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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Many Salvations Using Sovereign God Books

James Cardin - 04/23/2006

We give the Lord all the Thanks & Glory for bringing 16 more souls in to the Kingdom. There were 3 women salvations, and 13 men, also 1 rededication. After ministry of the Word there were many who sobbed deeply. One girl got up and repented for her attitudes and asked forgiveness.

We went into the prison and we have been in a Spirit of Joy for over 2 weeks now. A heavy anointing like a "blanket" is felt before we even minister. Totally lost in his presence is a better way to explain it. There is a Greater joy in giving.

The past 2 weeks we have seen 55 salvations.

Miracle deliverance from the Spirit of Rejection.

Deliverance from the Spirit of Negativity.

We have checked since the Books, Sovereign God, were placed in the prisons. Many have changed their attitudes. There is even more respect for the Guards. In one local jail I had already placed 55 Books. As you noticed above this is the exact number of salvations that we have seen in the past 2 weeks. God is a Good God! We are excited about what God is doing and we are always Hungering & Thirsting after righteousness. We can't wait to be with him. I have been so excited that there have been nights where I have not gone to sleep till 4 AM. We pray that you get a "visitation" IMMEDIATELY. In fact ...WE PROCLAIM IT NOW!

UPDATE: 07/17/2006 - Yesterday 3 more men gave their life to the Lord in prison. We had wonderful fellowship, and at least 75 more men were on their feet, seeking God. Our text was The Glory of the Lord. They felt that presence, no one asked them to stand. It was ALL God. Praise the Lord.

UPDATE: 05/31/2006 - We give the Lord all the Thanks & Glory for bringing 12 more souls in to the Kingdom from prison this past Sunday.

UPDATE: 06/19/2006 - Just thought I would give you the "Heads up" on 14 more men giving their life to the Lord in one of our (Maximum) prisons here in NY.

UPDATE: 07/29/2006 - This is another note to let you know that (3) more persons have come to the Lord this past Saturday. Two Heroin-addicts, and a (Former) Alcoholic. These were a result of the "Moving with the Cloud" meetings that people have put on for us. These are "open air" meetings. People are coming up after the meeting "confessing, and repenting" from their sins. We had several Chaplains and ministers there to help and pray with people. They are planning 2 MORE meetings in August. There will also be a wedding in October.

By the way, these meetings would have NEVER come to be, had we not given the Sovereignty of God Books to them which sets them up. It was a "seed" planted that I believe will see much fruit yet in the future. I have never seen so many people wanting to be "rooted & grounded" in the Word, who are hungering and thirsting after Righteousness.

Sunday in Prison was also wonderful.

UPDATE: 11/19/2006 - Today 23 men dedicated their lives to the Lord. The Lord permitted us to start two Abuse/Addiction groups.

UPDATE: 12/20/2006 - This past week three people gave their life to the Lord at the "Flea Market". There were an additional 20 men in prison this past Sunday who stood in the presence of the Lord to be saved.

UPDATE: 01/21/2007 - 6 more men gave their life to the Lord this past Sunday. I also have a Testimony for you from one of our contacts in Niagara Falls NY.

UPDATE: 01/28/2007 - Today we had (18) people give their life to the Lord. We have also found out why so many are giving their life to the Lord in Prison. Apparently "several" of the people already had the Sovereign God books, and have been helping and mentoring others, who recently have come in. It is a catalyst of what God is doing. All (3) services were messages of repentance. If I hadn't seen it myself, I would not be writing this testimony. People were visibly shaken. The Lord is Faithful!

UPDATE: 03/19/2007 - Just dropping a line to update you about book distribution. So far, 8 Catholics, 2 prisoners and 1 teenager have "given their lives to The Lord". We are now waiting for the results of the 10 drug addicts we have given the book to.

UPDATE: 10/13/2007 - There have been 14 commitments in that jail in the last two weeks (13 men, 1 woman). We have finally established the necessary time that we needed with the inmates to put the Sovereign God books in their hands. They are taking notes and coming back for one-on-one with questions and a deep hunger to have God in their lives. One of the individuals was a retired school teacher.

UPDATE: 07/11/2008 - Six more men in jail have been drawn closer to the Lord recently by reading the books. I also got a call from a couple (a pastor and his wife) that, 'This book has opened our eyes and caused us to realize the strength and nature of these last days'.


Praise the Lord for so many souls! "The Sovereignty of God Book that you have given me is a book that draws people to the Word of God MORE. I cannot tell you what a blessing that book has been".

Niagara Falls, NY

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