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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Poetry of Trevor Ridge

R.I.P. Seven Deadly Sins The Third Day
Is it true? How can this be?
Can our world finally be free?

To find rest and peace in The Ark?
Has Satan's voice lost its bark?

His lies and deceit the woman spurns.
The prophets' mission the world turns.

From Daniel's vision, the seals exposed,
Their hidden wisdom now disclosed.

A virgin's man-child then arose,
At mortal man's final repose.

The dark curtain of man's soul
Pulled back to reveal the whole,

Of naked pride and burning lust;
His false love, a churning dust.

Seven good times, now soon be gone,
The seven left portend be wrong.

A last turning of the hour-glass sands,
When on Mount Olivet He stands.

Trumpets blast, the alarm declares
Across the globe, through shaken airs.

All ears shall hear and all eyes see
The Alpha and Omega of eternity.

Bloody Murder most foul is the cry!
Brother one fights brother two.
Families in turmoil, rent apart
Since Cane his brother slew.
Greed and Envy raise their heads,
These deadly twins conspire
With beady eyes of emerald green
Implant and flame desire.

Another sin, a snake called Sloth,
Enters sliding and slithering.
A careless creature is this worm
My enterprise he's smothering.

Lust, her muscular coils powerful,
Fangs of poison oozing death.
She teams with Snake of Alcohol,
Striking those with boozy breath.

To satisfy this fattened flesh,
Hunger lust o'whelms me.
Stealing away the Spirit of God
By indulgent Gluttony.

My Pride is hurt - it too must die,
Lest my God, Most High, offend.
And I die a thousand deaths,
Afore this day doth end.

There is nothing new under the sun,
Types and shadows reveal the sum
Of what will be in the days to come,
And who will stand in the name of the Son.

On the morning of this the Third Day,
Light dawns on Man, a golden ray.
Exceedingly bright, brilliant as the sun.
With this glad news they sing and run.

All creation agonized for this End-Time,
For the Sons of God do wondrously shine,
Their weapons glinting, gloriously arrayed,
His nature and authority in them displayed.

The prophecies now becoming unsealed,
The mysteries of His book finally revealed.
Hidden manna feeds the Shepherd's flock,
From Christ our Ark, the solid rock.

Through the wilderness He will them sustain,
All those who wear His glorious name.
None suffer hunger or die of thirst,
Then comes the Man-child with sudden burst.

Oh Rod of Aaron, blossom and bud again,
A scepter of authority over the world to reign.
The Virgin Church sealed with His name,
The Word of God now making this plain.

This poem for those who have ears to hear,
Their eyes enlightened as a prophet or seer.
The Day of the Lord draws very near,
When in us His advent shall appear.

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