospel" (2Co.11:4)(Pro.18:21) Death and life are in the power of the tongue; And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof

Many years ago I had a dream that taught this: 

I was casting out demons in a church when I noticed that the church building was made all of woodwork. The columns, the walls, everything was all wood grain; and it was all stained with blood. I said to the people, "I'm going to prove to you that this is not the blood of Jesus". Then, addressing the blood, I said, "Go in the name of Jesus", and it disappeared. After this, I noticed on the pulpit, a note; it was fluttering as if to catch my attention. I knew that the pastor of this church had left me the note about himself. It read, "I'm being groomed to be the Terre Delphi". 

The interpretation is this: All the demons identified this as a Babylonish church (Rev.18:2). The woodwork symbolized the human nature (2Tim.2:20; Jer.5:14) for men are symbolized as trees. The blood on the wood is the nature of "another Jesus" given to the people through a "different gospel" by a false prophet with a "different spirit" (2Co.11:4). He is coming to maturity as the Terre Delphi. "Terre" means earthly; "Delphi" was a town in ancient Greece famous for the Temple of Apollo and the Delphic Oracle, his false prophet. Apollo was the Greek and Roman god of light, healing, prophecy, music and manly beauty. Sounds very much like a false Jesus. Obviously the false prophet passes on his nature to worship a false Christ in the temple. The earthly false prophet is in many pulpits, reproducing after his own kind. Seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling, and pray for the truth, even if you think that you have it. 

Angels Guide to Refuges 

Eve Brast - 07/15/2008 

... It was dark outside and it seemed like we had spent the night there. Suddenly, the next morning, late in the morning, a young man with short brown hair burst through the front glass door and braced it open with his foot and said very excitedly, "David said it's time to go to the wilderness!" We (our UBM study group) all hurried out into the parking lot with the kids and a supersonic noise got my attention. (This represents UBM study groups and families all over who are waiting for this direction.)

I thought it was a jet plane flying overhead. As I looked up into the sky there were no clouds and the sky was blue, and about 11:00 AM. I saw an arrow-shaped vapor trail just clearing the mall on my right, high up in the sky and flying overhead toward the left horizon. It went all the way around the world (To give direction to saints around the world.) and then I watched it come up from the horizon ahead of me and I followed it overhead and turned around to watch it head down the horizon behind me, but it stopped 30 degrees up from the horizon and faced us. We realized it wasn't a jet but an angel. He had golden, curled hair and a simple white robe with a thin gold rope around his waist. He motioned with his right arm and forefinger to follow him in that direction. So, we all started to walk in that direction. Then I woke up. (The angels will guide the saints to wilderness refuges.)

(The arrow-shaped vapor trail cleared the roof of the mall from the east, heading west down past the horizon, around the world and came up the northern horizon and headed over our heads toward the southern horizon, then stopped 30 degrees from the southern horizon. Our UBM group then all began to walk toward the direction of the southfollowing the angel.) Our UBM group was located in Texas, which means Friends. (When the people of God left Egypt to go to the wilderness refuge from the Beast they went south first and then went north to their Promised Land.) I felt in the dream that this angel was showing multiple groups of people at the same time around the world where their refuges were.) 

Note from David: It was an angel of God that guided Israel into the wilderness place of safety from the beast kingdom (Exo.12:37; 13:20; 14:19). I believe God's angels will do this for UBM and saints all over the world. Three angels in Rev.14:6-9 preach the Gospel, warn of judgment, the fall of Babylon, and the Mark of the Beast, from mid heaven... and all of this before the middle of the tribulation. 

The Lord will have us use the Starlink satellites to reach the population of Earth with this same message and will guide the elect to the wilderness refuges. Satellites are also commonly called "birds". (Rev.12:13) And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he persecuted the woman that brought forth the man [child]. (14) And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.  

Entering the Cleft 

Anonymous 2/05/2011 

(David's notes in red)

(This dream came just before the faction began in 2011 and is accurate.)

I had a dream where I stood in front of an expansive outdoor scene. It was a nice sunny day. The ground was rough, rocky and not much grass. What grass there was, was dry with little green. In front of me and to the left was a huge black mountain face with a narrow crack or cleft straight down the center of it. Sunlight streamed from inside the cleft and it looked like it was a very nice day beyond that cleft. This cleft was just wide enough for one person to walk through with maybe a regular size backpack on. 

At the bottom of the cleft in the mountain, was a rather narrow path only wide enough for one person to walk. (We are individually responsible to stay on the narrow road of God’s Word so we can go to the cleft of the rock of safety, Jesus.) It ran from left to right and made a gentle arch to the right and on out of view. I watched as a single-file line of local UBM folks, who are already here in TN, made their way walking at a regular pace from right to left heading directly toward the cleft in the rock. The people walking along carried no baggage. I saw no backpacks, no walking sticks, no suitcases, no canes or walking aids of any kind. We were all dressed quite casually like we usually dress for our fellowships.  

I was near the front of this line of people, BUT I was the only person who was not actually on the path. Somehow I was about 2-and-a-half feet lower than the narrow path, trying to step up onto the path. I was standing in roughly torn up dirt and rocky ground that looked all around like the earth had been torn up by an earthquake. There was no sure footing around me and though I only needed to make it two steps to get up onto the little highway, I could not get a proper foothold to step up. I kept lifting my left leg to get the first step up, but found myself falling back onto my right foot again without making any progress to even take one full step up to the road.  

I was right at the road and just two steps and I would be on the raised narrow path. But I just could not get a foothold to get enough oomph, so to speak, to make it up onto the road. Neither the first person in line nor any of the others coming along after would be able to give me a hand up because the path was so narrow, there would be risk that they could topple over themselves. There was no banister to reach out to grab hold of and retain a foothold if I could even gain one.  

The idea of scampering or scrambling up using hands and feet did not occur to me either (... and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins ... Ephesians 6:13,14). The idea of backing up and getting a running start to run up the tiny embankment I needed to climb up was also not an option as, again, the path was so narrow that a running start would give too much momentum and you'd just end up overrunning the narrow path and tumble over the other side into more ravines and ground sloping downward. 

As I watched myself try again and again to step up onto the road and fail, I had such a feeling of dread. “Why, oh why could I not make that step?” The others would surely pass me by and they could not help at all as help was impossible due to the narrowness of the way. They were within 40 steps of that cleft in the rock. We were all so close, within just a few, maybe 40 steps and we would enter the cleft. I so wanted to be up on that road and my worry and dread was increasing and my heart sinking that I would not make it.  

This dream was shared with the local UBM fellowship that Saturday afternoon. It had a different effect on every person hearing my explanation of it. For me, I wondered about possible issues in my own personal life that could keep me outside of that cleft. Some identified with that and like me, sense a warning to be watchful and make whatever changes in heart or mind are necessary to make that last step back onto the path again. Others felt confirmation that they are indeed still on the narrow path and all is well. 

The last part of this dream was removed from our site by a person who fell into faction, while building our site, because it condemned them. However, I recall very well that there were people on that path who we now know fell away to faction and slander when tested. They were all in armor as though they were making war, which was against us. As they approached the cleft of the rock they all stumbled against one another and fell to the ground and their helmets fell over their eyes to blind them. They never made it to the safety and provision of the cleft of the rock.

Psa 101:5  Whoso privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I destroy: Him that hath a high look and a proud heart will I not suffer. They have all been destroyed, except a few who were reformed because they barely entered into the deception.

Tested to Be in the Ark 

Anonymous  5/21/2016 

(David's notes in red) 

I was with a group of people. We had just gone through some very challenging circumstances in which I felt we had escaped with our lives. (We escaped the faction dismemberment that took out those not accounted worthy to be in the Bride.) I was unable to remember the details of what took place, but I knew that it was cataclysmic in nature and that we had survived and made it through(We had overcome in the faction test of brotherly love. (Rev.3:7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia (The city of brotherly love, the Bride, one of seven daughters like Moses' wife.) write: These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and none shall shut, and that shutteth and none openeth (They have been given the key of David to bind and loose, open and shut.) 

(8) I know thy works (behold, I have set before thee a door opened, which none can shut), that thou hast a little power, and didst keep my wordand didst not deny my name. (9) Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satanof them that say they are Jewsand they are notbut do lie (they claim to be Christian)beholdI will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (10) Because thou didst keep the word of my patienceI also will keep thee from the hour of trialthat hour which is to come upon the whole worldto try them that dwell upon the earth 

(11) I come quicklyhold fast that which thou hastthat no one take thy crown. (12) He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem (Bride), which cometh down out of heaven (born from above through obedience to the Word) from my God, and mine own new name. 

We ended up on a ship that seemed to be a "safe haven" for survivors. (The ship or ark in the land is a refuge for those who pass the faction test of brotherly love. The Lord showed us this refuge through many dreams, visions, prophecies and Scriptures.) All on board were grateful to be there. (Amen!) Myself, as well as a woman (whom I do not know), were there tending to a group of children (getting them settled in) on the ship. (Both the spiritual and physical children of the obedient righteous are favored of the Lord. (Pro.20:7) A righteous man that walketh in his integrity, Blessed are his children after him. (Psa.112:2) His seed shall be mighty upon earth: The generation of the upright shall be blessed. (1Co.7:14) For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the brother: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. The whole Bible is full of these verses, we shared recently.) 

As we were doing this, we were talking about all the things we had just gone through. (Learning how to escape being devoured by the faction dragon through obedience to the Word.) The woman was concerned about the threat of some aspect of what we had just survived. I said, "I don't think we need to be as concerned about that as much as them". (The factious were rejected from the boat in the land/ark and many have physically died. The factious leaders died by the hand of God. This was witnessed by 14 people. Unlike those who are permitted to remain in the boat. One of the witnesses is writing a book of this amazing story.)  

As I said this, I was looking either out a window or maybe off the deck of the ship. I saw a large crowd of people standing there, wanting to get on board but they could not. They were all visibly sick and desperate to get on board. (The faction want to escape the coming judgments but cannot without repentance.) Either the ship had not yet left the dock or we were still really close to land. (The ship had not left yet because it is the earthquakes that separate it from the land and that is by miles, not feet.) There were security measures that had to be met before anyone could step foot onto the ship. (They must pass the tests of brotherly love.) 

It was then that we realized that there had been an outbreak of a disease or virus and that all those people were sick and contagious. They looked very sick and unhealthy. (The factious people are spiritually sick and contagious to those who live in sin or do not love. (Gal.5:9) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.) It was at this time that the woman was tending to some children when a young black girl walked up to her and just started acting very crazy and threatening. (The ship is spiritual and this black girl is spiritual. She represents one who walks in darkness and not in light. (1Jn.1:7) but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin.) 

She was very obviously sick with the virus. She became aggressive toward the woman. (The aggression they feel is that of the demons that infest them.) So the woman pulled out a can of mace or pepper spray or something and sprayed her in the face. The black girl ran off. We realized that she was sick and had somehow gotten through security and gotten on the ship. (This has happened as a test for those on the ship, but it has been less and less as the infected leave the ship or die as they have been doing, leaving a sanctified Bride.) 

Then the scene changed and I was back at my home where I grew up (in his Father's house). There was a black kitten that got into the house. (This represents that rebellion against the Word and darkness that got into Father's house and must be thrown out.) It was really playful and seemed harmless. I was thinking of the viral outbreak in the earlier part of the dream and had a thought that possibly the kitten had been exposed to it and could possibly be contagious. (Gal.5:9) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. My thought was to get it out of the house before anyone got bitten or scratched. I tried to grab it but it ran(When the demons are exposed, they always get offended and run.) 

Eventually, I cornere it and decided to just grab it and get it out of there. I found myself thinking that I would rather take the risk of getting bitten myself than for someone else to get bitten. I grabbed the kitten and, sure enoughit scratched and bit me in the process. (As long as a person obeys the commands of God concerning factious people, they are immune. Demons must have legal rights which are disobedience to the Word. (Tit.3:10) A factious man after a first and second admonition refuse; (11) knowing that such a one is perverted, and sinneth, being self-condemned.  

(Rom.16:7) Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them that are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which ye learned: and turn away from them. (18) For they that are such serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and fair speech they beguile the hearts of the innocent. (2Jn.8) Look to yourselvesthat ye lose not the things which we have wrought, but that ye receive a full reward. (9) Whosoever goeth onward and abideth not in the teaching of Christhath not God: he that abideth in the teaching, the same hath both the Father and the Son.  

(10) If any one cometh unto you, and bringeth not this teaching, receive him not into your houseand give him no greeting: (11) for he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his evil works. (Jas.3:16) For where jealousy and faction are, there is confusion and every vile deed.) Then I woke up. (Unfortunately this person thought he could handle the cat, representing the faction, instead of being obedient to the commands to stay separate and was scratched and infected. He destroyed his family and died by the hand of the Lord.)

Wilderness Trials 

David Eells 8/18/24 


We are children of the last Adam, Jesus Christ. We are a new-creation man, meant to live above this world, and to walk in His ways and His steps, and that includes going into the “wilderness.” Let’s read (Mat.4:1) Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (2) And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterward hungered. (3) And the tempter came and said unto him, If thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.  

(4) But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (5) Then the devil taketh him into the holy city; and he set him on the pinnacle of the temple, (6) and saith unto him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands they shall bear thee up, Lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.  

(7) Jesus said unto him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God. (8) Again, the devil taketh him unto an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (9) and he said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. (10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. (11) Then the devil leaveth him; and behold, angels came and ministered unto him.    

Jesus went through a 40-day wilderness trial before He overcame and then He brought God’s people in His day through their wilderness. In our day, those who are in the First-fruits corporate body each go through their individual wilderness first; that’s where they learn to walk in the principles of the Kingdom, which is the purpose of the wilderness. Moses was a First-fruits. He went through a 40-year wilderness before he overcame and then he went on to bring God’s people through their own wilderness.  

Many people don’t understand that the wilderness is available to every Christian worldwide because the wilderness is not some physical location to which we go; it’s a place in the Spirit. It’s a place where we no longer depend upon the world and the principles of the world. It’s a place where we are, instead, ruled by the principles of the Kingdom. We no longer trust in the world for our sustenance, our salvation, our healings, our deliverances, and so on. Scripture tells us that most of the Israelites who left Egypt never learned that lesson: (Psa.78:19) Yea, they spake against God; They said, Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? When they could no longer depend upon the flesh-pots of Egypt, they murmured continually. They found it hard to trust in the living God.   

The Israelites, are just a type and a shadow for us. They went into a literal wilderness, but our wilderness is spiritual. Everybody who walks by faith goes into the wilderness. It’s not by legalism put on us by others, its only by faith. Everybody who walks by faith in the commands and principles and promises of God automatically gives up salvation by works. The promises of God are for the whole man. They are meant to save us completely in spirit, soul, body and circumstance, and they are meant to do that totally outside the principles of this world.  

As a matter of fact, He even gave us promises that are all-inclusive: (Mar.11:24) Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye received them (The original Greek word there is past tense.), and ye shall have them. Why does Jesus tell us to believe we have already received them? It’s because everything that has to do with the salvation that the Lord gave us has already been accomplished. (1Pe.2:24) Who his own self bare our sins (that’s past tense because it happened behind us) in his body upon the tree, that we, having died (that’s past tense) unto sins, might live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed. Again, the word there is past tense.  

All of the promises that have to do with the sacrifice of Christ on the cross are past tense. (Eph.2:8) For by grace have ye been saved (That’s what it says in the original; it’s past tense.) through faith; and that not of yourselves, [it is] the gift of God; (9) not of works, that no man should glory. You have been saved! (Col.1:13) Who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the son of his love. You have been delivered out of the power of darkness. (Rom.6:18) And being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness. (11) Even so reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus. You were made free from sin!  

When you realize that the Lord has already done this, there is nothing you can do of yourself to bring it to pass. You have to walk by faith in the fact that it is already accomplished. We enter into the New Testament “rest,” which many Christians erroneously think is a Saturday or a Sunday, but let’s take a close look at what Scripture says about this “rest.” (Heb.4:1) Let us fear therefore, lest haply, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it. You see, the promises cause us to enter the rest because the promises are past tense and when you believe them you have to stop your own works to try to bring them to pass. (3) For we who have believed do enter into that rest; even as he hath said....  

When you believe these promises, you enter into the rest. For instance, you cannot do anything to get healed, if you believe you were healed. The reason men run to man to get healing is because they don’t believe Jesus has already healed them, but I’m telling you something that I know. For the past 50-plus years, I’ve been receiving healing because I realize that I don’t have to do anything to bring it to pass. All I have to do is thank God for it. (Heb.13:8) Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday and to-day, [yea] and forever. He still heals everyone who comes to Him by faith. If you accept that you were healed at the cross and you are not harboring unforgiveness or in any willful sin, then there’s nothing that can keep you from receiving your healing.    

(Heb.4:9) There remaineth therefore a sabbath rest for the people of God. The word “sabbath” there is the Greek word sabbatismos and it doesn’t mean “a day of rest.” It means “a continual keeping of rest.” This is the true Sabbath that remains for the people of God. We have to cease from our own works everyday(10) For he that is entered into his rest hath himself also rested from his works, as God did from his. God doesn’t want our works; He doesn’t believe in salvation by works. Whether you are talking about your spirit, your soul, your body or your circumstances, salvation is not by self-effort.    

The apostle Paul also taught us, (2Co.12:9) And he hath said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for [my] power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. You see, when we get out of the business of trying to save ourselves, God’s very powerful to do it for us, just as He did for Paul, who went through a lot of trials because of the “thorn in the flesh” that was given to him. (7) And by reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted overmuch, there was given to me a thorn in the flesha messenger of Satan to buffet me, that I should not be exalted overmuch.    

People like to say that the “thorn in the flesh” was a disease of the eyes or some other disability, but the Scripture plainly tells us that it was “a messenger of Satan to buffet” him and Paul lists for us these “buffetings”: (2Co.11:23) Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as one beside himself) I more; in labors more abundantly, in prisons more abundantly, in stripes above measure, in deaths oft. (24) Of the Jews five times received I forty [stripes] save one. (25) Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day have I been in the deep;   

(26) [in] journeyings often, [in] perils of rivers, [in] perils of robbers, [in] perils from [my] countrymen, [in] perils from the Gentiles, [in] perils in the city, [in] perils in the wilderness, [in] perils in the sea, [in] perils among false brethren; (27) [in] labor and travail, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. (28) Besides those things that are without, there is that which presseth upon me daily, anxiety for all the churches. He was brought into all those situations through weakness and in Paul’s weakness God was made powerful. (29) Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is caused to stumble, and I burn not? (30) If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my weakness. 

We need to do the same thing; we need to be weak to save ourselves. Many Christians today don’t receive the deliverance they need because they keep trying to save themselves by their own efforts. Yet, what did Paul say? (2Ti.3:10) But thou didst follow my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience, (11) persecutions, sufferings. What things befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. Why is that? It’s because Paul was being weak in that he wasn’t trying to save himself. He gave himself into the hands of God because he believed the promises of God; he believed the Lord would always deliver him.   

(2Ti.4:17) But the Lord stood by meand strengthened me; that through me the message might be fully proclaimed, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. (18) The Lord will deliver me from every evil workand will save me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom [be] the glory forever and ever. Amen. And when Paul said the Lord would “save” him, he meant he would be saved like the Bible uses the word for “saved,” which is the Greek sozo. The word sozo is used for every manner of salvation of spirit, soul, body and circumstance. Sozo is used for deliverance from demons, for healing the body, for salvation of the soul and so on.    

It’s the same word the disciples used when they cried out to Jesus as their boat was sinking: (Mat.8:23) And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him. (24) And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the boat was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. (25) And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Save (that’s the word sozo), Lord; we perish. (26) And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. (27) And the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him? They said, “Save, Lord,” and He saved them.    

“The Lord will deliver me from every evil work.” Do you believe that? We’re supposed to be going into a wilderness now. You can choose to enter into it by faith, by trusting in the promises of God, because God cannot fail you, if you believe in His promises. Or you can be forced into it, along with the Church, in the coming Tribulation. If you walk by faith now, then you are walking into that spiritual wilderness and I want to tell you that the wilderness is not as bad as you’ve heard.    

The Lord told me many years ago, “I’m sending you through a wilderness, so that you can tell My people that I still supply there,” and He has proven that to me over and over by putting me in a position of weakness. For instance, the disciples never took up offerings for themselves; they only took up offerings for other people, so the Lord wouldn’t let me take up offerings. He wouldn’t let me tell anybody my personal needs. He wouldn’t let me store up my treasures on earth. He wouldn’t let me borrow money. He wouldn’t let me sell things. He wouldn’t let me take any government benefits. And through all of that, I haven’t worked for man and I haven’t taken worldly benefits.    

God has faithfully sustained me; He’s paid for everything all along the way. He put me in a wilderness, but it has nothing to do with a physical wilderness and He’s never failed to meet our needs. I’ve shared with you before how I raised five children: they didn’t know doctors, they didn’t know medicine, they didn’t know anything but the power of God. And God always fed them, except for one time when the Lord put the trial of a fast on them. For all of these years, God has faithfully fed us, paid our bills, made sure our lights stayed on, made sure our gas stayed on and so on. He’s been totally, 100% faithful.    

Yes, we are all going into a wilderness, but it’s one that God made and He made it for our good. He is separating us from the world. He is behind the Beast kingdom and He is bringing the mark of the Beast (Revelation 3:17) to force us into this coming wilderness. The whole world is going to hate us. We won’t have the help of “Egypt,” just as Israel didn’t have the help of Egypt. We are going to be thrust upon the mercy and grace of God, and the only thing we really need to be sustained is to repent of our sins and believe His Word. And when we do that, we also should expect that we will be tried.  

When you are tried over and over, and you see each time that God is faithful, you enter into the rest. You just hold fast to your confession and hold fast to the Word. You don’t even worry about your trial anymore. You just rest in Him because you become hardened to your flesh, hardened to the world, hardened to temptation, and hardened to sin. (Rom.5:3) And not only so, but we also rejoice in our tribulations: knowing that tribulation worketh stedfastness (“patience”).   

As a matter of fact, I’ve enjoyed the tribulation. The tribulation is trial on the flesh, but it’s so neat to see God being a personal God and loving you enough to look after everything. That’s what He really wants to do. He doesn’t want to share His glory with man, which He’s been having to do because His people always run to the world. They always run to Egypt and its methods and its ways.    

Well, the Lord put me and my family in the wilderness and I’d like to share a few testimonies of how the Lord has been faithful to sustain us. The Lord actually multiplied food for us in more ways than one. Once we had run out of everything in the house, except for some spaghetti, so my wife cooked up a pot of spaghetti and we prayed over that pot because we didn’t have anything else. But I want you to know that we weren’t even considering that God wasn’t going to bring any more for us to eat because He had been doing this for us for quite some time. Anyway, my wife cooked up this fairly big pot of spaghetti and it was about three-quarters full when we blessed it and we started eating. We probably ate that pot down to lower than halfway and when we were done, we didn’t think about it, we just shoved that pot into the refrigerator.    

The next day, when we took it back out and my wife lifted the lid, we saw that God had refilled the pot! She said, “David, do you remember that the spaghetti was down to here?” And she made a mark on the side. I said, “Yes, I remember.” Folks, the Lord had replaced everything we had eaten. God is awesome! You can’t get anywhere where He can’t supply. Think about those Israelites. He brought those Israelites water out of a rock. God can bring you water in the middle of a wilderness (Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:2- 13), He can pay your taxes out of a fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:24-27), He can bring you flesh out of the sky (Exodus 16:1-13; Numbers 11:18-20; 31-34) and bread out of the sky (Exodus 16:14-36; Numbers 11:7-9). Now, if our God can bring several million Israelites through a wilderness like that and feed them, just think what He can do with us, who are actually filled with His Spirit!    

Another experience we had, that I thought was even more awesome, made me realize that you really cannot get anywhere God can’t feed you. (Php.4:19) And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. If our God will supply our every need according to His riches in glory, then it has nothing to do with the economy and nothing to do with our surroundings. Even if you’re in a desert, it has nothing to do with any of that. God made the promise; He’s the One Who stands behind it and He will take care of you.  

On this occasion, we came to another situation where we had run out of everything in the house and my wife asked, “What are we going to do?” I said, “Well, the Lord sent us here,” and she agreed. She said, “Yes.” So I told her, “You set the table and we’ll go sit down at the table, and we’ll eat.” So she did that and then she and I and our five children sat down around the table with these empty plates in front of us, and I prayed a simple prayer, really the only kind I know. I prayed, “Father, You sent us here and we’re asking You to please fill these plates or fill our tummies.” That’s just the way it came out of my mind and I’m sure the Lord put it in there because He wanted to show me something. (Php.2:13) For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure.   

And so the prayer had no sooner come out of my mouth when my oldest son said, “Dad, I’m full. I don’t need to eat.” It wasn’t long before another one said it, then another one, then another one and then I realized I was full, too. I thought, “Isn’t that something!” He filled up all of us while we were just sitting there at the table. So you can’t get anywhere where He cannot feed you.  

Then there was one time I decided I wanted to grow tomatoes. It wasn’t the Lord; I made that decision on my own. God didn’t call me to grow tomatoes; He called me to study the Word of God and go out and share it with His people. But I just decided, “Well, I’ll take on this hobby. I’ll plant some tomatoes.”  

Now, the house we lived in at that time was under big oak trees and we didn’t have any sunshine in my yard, except for one place, so I planted the tomatoes in five-gallon buckets. That way, I could move them to keep them in the sun as the season went on. Soon, lots of little tomatoes popped out, but they didn’t hardly get to be any size at all before the birds came and just took them all away. And I asked, “Lord, why did You let that happen?” The Lord answered, “I didn’t call you to plant tomatoes; that was your idea. I have other things for you to do. Now get about what I told you to do.” So, of course, I told Him, “Yes, Sir!” and I never said anything to anybody about trying to grow my own tomatoes.    

Well, the very next day, a lady who was acquainted with us was going to a local tomato farm to get tomatoes for her family and while she was out there picking these monster tomatoes, the Lord spoke to her and said, “I want you to pick a bag of these for David Eells.” She said, “Okay.” And she brought me a big bag of the largest, most luscious-looking tomatoes I’d seen in a long, long time. You know, the Lord was kind of rubbing my nose in it when the lady brought me those tomatoes the next day and I thought to myself, “I really couldn’t have grown anything like those, Lord.” I had to come to that place of weakness before He would do this miracle.  

We’ve also often prayed for very specific things and the Lord has always done miracles for us. One morning, we prayed for Him to send us poultry, mayonnaise and cheese. We asked Him for those three things and we didn’t tell anybody, not a soul. This is the way God gets the glory. I remember a brother many years ago, who was an elder in the Church with me. He used to be a part of the prosperity movement, where the people would brag out in public about what God was going to do. They would tell everybody, “I’m believing God for this,” or, “I’m believing God for that,” so eventually someone else in the congregation would feel like they had to have compassion on their brother in “need” and they would bring it to them. God doesn’t get any glory from that.    

When you ask God for something, just believe Him. Then, when it comes, He gets the credit. So we didn’t tell anybody about our needs, but that day and the next day, all three of those things came. We had a friend who was going out of town and she had this large jar of mayonnaise that she didn’t want to leave in her refrigerator until she came back, so she brought it over to us. And then another person brought us a turkey and the cheese. It was exactly what we asked from God. You may wonder, “Would God do that for me, David?” I guarantee you He would. God is no respecter of persons.   

(Act.10:34) And Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: (35) but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him. God is a respecter of faith, but He’s no respecter of persons. He won’t do anything for me that He won’t do for you. I’m just trying to teach you how to be weak and to exercise faith at the same time, so that you are in this ideal position in the wilderness to see miracles from God. We’ve received so many over the years, I’ve forgotten most of them, but I can tell you that He consistently met our needs and we saw many, many miracles.  

I like to share this next story because it tickles me. My children all wanted to go camping one day, but when I was a kid, I did so much camping, I’ve had enough of it. I like my bed and I was making up excuses. Well, I’d been back there before, walking through the woods where they wanted to go, and finally I told them, “There’s nothing there to start a fire with and, really, we don’t have any permission to cut down any of those trees back there,” but they were begging me, “Awww, Daddy, please.” So I gave in and we packed up our tents and other gear, and we took off into the woods.   

Now, there was a downed tree in the little opening in the woods that we picked for our campsite and I want you to know that downed trees were hard to find in those woods. We set up our tents and I sent out the kids to go gather firewood, but everything they dragged back was either rotten, or little twigs and branches, or pieces of tree bark. I told them, “That stuff just makes smoke; it doesn’t really make fire.” And I sent them out again, and while I was waiting, I walked a little bit away from the camp. I was kind of praying, asking the Lord to provide for us and I had told them earlier that there was nothing to use for a fire and we couldn’t cut down other people’s trees. Well, I had walked maybe 20 or 30 feet away from the tent when I came across this little lump on the ground.    

The floor of those woods was completely covered with leaves and this was just a lump in the leaves, but when I kicked it as I walked through it, I hit something solid. So I backed up and raked all the leaves off, and there was a pillowcase on the ground. I pulled the pillowcase back and there was a Poulan chainsaw on the ground. I thought, “Wow! Wouldn’t it be something if this would crank?” because we had a downed tree right there by the campsite. Sure enough, it cranked. I cut up enough wood to have a really good fire the whole time we were there. I tell you, when that chainsaw cranked and I cut up that wood, I was thinking, “I’m sorry, Lord! Forgive me! I repent, because I said You couldn’t supply us with wood back here.”    

God had somebody plant a chainsaw out in the middle of the woods so it would be there waiting for us because God sees the end from the beginning. He doesn’t dwell in time; He has no problem meeting your needs. He will have it there when you get there. (Isa.65:24) And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. See, He answers before we call and He can have our provision already there or He can manufacture it. It makes no difference to Him.   

When Jesus brought the disciples into the wilderness, He multiplied the food there. (Mat.14:15) And when even was come, the disciples came to him, saying, The place is desert (The Greek word there is eremia and it can be translated as “desert,” “wilderness” or “uninhabited place.”), and the time is already past; send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves food. (16) But Jesus said unto them, They have no need to go away; give ye them to eat. (17) And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. (18) And he said, Bring them hither to me.   

(19) And he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass; and he took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes. (20) And they all ate, and were filled: and they took up that which remained over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full. (21) And they that did eat were about five thousand men, besides women and children. Jesus was raising up disciples. He was the teacher and He was showing them, “This is how you do it.” Then they went off into their tribulation, the Book of Acts, and they repeated what they saw.

The Man-child, Who was Jesus then, was God’s provision in the wilderness and, folks, nothing has changed. God’s going to do it again; He’s just going to repeat it with a larger group of people. Since we didn’t have a big worldly income, we prayed for everything and God brought it. Back before I started full-time in ministry, we decided we were going to stop using money for the things that we needed. Instead, we started praying for what we needed and we saw God just do miracles. Things we would normally buy with money, we prayed for and God would bring them. Any money we had, we would use for His Kingdom. Folks, there are different ways you can enter into the wilderness, but all of them give you confidence in God’s faithfulness. You’ll find that God’s going to be there and He’s going to supply your needs. If you need something, pray for it. Put faith in God. It honors Him and it builds your faith. Amen! 

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