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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

DS FEMA Prepares the New Madrid Quake


David 11/20/24 (David’s notes in red)

Update note 12/1/24: I was told by the Lord that He would have mercy and the New Madrid quake and resulting quakes, east and west, would be much smaller than prophesied. Yes, some will die but the DS will not have its way.

(Note: The recent history of FEMA shows that it stages their troops around a disaster the DS are planning to cause so they can steal the resources, especially lithium. They then rob and kill and traffic the people just like in North Carolina and south, Lahaina Hawaii, Paradise, etc.

FEMA Setting Up Around New Madrid Fault Line — They Are Going to Set it Off!

RichieFromBoston (11/15/2024):

beforeitsnews.com/prophecyFEMA-NewMadridFaultLine  (In part below)

It's the 15th of November 2024. I have talked to a whole bunch of people that live in the area in Michigan, two people that work at the airport in Michigan and three people that are actively doing search and rescue down in Asheville, NC. I've spoken to these people, these are not videos that I've seen, etc. There are no FEMA trucks at the airport in Michigan, yet.

This is what I got. (Reading from an email) “Richie, I’ve been a subscriber for a long time. Nothing is onsite currently, but we'll share when it does happen. Local citizens have been wondering about the same question as you and your followers have about this topic…”

So I wanted to know, are they there as of yet, right now? And no, they're not. But here's what's going on at the FEMA camp that they say doesn't exist down in North Carolina.

He plays video clip - Transcript:

FEMA Supervisor(Being recorded) “I can't tell you.”

Local guy: “You can’t tell me, or you don't know?”

FEMA Supervisor: “Can’t tell you.”

Local guy: “Because they're saying they're FEMA and they're not.”

FEMA Supervisor: “Ok. Have you called your local law enforcement?”

Local guy: “No, we've called Washington, DC and FEMA said no, we don’t have a site there.”

FEMA Supervisor: “They’ll never tell you where we are.” “We’ve had congressmen run up on our people and talk to them crazy. We’ve had people jump out with machine guns and AK’s and machetes and handguns and all types of stuff. So, we’re jumpy as hell right now.”

Local guy: “Oh, I get it; I believe it.” “Well, nobody here to my knowledge wants to hurt you. It’s up in the mountains where people want to stay alone. ‘Leave us alone,’ you know, ‘We don’t need your help.’

FEMA Supervisor: “We’ve been up there too.”

Local guy: “I was trying to clean things up because, for one, your safety and ours (FEMA interjects: “it’s important,”) is reflected on somewhere where they're saying they’re doing something, and if they’re not really doing that, then that affects us and you.” 

FEMA Supervisor: “An excellent way to find out if you’ve got a legitimate federal employee is say, ‘Hey, can I take a picture of your badge?’ and watch that person step out…”

Local guy: “Right.” “That’s the thing, multiple times, this same facility with other people…”

FEMA Supervisor: “We’ve had problems with that facility where people were going in, they had on body cams, they had fake uniforms on with ‘FEMA’. And they were going through asking questions and walking through. So the reason why is because the security already had to deal with that and had to do a security sweep. So they're very alert, extremely alert. A lot of those guys come out of a correctional office, probably correctional jails, and federal facilities. So they're jumpy as hell and they’re looking for a reason to box somebody up. They want that body.”

End of clip.

Back to Richie: You see what he says here? Correctional officers, federal facilities. They're jumpy as hell. They're looking for a reason to box somebody up. They want that body. They want to kill somebody.

He shows another video here:

This is from JW TV. Somebody sent me this footage earlier, but it's easier where I'm at in my current studio to steal his video. JW. TV. He drives around in the van and makes videos. But this is the FEMA facility in North Carolina and its massive and it looks exactly what was described that's going to be at the airport in Michigan.

And I know the reason why; I know the exact reason why. This makes complete military sense. You see this? There's no homeless people, there's no people that were being rescued from the waters. There's no homeless children here. You know what I mean? They're not helping people here. They're staging. They're staging here...

Well, let me explain it to you. (He shows a map with a circular colored graph around the New Madrid noting ‘slight damage’, ‘moderate damage’, ‘severe damage’ and ‘catastrophic damage’ that the effect of an earthquake would make in circumference to the epicenter.) He goes on to say, pointing on the map, they're staging here, and then they're going to stage here. Michigan is up here in the ‘slight damage’ or ‘Green Zone’, and down here in North Carolina is also the Green Zone. They're going to set off the New Madrid fault line.

I said this about a month or so ago when the rain started. I said these guys are purposefully flooding out the entire New Madrid fault line (zone). They're oversaturating the land with water, and they've been doing drills there four times this year. (Saturation by weather manipulation empowers the quake. They are trying to saturate areas they want to spread the damage to. Water is heavy and it does not compress.)

In 2024, the Army Corps of Engineers have done drills there. They're drilling there because they're going to set it off and they're going to set it off because of many things. It'll kill a lot of people. They're not there to help people. They're not staging ahead of time because they know an earthquake is coming. It doesn't work like that. They're going to set it off and maybe this will help you make more sense out of it. Check this out.

Another video clip

The Caption above in video: “The operation involved military grade logistics, including the coordination of routes, detention facilities, and staging points. Our source confirmed that FEMA’s actions in Michigan are following this same exact blueprint. The maps don’t lie.”


“But we're going to take whatever we have and head out to the second safest state, second or first safest state in the United States when it comes to disasters. Now, I know I keep saying that, but that's very important. But how would they know that the New Madrid fault line is ready to go in a very big way? Well you see, they, like I said, they have been running constant drills on this fault line as of 2024. More than they've ever done in previous years, and FEMA has actually been crunching the numbers. They've been crunching the totals of how much everything will cost; the disasters, the people that would lose their lives and so forth.

The University of Kentucky created a 57-page PDF that calculates and tells us everything that would occur if an 8.0 or greater earthquake were to strike the New Madrid fault line. And I'll go ahead and pin that in the comment section below and also pin that in the description of this video. That PDF will be very, very important.”

“So what is the goal here? What is the agenda? Why do certain organizations know that this fault line is going to go well in advance. Well, let's go ahead and take a look at something. This simulation, and like I said, there's been a lot of simulations in 2024 on the New Madrid fault line computer and physical simulations.

But let's take a look at this computer simulation created by the USGS on April 4, 2024. Take a look at the simulation. You can see the earthquake starting in Blytheville, and as the earthquake starts to spread out, the heaviness of this earthquake, the intensity of the earthquake starts to fade away, heading in multiple locations. But the brunt of this earthquake, the intensity of this earthquake,  heads directly to Little Rock, AR; South Arkansas.”

“Now, isn't it rather interesting that a month ago news broke out, letting us all know that Arkansas has a giant hidden source of lithium(The same reason they struck NC.) Matter of fact, Arkansas has the world's most lithium. Looking at this map, this is where the world's most lithium is located, and looking at the USGS simulation of this earthquake well, again this is where the intensity of this earthquake will be heading. Is this a coincidence? I don't know.”

“Well, here is a rather interesting article by the USGS. The same USGS that gave us this very interesting simulation. This article was published on October 21, 2024, a little less than a month ago. It is titled: Unlocking Arkansas’ Hidden Treasure: USGS Uses Machine Learning to Show Large Lithium Potential in the Smackover Formation. This Smackover Formation again, is located in South Arkansas. Reading from the article, it says using a combination of water testing and machine learning, a U.S. Geological Survey led study estimated between 5 and 19 million tons of lithium reserves are located beneath Southwestern Arkansas. If commercially recoverable, the amount of lithium present would meet projected 2030 world demand for lithium in car batteries 9 times over.”

End of video clip

Back to Richie: OK, because of my limited studio right here, you're gonna have to look up the Army Corps of Engineers doing 4 separate drills on the New Madrid fault line this year alone. The army doesn't do that. They'll do a drill. You get one and that's it. They're doing this drill, where they should be over in Asheville, recovering people, but they're not going to recover people. I spoke to somebody who's been doing real search and rescue in Asheville the entire time. They've got over 10,000 bodies. The MSM doesn't even talk about it anymore and they left off telling us a number of 200. Ten thousand people got murdered. These people were standing there and all of a sudden a wall of water just washes them away. I mean, it's horrific; it's heart wrenching.

And they're going to do this to a massive area and they're going to do this soon because, A: They're staging FEMA. There'll be another state over here in the Green Zone that we won't hear about because the guy that works at the airport up in Michigan spilled the beans. How do we know that? Because he was giving a press conference. He was just talking matter of fact, no big deal. ‘Yeah, FEMA is coming here, they’re taking over the building. We have got to move someplace else.’ Well, they're going to be above, all the way around it… (the New Madrid Seismic zone.)

And now all of a sudden they cannot stop, absolutely oversaturating the land that they're simultaneously doing drills on, that they’re coincidentally staging all the way around. They're going to do this, and they're going to do it soon because they got the land prepared and they're prepping. (For the Big One.) They're preparing. They're not preparing for you. You heard the dude, you heard the FEMA supervisor. “All the people we've got here at the FEMA campground, they're just looking to put somebody in a box.” They're looking to ‘body’, somebody. What!? You know what I'm saying? (Although the New Madrid zone will go off, God’s angels are taking out FEMA murderers.)

But this is where we live. Agenda 2030 has sped up. (I removed here his opinion that Trump must somehow be involved in this, which is false.)  Trump didn't mention the DoD directive, September 27, 2024, where troops can fire on American citizens. … (The DS has made it legal to kill citizens.)

This is a new map, FEMA, I mean. FEMA basically just put this out. You see what I'm saying? But listen to this:

Continuation of previous video clip


“…2030 and we do know that the United Nations has a 2030 agenda, that they are really pushing and we know that they are expediting the 2030 agenda because the World Economic Forum and the United Nations met in September of 2024 to speed up the 2030 Agenda. But make no mistake about it, this lithium is not just for electric car batteries. It's also for these Smart Cities, it's for these robots; it's for a lot of other technology that will be pushed on us, and they really need it for their 2030 agenda. They need a lot of it.”

“So we have the same USGS finding anywhere between 5 and 19 million tons of lithium that will help supply the world 9 times over to help push along the 2030 agenda. While at the same time they are saying this is the exact location they are projecting to take the brunt of a New Madrid earthquake. You can't make it up. You cannot make this up even if you wanted to. And at the same time you have FEMA located in a state perfectly nestled in a spot to where they can roll out to these states that were affected by the New Madrid earthquakes.”

Back to Richie: Now FEMA is positioning himself all the way around the New Madrid Fault line (zone), and it isn't to help you, it isn't to help you. You've already seen all the military trucks. You see what's going on. You have to. If you live in this area, revert back to what I've been telling you for the last 15 years and prepare yourselves. Prepare yourselves in every way you possibly can, but the most important way possible, the most important thing you can do is prepare yourself spiritually. I cannot stress that enough…

DS Scientists Conspire to Set Off Huge Earthquakes

Sandy Shaw - 10/18/11 (David’s notes in red)

I dreamed I was sitting and listening to a group of scientists argue and they were talking over my head with their scientific words. Half of the scientists were arguing, "We should not do that because we don't know what the ramifications of that are, nor do we know what chain reactions will take place". In the dream, I didn't know what "that" was referring to. The other half of the scientists begin arguing that they do know the outcome of that, as they have calculations and results from the previous times they have done it. One man from the group speaking against it interjected loudly with, "Not of this magnitude!".

(Magnitude of course speaks of earthquakes. Will they set off a “chain reaction” of faults that all effect one another. They prepared them to do this. Sandy Shaw and Rick Sergent had almost the same revelation that quakes would cross the US in a chain reaction.

Eve Brast had a revelation that 7 big quakes would go around the world. I believe they would use here a combination of HAARP, fracking, and their underground tunneling and explosions down those tunnels to connect faults as they have already done. Two of our brethren watched them deep penetration bombing the eastern fault line to get a portion of it ready. Also, they would use their Tesla frequency earthquake machines that they have underground.)

There are many scriptures, dreams and visions that speak of Jesus coming in the Man-child body of reformers at the time of large earthquakes crossing the US.

From scripture we see that history always repeats. Ecc 1:9 That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 10 Is there a thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been long ago, in the ages which were before us. Jesus was the first New Testament Man-child who was a type for the coming Man-child body of reformers. Scripture shows that Jesus died with an “earthquake” and was risen to the throne with a “great earthquake” after three days.

Jesus’ resurrection was also accompanied by the “out resurrection” of saints who appeared to the people and history repeats. Php 3:11 if by any means I may attain unto the out-resurrection from the dead. (The Numeric pattern is in the original Greek words out-resurrection.

Isa 64:1-4, Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might quake at thy presence(God’s presence is coming with quakes. He is coming in His Man-child body by Word and Spirit, as it was with Jesus, as time will surely tell. They will come world-wide because the Church is now world-wide.) 2 as when fire kindleth the brushwood, and the fire causeth the waters to boil; to make thy name known to thine adversaries (This will be a great judgment on the wicked of the U.S. and the world.), that the nations may tremble at thy presence!

(A great revival will spring from this. Many lost or apostate will turn to the Lord of the Bible.) 3 When thou didst terrible things which we looked not forthou camest down, the mountains quaked at thy presence. 4 For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen a God besides thee, who worketh for him that waiteth for him. (The righteous will be exonerated as judgment finally comes to the wicked who oppressed them.)

Psa 97:5 The mountains melted like wax (Volcanic activity often follows earthquakes.) at the presence of Jehovah, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

I received this text that points out that when the Lord comes in spiritual Judah as the Man-child, the waters recede. Psa 114:1-8 When Israel went forth out of Egypt, The house of Jacob from a people of strange language; 2 Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his dominion. 3 The sea saw it, and fled; The Jordan was driven back. 4 The mountains skipped like rams, The little hills like lambs. (The presence of the Lord causes earthquakes and the sea to flee away.)

5 What aileth thee, O thou (Red) sea, that thou fleest? Thou Jordan, that thou turnest back? (Looks like an earthquake and tsunami.) 6 Ye mountains, that ye skip like rams; Ye little hills, like lambs? 7 Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob, 8 Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of waters.

I received this about a witness showing the gulf waters receding at least a half a mile out of Tampa Bay and Coral bay and other areas for over 12 hours. (This is proof that God can do this. This was seen in areas of the world where there wasn’t a hurricane too, like it was at the Red Sea)  HURRICAN IAN UPDATE - NO WATER AT THE COAST IN THE GULF OF MEXICO

We will notice that the great shaking is accompanied by the coming of Jesus in the Man-child and the change of fortunes for God's people as they go into the wilderness. It is all coming soon and we need to be ready. Hag 2:7 and I will shake all nations; and the precious (or desire) things (Things has No numeric pattern) of all nations shall come

(Jesus in the Man-child is typed by Zerubbabel in this chapter and He comes with the shaking.); and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts. 8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith Jehovah of hosts (As we have seen Cyrus conquered Babylon and freed God’s people giving a gift of Babylon’s gold and silver to rebuild the temple which is now God’s people) 9 The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, saith Jehovah of hosts; and in this place (The true house of God) will I give peace, saith Jehovah of hosts.

This shaking of all nations happens at the birth of the Man-child reformer ministry.

It is only to happen once more since the time Paul wrote of it in Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not when they refused him that warned them on earth, much more shall not we escape who turn away from him that warneth from heaven: 26 whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more will I make to tremble not the earth only, but also the heaven.

27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made (I.e. by man), that those things which are not shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore, receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken (The Kingdom of heaven is where God rules and we submit.), let us have grace, whereby we may offer service well-pleasing to God with reverence and awe:

Back to Hag 2:3 Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes as nothing? (i.e. The Church, the house of God, is a fake mess because it has departed from His Word.) 4 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel (meaning: "born from Babylon" who represents the first fruits Man-child leadership to come out of Babylon apostasy to rebuild the Kingdom), saith Jehovah; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith Jehovah, and work: for I am with you, saith Jehovah of hosts,

5 according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt (through the Red Sea where the wicked were judged), and my Spirit abode among you: fear ye not. 6 For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; 7 and I will shake all nations (As we saw this was also spoken of by Paul in Hebrews 12:25-29 as the great shaking that separated those manmade church kingdoms who could be shaken from those who could not for they are in the Kingdom of God.); and the precious (desired) [things] (not numeric) of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts. (This is the glory of the Lord's presence in the rebuilt temple of God’s people)

8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith Jehovah of hosts. (Cyrus’/ Trumps gift.) 9 The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, (Because the Latter Rain is greater than the Former Rain) saith Jehovah of hosts; and in this place will I give peace, saith Jehovah of hosts...

21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 22 and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms (The Deep State throne in the nations is falling now); and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; (The beast army is destroyed as at the Red Sea), every one by the sword of his brother (As when the nations came against Jerusalem, the Bride). 23 In that day, saith Jehovah of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith Jehovah, and will make thee as a signet; for I have chosen thee, saith Jehovah of hosts. (A signet is a sign of Authority such as Mordecai and Joseph received as types of the Man-child body.)

I am convinced that we must be entitled to the Passover of this judgment, which was paid for by Jesus, when it does come. Make sure your heart is right with God and your brethren by abiding in Jesus Christ.)

Earthquakes & Refuge

Dream by Sandy Shaw - May 2011

Notes: [David | Deb Horton]

In a dream, I saw the NYC skyline from a distance and it was shaking. All the skyscrapers and buildings were going back and forth. (This is the eastern fault line and the second most populous area in the US. God heard the prayers and it will not happen except for a small portion around TN.)

I was taken near to the center of the nation where I could see both coasts of the country and I was hovering over a large crack in the ground. (New Madrid) I was facing south, with the Great Lakes behind me and the crack went all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. The ground began shaking and the new cracks began forming going back toward the East coast, moving in all directions like a fan very quickly. The shaking was constant from this point on but at different times it slowed down, becoming soft like tremors, and at other times it was shaking hard, violently.

As the cracks were moving, they reached about half of the distance of the large crack (New Madrid) and then my attention was drawn to the right of me and I looked west of the New Madrid crack and saw cracks going in all directions toward the West Coast. They were cracks of many different sizes and they stopped at different places as they hit other cracks and then headed in different directions and some went all the way to the San Andreas fault in California. As these cracks hit the San Andreas, the ground was rising and falling to meet each other like hands coupling together as they join and then separate. California was shaking hard and at the same time so was the New Madrid area. The cracks began separating the areas where Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky meet and went all the way over to North Carolina. These cracks and many more are what isolate the boat-shaped piece of land in the Tennessee Valley and then I saw the crack around the boat fill with water.

(Note: Although this italicized portion is a true prophetic dream, by God’s grace it will not come to pass at this time, to the DS’s dismay.)

This is where I turned around to look at the Great Lakes, or where they were supposed to be, and all the water began rushing down, filling up all the areas in the center of the nation that have been affected by all the quakes.   It emptied these areas that split the U.S. Water flooded in from the Gulf of Mexico, as well. When all the flooding was done, many portions of the US were under water (the map below of dark areas roughly drawn). (Sandy said some of this water may be temporary but some will stay.) (This Italicised is not coming now.)

...During this dream, everything was happening in fast motion, but I knew that in reality it would happen over a slightly longer period of time. (We have heard that the Craton plate is drifting to the West, which would open up some faults that were before slip faults. This could be happening over a short period of time.) I had the exact same dream three times over a period of three months. This is important. Joseph said: Gen.41:32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh, it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

To sum this up, Sandy said that the New Madrid began to quake and then the West coast began to shake and Tennessee shook. Sandy said this sequence would happen over a longer period of time than in her dream but she didn't believe it was a very long period.

Confirmation of Earthquake Sequence

Rick Sergent

In March of 2011, I was given this vision from the Lord: I saw the word “Earthquake” suspended over a map of the United States. Three golden rods came from the word Earthquake.

(Again, the Italicised is not coming now) One pointed to what I thought was just north of Washington, D.C. but was difficult to determine because it was more like a geography map and not showing cites. (The Eastern fault literally damaged the Washington Monument but the Lord annulled this major quake.)

The second pointed to the Midwest (the New Madrid) and the third pointed to California. This seems to indicate the possibility of a series of quakes indicated in Sandy Shaw's dream, in a simpler form in my vision. (She mentioned these same places plus a lesser-known seismic zone in a boat shape in the TN Valley. I believe FEMA will not operate in the TN valley because Tren De Aragua terrorists have been sent instead. https://fox17.com/news/local/tbi-names-major-cities-in-tenn-infiltrated-by-violent-venezuelan-gang  However the Lord has said His angels have taken them down in Nashville and in Knoxville and Chattanooga in the East TN Valley.)


Alenna Timoshchuk - 9/5/21 (David’s notes in red)

In my dream I started watching the weather report. I saw a map of the United States. There were three red dots on the right side of the U.S. going in a line from up to down. (This confirms Sandy’s N.Y. quake dream that revealed that the large quakes would begin on the East Coast at NY in the U.S. This one was prayed down when the asteroid was to hit the fault line at Puerto Rico but God veered it out into space.) Then many red, zig zag lines spread out from each dot. It showed a great earthquake that was about to happen. (This is the New Madrid quake that is coming.)

The weather man mentioned 3 states but I only remember Virginia and Louisiana, although when I looked up the map, Louisiana didn’t make sense to me because that’s not where the third dot was in the image I saw in my dream. (I believe her red dot was on the upper part of the eastern fault line. This old fault line is the NY/Alabama anomaly which goes through “Virginia” (confirmed) and it was found later to go through Alabama to “Louisiana” (confirmed) and into the Gulf where the BP oil well blew out under extreme pressure. This may have well lubricated this fault. I believe only a portion of this fault line will fall away which is where our two brethren saw them bunker buster bombing it in the Eastern TN Valley. But also Louisiana is around the Mississippi River coming from the New Madrid.)

Then I saw the U.S. splitting from the point where those 3 dots (now 2 dots) were, moving in the shape of an L, going upwards. I was paying close attention to part of Tennessee because it looked like it was becoming an island (The TN Valley becomes a peninsula, almost an island.), and I wanted to make sure the state where we lived would be okay. Then I woke up. (Heb 12:26, ...Yet once more will I make to tremble not the earth only, but also the heaven.)

More confirmations of the Lord coming in His Man-child body of reformers in the midst of great earthquakes.

Psa 18:7 Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations also of the mountains quaked And were shaken, because he was wroth. 8 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, And fire out of his mouth devoured: Coals were kindled by it. 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; And thick darkness was under his feet.

Isa 13:11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity: and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. 12 I will make a man more rare than fine gold, even a man than the pure gold of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will make the heavens to tremble, and the earth shall be shaken out of its place, in the wrath of Jehovah of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. (The Day of the Lord’s wrath is twice, after the tribulation of the Bride at the beginning of the tribulation and after the tribulation of the Church at the end of the tribulation.)

Isa 24:16 From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs: Glory to the righteous. But I said, I pine away, I pine away, woe is me! the treacherous have dealt treacherously (The DS Judas’ destroy their own people.); yea, the treacherous have dealt very treacherously. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble. 19 The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is shaken violently.

20 The earth shall stagger like a drunken man, and shall sway to and fro like a hammock; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again. (I believe we have learned that it will fall past the 23.5 degree where it is now.) 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Jehovah will punish the host of the high ones on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. (The DS leadership is being destroyed) 22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison; and after many days shall they be visited. (At the end of 1000 years they will be visited and brought to the Great White Throne Judgment.)

This text is spoken against the King of Babylon DS, in Isa 14:4, the DS leadership, who are satanists under satan. Satan was cast down from heaven with his angels in Rev 12 by the warfare of the saints and also in Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst lay low the nations! (As Satan has used Babylonish DS to do using the might of the U.S.)

13 And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (usurping authority over the saints.); and I will sit upon the mount of congregation (He wants Mt. Zions authority), in the uttermost parts of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit.

16 They that see thee shall gaze at thee, they shall consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms(Notice: A “man” representing a corporate man in the earth inhabited by Satan.) 17 that made the world as a wilderness, and overthrew the cities thereof; that let not loose his prisoners to their home? 18 All the kings of the nations, all of them, sleep in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou art cast forth away from thy sepulcher like an abominable branch, clothed with the slain, that are thrust through with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a dead body trodden under foot. 20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people; the seed of evil-doers shall not be named for ever.

Joel 3:15 The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. 16 And Jehovah will roar from Zion (Notice His presence is on the earth in Zion.), and utter his voice from Jerusalem (The Bride); and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but Jehovah will be a refuge unto his people, and a stronghold to the children of Israel.

Nah 1:5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt; and the earth is upheaved at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. 6 Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken asunder by him. 7 Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that take refuge in him. As in Psalm 91; claim it.

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