U n l e a v e n e d   B r e a d   M i n i s t r i e s

Jesus Manifests Himself In His Bride
The Nearness of Plague and Passover

[ Audio ]

Results of the 7 Day Fast
 Deborah J. Greenhill - 3/8/18 (David's notes in red)

(This is a portion of a couple of emails from Deborah in Israel. Some of the notes are my reply to her and a few are updates. We had just heard from the Lord to fast for seven days which was confirmed with signs, wonders, words and witnesses. The Lord had said this was to bring us and others we prayed for under the protection of the Passover. Then we heard to fast for 3 more days for those who didn�t fast that they too would repent and come under the Passover in various ways.

Blessings, David and Elders,

 I wanted to give a report of the fast that we did here. (which was In Israel)  I received your email and updates on the fast that YHVH called to the corporate Body of Christ. Our fellowship were all in agreement, as we had been feeling that it was time to fast.
 Let me give you a synopsis of the entire 7 days: the week of Purim, we were scorned for fasting and removing ourselves from friends and family. After all, everyone in Israel dressed in costumes, had parties, did fireworks and ate wonderful foods to celebrate the occasion. To say that we were scorned for not participating is a very gentle assessment of what we went through. (No doubt it was that way in the days of the early church also as they were persecuted for following Christ. Its that way today when Christians forsake the pagan holidays and the norms of apostate religion.)

 To make matters even worse, we fasted into Sabbath, which is an EXTREME abandonment of the norm. Only on a Yom Kippur that falls on Shabbat, are we called to fast on that day.. In all, there were days of preparation before Purim we didn�t participate in, and the final blow was that we continued to fast through a Shabbat. Since our fast was called Monday at sundown, it would be Sunday evening before we could gather for the feast. (This is the feast of bright dress and good food that the Lord ordered for us after the fast.)

 We determined to have the greatest feast we could muster: we would go to Jerusalem and have a HUGE breakfast at Mt. Zion Hotel. (Very appropriate)  A big buffet set with lots of visitors at the hotel from all over the world. They, unknowingly, participated, like guests at a wedding banquet. (LoL a fitting celebration for Purim deliverance from enemies. :o)  It gave us the festive appropriate setting to execute this marvelous feast. With rejoicing in our hearts, we enjoyed just about everything you could think of for breakfast.
 And why Mt. Zion Hotel? I believe there is a portal (gate) to heaven there. (We have one here which is the �open windows of heaven� for the obedient.)  During a Rosh HaShanah stay there, I found myself in the presence of an angel who showed me the star sign of September 23, 2017. (Planet X appearing below Virgo to fulfill the sign of Rev.12 at a time when it was still a long way out from earth. The word �sign� in Rev.12:1,3 is the Greek word, �Semeion� in Vines Expository Dictionary, meaning �of tokens portending future events.�) 

The date was September, 2015 - two YEARS before this event! At that time, I hadn�t heard of the event, and further research after the holiday still didn�t turn up anything. Not until 2016 was any watchmen talking about this event to come. I have booked a hotel room for myself and hubby for Pesach (Or Passover), asking for the same room, so I can determine if there really is a portal there to the heavens. Perhaps more will be revealed at that time???  (A brother and sister here were asking for the baptism with tongues for many years and were filled and then during the fast at Purim angels filled his room. Then the angels with their hands pushed the darkness out through the walls all around him and then out of him. The same thing happened with his sister in the room above him. They had never danced in the Lord but both did just as the Father commanded for the feast in the fast prophecy given through Eve.)

 One of the things the Lord showed us was a judgment on our enemies.  I am quoting from the Peshitta Aramaic text of  Psalm 11:4-7:  4. Lord Jehovah is in the temple of Holiness of Lord Jehovah, his throne is in Heaven; his eyes see, his eyelids examine the children of men. 5. Lord Jehovah examines the righteous ones; the evil and those who live evil his soul has hated.  6. Snares have come down upon the wicked like rain; fire and brimstone and a wind of disease is the portion of their cup. (Notice the wind of disease like an airborne plague which is what the Passover was for.) 7. Because Lord Jehovah is righteous and he loves righteousness, and his face has seen integrity.

 Did you catch verse 6? Could this be a meteor shower coming to destroy the enemy? (absolutely, we have had dreams of fireballs falling here in the US that killed many and burned much property. But also spiritual fire will fall on many; a trial that destroys flesh as a burnt offering.)  Those not destroyed by the meteor shower would be taken out by a �wind of disease�. Is this the coming plague that God has showed you? And, if so, is this the order of the events; first the meteor shower and then the plague? Last nights broadcast I spoke of the plague and proofs we received. What we think the Father is showing us is the Deep State is about to loose the plagues on the US but Father will use them to take down Hamans army as they spiritually go down in the Red Sea. Kind of like Purim. The Passover also was called a plague or blow.

Deborah�s Second Email � 3/20/18

Blessings from Israel!  I just wanted to report the results of the second fast that was called by God. (We were commanded to fast 3 more days for those who missed the first fast because of its importance.)

First of all, we saw it coming; we knew that an intervention was coming for certain of the Body that could not fast - those breast feeding, those intubated, soldiers on the front lines, etc. When you called the 3 day fast, we knew we had to 'stand in the gap' for those who desperately needed the Passover, but could not participate right now. (Father always makes exception for those who cant. We fasted for those who could but wouldn�t also. But we also found many who thought it impossible for them who accomplished the fast and were greatly blessed.)

Even in the Old Testament, provision was made for those who could not participate in the normal Passover at 14 Nisan.  The second Passover was also available for the believer to show up, exactly one month later.  Grace was extended for this holiday, and we don't see that with the other original holidays. So, I think this holiday is very reminiscent of God's mercy towards His people, in giving many of us a second chance. (Good point about the second chance, but also we may not have another month. So brethren take the second chance ASAP)

 One of the folks on the fast saw the nuclear sign in a vision. Nothing behind the sign but blowing smoke. (Could be the threats of nuclear war before the tribulation is just blowing smoke) Has anyone else at UBM seen this?  It made us seek the face of the Lord much harder, with a resolute face toward heaven for those caught in the coming disasters.
 At the end of the fasts, we corporately take communion, and this time was no different. After we broke the fast, a hush fell over us.  Not the normal talkative-let's get on with eating banter.  I couldn't believe what came out of my mouth, and I certainly didn't prepare any words for afterwards. I said: "NOW your enemies can fall!". (And it is happening in Eves dream below.)  Someone gave a hearty 'amen' to the words, and we continued on with breaking the fast.
 After all the excitement was over, and I had time to reflect on the the statement- obviously a word from the Lord, I began to wonder at His word.  Was there something we didn't pull down at the first fast-that broke at the second fast?  Have any of the other congregations world-wide reported such an event?
 Thank you for sharing your congregation with us.
 We send blessings to the Saints at UBM!

David�s Circumstantial Evidence and the Passover

We had some snow that is strange again.  About 1/8 inch round solid but flattened specs fell all over the area. We have never seen any snow like this. A couple of years ago we had snow that was like little needles maybe 3/16 long, no flakes. Obviously all this is men�s meddling.  I asked the Lord, if it is infected give me 2 heads and got them.  I asked Michael to do the same and he got them too. We know it is infected with the same poison as the Chemtrails with its flulike symtoms, the shots being more deadly part B, which we have spoken about, but something worse could be added any day. Stay in the Lord.

The Deep Snake just threatened destruction because the McCabe revelations are threatening to bring down Hillery, Obama and the elite swamp government.

We are a few days from the Passover/plague sign. Remember a sign is a token of things to come.  Also, Pam said: �When Father spoke to me about the book, Delivered From Dark Powers, (which she was putting together), being available to the people, the book was contiguous with the reigning Man-child. It was as if the book were out and the Man-child was on the throne.� Amber said the sample book is on its way back from LULU. We then have to inspect it and change or OK it. If its OK we can publish it then.

It is spring but we were told the plague would come with the evil snow.  Is this a seeding type thing here and there? I would think it would start like that or everyone would know where it came from. This last snow covered the Northeast. If the plague too was in it or coming soon, How long does it take to incubate? I don�t know. It would be interesting if it manifested in a big way around the 29th the Jews timing and sign for the Passover/Plague.  Isnt it also interesting that we are having a small faction attack that the plague is supposed to bring an end to? Meaning the larger movement world wide. And that the Lord said the fast was so we would have a Passover? OR is this a drill to make sure we are ready?

But don�t worry Eve had a dream that she was demonstrating that she could eat the evil snow and be unharmed. Can she eat enough to save us all?  :o)  I don�t know she is pretty skinny :o)  Eve would you come to my house first? - Seriously, Eve was demonstrating that the Bride can eat it because she is blood washed and �No plague shall come nigh thy tent�.  Also it was a lamb for a household below which we need to believe for our families physical and spiritual. Like the Bride in Esther believed for little sister..

Keep your sins confessed and believe in the Psalm 91 Passover covering of the blood of Jesus. 

Our fast and prayers were to prepare us for this:  Exo.12:  3  Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers� houses, a lamb for a household: ... 5  Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old: ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats: 6  and ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at even. 7  And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel, upon the houses wherein they shall eat it. 8  And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; with bitter herbs they shall eat it. ... 13  And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. Remember the Lord killed Egyptians only, so he is in complete control. How many �Christians� today are Egyptians? Remember also we just passed Purim where the Bride fasted for the people of God who were spared and the beast people died.

How is the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, applied? I John 1: 7  but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalms 91: 1  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2  I will say of Jehovah, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in whom I trust. 3  For he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the deadly pestilence. 4  He will cover thee with his pinions, And under his wings shalt thou take refuge: His truth is a shield and a buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6  For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7  A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. 8  Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, And see the reward of the wicked. 9  For thou, O Jehovah, art my refuge! Thou hast made the Most High thy habitation; 10  There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy tent. 11  For he will give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways. 12  They shall bear thee up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13  Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample under foot. 14  Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15  He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble: I will deliver him, and honor him. 16  With long life will I satisfy him, And show him my salvation.

Dreams of a Faction Against UBM
Eve Brast � 3/21/18 (David�s notes in red)

(We learned there is a prophetic significance to this dream for this time. We heard from some who didn�t keep the fast above were chastened of the Lord in various ways, accidents, afflictions, spiritual torments, etc. The Lord had said He would get His sacrifice of flesh from His people and this was one way he did this. Another is that some went back and did the fast as commanded. Others Father demanded another sacrifice. Others were already going through a great suffering in the flesh.  All of this was to clean up brethren through repentance and faith for the Passover of Judgments now coming.)

I dreamed that I was in the Spirit observing my UBM brethren working at their different work stations at white rectangular fold out tables that lined the walls of a large room.. (Preparing for the harvest like we are doing now)

The walls were of red brick and polished wood paneling. And there was blue indoor outdoor carpeting.
There were 2 large wooden double doors over to my left.

David (Representing the larger David Man-child reformer body.)  was standing with his arms crossed dressed in blue jeans and a light blue denim shirt. He was watching the doors carefully (Always watching for predator spirits) while overlooking the brethren and their work.

Suddenly, a faction leader came bursting through the doors and they slammed against the walls. He morphed into a predator alien holding an iron, double edged Roman sword. He arched back with his arms outstretched and threw back his head and let out a demonic roar that seemed to shake everything. I could see the sound waves rippling throughout the room in the spirit and white pieces of the ceiling falling to the floor.

He then ran towards David and David raised his arms up and his hands in a "stop" gesture.  And it threw the predator back a couple of feet as he stumbled backwards.

He realized he couldn't attack David and became angrier and then went around to all my brethren (Representing the larger Bride body of the Unleavened Bread and Passover.) stabbing them with the sword in their backs as they worked. (Using the sword of words spoken against UBM people behind their backs. Pro12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. Some of these words are witchcraft prayers against the saints. Of course they wouldn�t call it that. Sometimes they call it turning someone over to the devil as Paul did in 1 Cor. 5.  But the Lord has had us cast down witchcraft and voo-doo prayers in the past and we have seen fruit of it.) 

The brethren didn't know what was going on. It was like they were oblivious to the whole scene. In particular I saw him stab Merlene Laughlin who was directly in front of me. End. (They were totally unaffected by the spoken lies or prayed curses of the factious.  Why?  Pro. 26:2  As the sparrow in her wandering, as the swallow in her flying, So the curse that is causeless alighteth not.)

I asked Father for a word for this man and my finger was on "a perverse tongue" in Pro. 17:20 (In context:19&20) 19  He loveth transgression that loveth strife: He that raiseth high his gate seeketh destruction.  20  He that hath a wayward heart findeth no good; And he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

(The attacker and one person he deceived, neither of which are in local UBM, did not partake of the fast in their pride. He was lieing about people who could not defend themselves in order to make disciples for himself. I.E. stabbing others in the back. As soon as that faction spirit enters it tells them not to speak to me or to listen to scripture because they destroy the purpose of the faction spirits.)

Why did the attacks fail to harm the Bride? You cant kill a dead man as seen in Eve�s follow up dream below. Those who value the crucified life do not fear death to self but welcome it. And the more dead they are the less they feel the attacks. If the young hear slander it can harm them so they must be defended. If it is only self that is attacked there is no need to respond, just turn the other cheek.)

Follow Up Dream on the Same Night

Again I was standing in the same room but not in the Spirit (The carnal man of the Bride). I was standing in front of David. He was dressed the same as in the previous dream in blue jeans and a denim shirt.

We smiled at each other and he was holding a long Samari sword in his left hand. He lifted the sword (of the Word) up as if he was going to run me through with it.

Then he morphed into Sampson from the book of Judges and plunged the blade into my right upper chest and as he did this, keeping his hand on the hilt, he came around behind me and held me very tightly and said, "Trust me." (The Bride is dying through the sword of the Word administered by the Man-child. Luke 2: 34  and Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel (A death to the old man and Life to the New Man); and for a sign which is spoken against (by the factious brethren); 35  yea and a sword shall pierce through thine own soul; that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed.  Hebrews 4: 12  For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit (The word pierces to divide the soulish/selfish to be put to death leaving the spiritual man to rule), of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.

And as he said this he plunged the sword through the both of us. (The sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.  The two edged sword of the word, one edge for us and one for the enemy. The crucifixion of self by the Word of God is bringing the Bride and Man-child to resurrection life.)

It was very painful but we were still standing, joined together by the sword when I woke up.

I asked Father for a word for this dream and my finger was on "through one trespass" Romans 5:18(17-19)  17  For if, by the trespass of the one, death reigned through the one (this faction brought spiritual death); much more shall they that receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, even Jesus Christ. 18  So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation (faction defiles the many); even so through one act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men to justification of life (Self crucifixion by the sword of the Word by the Man-child who also teaches the Bride). 19  For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners (faction and slander defiles others), even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous (The Man-childs teaching of death to the self life by obeying the Word).

Word About Faction
David Nelson �3-24-18 (David�s notes in red)

I can't help but wonder if this factious spirit which comes upon the body is because of a elevated sense of self importance by some with a perceived elevated position taken with the others in the body (what a mistake). (Pride cometh before the fall) 

This self aggrandizement comes by way of opinions on spiritual issues that this person believes is pivotal to their elevated importance and perceived spiritual wisdom they have in the body (I felt and see this in the churches).  The Nicolaitan disease...the we have (s) and they have not (s). (All denominationalism separates people from the larger body by insignificant and many time wrong beliefs.)

Seems that factious people are hell bent on starting a argument or a strife within the body who share a common faith in Christ who's desire is to cause division. (I have called it the fastest gun in the west ego. People with factious demons always have an ego to rule over others. They are also used by God to sanctify the body of those who are in sin, are disobedient, and depart from the crucified life.)

I believe there is a time for questionings and wrestling for answers on spiritual subjects and truths within the scriptures.  Healthy conversations must be allowed for the body to mature.  Elders with more knowledge and wisdom will moderate and steer these conversations toward truth in the Word.  However, as long as we avoid Lording over the body as the Nicolaitans did in the scriptures (and still do in denominations - churches)  we will be safe in avoiding becoming as these like minded denominations who do not allow the body to mature.

  1. A Week of Fasting for Holiness Prophecy
  2. No Plague Passover for the "I Can Not's"
  3. Prophecies, Fastings, Passover, and Man-child
  4. The Nearness of Plague and Passover
  5. Jesus in the Man-child is 'At the Door'

This "printer-friendly" document was printed from Unleavened Bread Ministries' website at www.ubm1.org. View this document online at www.ubm1.org/?page=the_nearness_of_plague_and_passover